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OK, who wants to quit bass with me now...


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Great! Child prodigies have always been around. They are, often, quite amazing.

But, it's certainly nothing new. And, as much as I know my own limitations, it doesn't

mean I want, or should quit playing. I just enjoy what I can do, and enjoy what those

kids, and other's do, better. The hardest thing, is to maintain the "drive" needed, to

encourage, or sustain that kind of talent, if/when there's no encouragement, or outlet

for it. He clearly has both! So, Good on him! [thumbup][thumbup][thumbup]



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What I like is the taste the kid plays with. I've seen lots of kids with chops, but they want to play every note they know in every song. This kid actually knows when to lay back. Musicial maturity at this age is even more uncommon.


He's a FREAK!!! [thumbup] [thumbup]

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