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Rollin' Home

Buc McMaster

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Gettin' old like I am, I look back fondly on the time I spent lying on the floor in front of the speaker cabinet listening to records Dad would play on Sunday afternoons. It was a hi-fi system he order from Heathkit and put together with a, as I remember it, rather large speaker cabinet with but one speaker in it.......no such thing as "stereo" back in the late 50s..........perhaps they were just working on it then. Anyway, one of my favorite musical memories is of an album of old sailor songs, shanties and the like, by the Norman Luboff Choir. This is one of the songs they did, with proper orchestration, of course, and several levels of male harmony voices. I was beautiful and I cannot hope to do it justice, but this one is for Dad. Thank you so much, sir, for all you did for me................



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Thanks folks! I must say I kind of rushed this one to video. This is the first time I've played my guitar for more than five minutes in several months, and I surely haven't been singing at all lately. I found the old song again last Friday on a CD copy of the Luboff album, listened to it a few times and sat down with the camera. Nearly blew the D chord at the end....... Geez. I need to practise so more.....

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