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"insane" guitar solos...

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So you take that as a ticket to act like the very people you rail against? It's also pretty obvious that you are the Champion of Nu Metal, which is why you always seem to be alone in your defense of Nu Metal. And, the guys you called generic weren't generic when they came out. They either defined the Genre or revived the Genre (genre being the root of the word generic). SRV didn't sound like anyone else until Kenny Wayne Sheppard and Johnny Lang started ripping him off. EC didn't sound like anyone else when he co-founded Cream. And trust me, when these guys came out their fans caught plenty of guff from those that refused to accept their talents.


I know it seems like SRV has always had legions of rabid fans stealing his licks, but when he was alive I was the ONLY GUY in my school, (or in the whole town for that matter) that had even heard of him let alone listened to him. If you didn't listen to Metal or New Wave you just weren't cool. I took the Less Than Cool Road and happily defended SRV and the Blues for years before he died. Seems like it's Screamo's turn to survive the naysaying, but don't expect it to get more acceptance than Clapton, Hendrix, or Vaughan until they've survived a few generations.


What gives you the impression that I have any interest in Nu Metal or Screamo? I've never posted either of those styles.


Eric Clapton and SRV both made their careers off of the backs of Albert King, Freddie King and Hubert Sumlin. They didn't invent anything new, just genericized something old.

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What gives you the impression that I have any interest in Nu Metal or Screamo? I've never posted either of those styles.


Eric Clapton and SRV both made their careers off of the backs of Albert King, Freddie King and Hubert Sumlin. They didn't invent anything new, just genericized something old.

Oh, I didn't realize Albert King, Freddie King and Hubert Sumlin were in a Jazz based Blues Rock band that defined Rock and Roll in the 60's and 70's. You'll have to find me that record, it must really be something. And yes, SRV did stand on the shoulder of giants and brought Blues back during a time when the populous was saying, "Blues is Dead". And no one was using modern guitar tones for Blues except ZZ Top who were doing it in a different direction.


And you'll have to explain the difference between Death Metal, Nu Metal, Screamo, Dark Metal, and Grind Core again, cause it all sounds kinda the same. Or Generic, as they say.

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Ah genre wars...


Nu Metal = Korn, Limp Bizkit etc...i don't have examples of the other sub-genres you mentioned though. But really, they are all quite different.


But...****, if you don't listen to any type of metal, I can see how it could sound similar on a casual listen. I've never been into SRV or a lot of the "guitar gods" that are mentioned around here all the time...i don't hate em...and i don't give anyone grief for liking them, but as I always say....my ears don't dig what they do. Period...ain't no one gonna change my mind. Therefore, I know that I aint gonna change anyone else's mind about the stuff I do like.


I post stuff...and it either gets listened to, or it doesn't. Past that, it doesn't concern me much. I don't have time for people who whine about how this band sucks, or this genre sucks etc. I wish more people would just like what they like...and leave alone what they don't.


XDemonknight and FM, I enjoy your posts often, but you are both guilty of this....and you both listen to music in VERY different ways. Y'all got to accept it and move on. I'm all for discussion but there's no need to get lippy aboot it. We're all pickers here...at least we all claim to be lol!


Love you guys!

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There's a difference between disliking something and denying something. I can't help but challenge denial. "I hate SRV" is one thing, and I won't argue that. But to deny that he brought Blues back from the brink in the "Bluesless 80's" must be challenged. Saying Clapton only ripped off Freddie King and Albert King is denial and must be challenged. Basically, I feel to deny the reasons they have become Guitar Gods deserves debate. Me saying that vocal style isn't enough to change a genre may be denial, so challenge it.


The over-categorization of Metal or Blues or Jazz or whatever needs a little challenging, too. And I believe (belief being an important part of any art) that pickers should be able to look beyond genre. Leave Genre's for the listeners and music stores.


I know I come off as argumentative, but that's because I'm passionate about Music. All Music.


You wouldn't believe it, but I was in a Grind Core band when I was 19. Didn't make it out of the living room because the bass player broke my bass and didn't have one of his own. But anyway, 20 years ago I was playing chromatic riffs with a "Double Bass Happy" drummer and a thumping bass player that sang like Sweetums. Back Then I thought metal had too many sub-genres, 20 years later every little tweak of the tone knob gets you a sub genre [confused]:rolleyes: It's cool, but it deserves a little debate.


And, I know I'm going on and on, but I know the differences in the Sub Genres and they cannot be explained musically, that's why I ask if anyone can define them. If there is little to no sonic difference, does it really deserve a sub genre? That's my gripe.

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I gotcha...and understand. I can't speak to what XDemonknight said except to say that everyone has influences and hopefully the music that they make doesn't sounds exactly like their influences. As musicians, we expect people to find their own sound.


As far as your over-categorization comment goes, I agree with you to a point. There's a lot of sub-genre's of metal that I can't quite figure out. Though I don't believe you need to be able to explain/define what the differences are in words. Music is not about words to me. If you can hear the difference, then there is one, whether it can be put into words or not.


That said, if we avoided sub-genre's completely, you'd have Iron Maiden in the same category as Korn in the same category as Emperor and that don't make no sense.


I'm sure there is someone out there who COULD put it all into words and help us all understand...that person however, is not me. :)


Here's a Wiki link to someone/some people who tried to explain them all:



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Actually you hit the point I was trying to get at. If you can't hear the difference it's not different. Putting it into "words" was a bad way to put it, [blush]


It's not just Metal, Blues does the same thing. The difference between Piedmont and Delta Blues is a little bit of finger picking. The difference in Chicago Blues is a big sonic difference.


And, I'm not at all down on People that like Death Metal. I'm down on the Vocals because I find them a little too humorous for music that takes itself so seriously, and I'm down on all the sub genres because it seems like they're a byproduct of all that seriousness.


Of course you're right about needing sub genres, Maiden and Priest are too different from Napalm Death and Amon Amarth to put in the same bin. But when people get too into a sun genre in can be detrimental to the very music they hold dear. I'll use Melodic Metal and Death Metal as an example because I can actually hear a difference in those two. If a Death Metal band writes a Melodic Metal song on their 3rd album and it pisses off their fans they're done. They betrayed the fans to a different genre. Not just that they wrote a song or album that they didn't care for, they played the wrong kind of music!


Happened with Heart. They did an Album that was decidedly 80's Hard Rock instead of the 70's hard rock that the fans were used to. The old fans turned on them and to this day people think Heart sold out in the 80's. Truth is they just did a bit of a departure from their norm, but the live shows were still full of the Heart everyone loved in the 70's, and the 80's tunes fit nicely into the set, making them one of the most timeless bands I've ever seen live. But because they made an album that crossed genres they lost a lot of their fans during the 80's.


Genres, which are just supposed to make it easy to shop for records, end up pigeonholing the artist and distract the listener. Eventually they lead to stagnation, like Blues in the late 60's and 70's and Jazz today. So many Jazz guitarists only play Gypsy Jazz or will not play Bebop, or Fusion isn't real Jazz. Metal seems to be heading down that same road.

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No so much, just making a point. You have to develop a taste for screaming, I never did, didn't like it when Yoko did it..because it was just hype..I get it, people will buy anything if they think it's cool and nothing if cooler when your young then music parents hate....you'll find out...nobody is cool forever.

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jaxson50...you so silly.


Your point didn't make any sense. I never had to develop a taste for screaming vocals. It made sense to me from the beginning. YOU had to develop a taste for it...like you said...it never happened, and that's ok. Again, you subscribe to the "only what I think makes sense" school of musical thought. There are many of thousands of people that disagree with you...that doesn't make them any more right than you are, but their opinion counts to me.

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No so much, just making a point. You have to develop a taste for screaming, I never did, didn't like it when Yoko did it..because it was just hype..I get it, people will buy anything if they think it's cool and nothing if cooler when your young then music parents hate....you'll find out...nobody is cool forever.


No, it's not just hype for death metal. Death metal has never been a "big" or "mainstream" genre--because people need to have very specific sensibilities in order to enjoy it, and growling vocals do not go over well with most people. In college I don't know anyone except for one person besides me who even likes death metal, and I go to a very small school. I like the music because I like it, not because my parents hate it. As a matter of fact, I played a Morbid Angel song for my mother and after that she asked me for the rest of my death metal collection, so she could listen to it while she works out. Yes, my mother is awesome, and open-minded. My mother's interest in my music has actually made my love of death metal more fruitful and interesting, because I have someone to talk about it with.

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No, it's not just hype for death metal. Death metal has never been a "big" or "mainstream" genre--because people need to have very specific sensibilities in order to enjoy it, and growling vocals do not go over well with most people. In college I don't know anyone except for one person besides me who even likes death metal, and I go to a very small school. I like the music because I like it, not because my parents hate it. As a matter of fact, I played a Morbid Angel song for my mother and after that she asked me for the rest of my death metal collection, so she could listen to it while she works out. Yes, my mother is awesome, and open-minded. My mother's interest in my music has actually made my love of death metal more fruitful and interesting, because I have someone to talk about it with.

You need t come out this way. EVERY original band that does the opening slot thing has a Screamer or Growler and the same Line Six amp set to Metallica. One reason I'm kinda down on it, enough already do something Original in your Original band (directed at the bands around here, not you). What seems exotic to you is done to Death (pun intended) around here.


In fact if you try to have an original band around here that sounds even remotely like the Classic-type Rock that Canada is pumping out your instantly tagged as old. Which cracks me up because Death Metal is older than Grunge and Grunge is considered Old [confused] . People perceptions drive me nuts.

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