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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. That does not look right on an Explorer. I hope you want to go to something different. Just buy new tuners and save yourself the headache.
  2. He played dress up as a kid. Elton gay, no.
  3. The Brits sure do love dressing up as chicks. I guess we do over in the USA too.
  4. Paul Reubens of Pee Wee's Playhouse passed two days ago.
  5. I'm taking my Lear-jet to go buy 5 - 1959 in pristine condition, Les Paul's, found under an old ladies bed that were only breathed on by Cherub's. Oh, she only wants $100 total. Did you see someone in the Middle East offered Jim Irsay over a billion for his entire collection of guitars? 1.15 billion I think.
  6. Yep. https://www.food.com/recipe/bernices-bat-wings-with-swamp-dip-260626
  7. Year Of The Cat is out for delivery. My cousin sent me a vinyl LP of Strands Of Oaks - In Heaven, on see through pink vinyl. Ordered Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky on blue ray in 5.1 and its got a HD mix of the album too. I also ordered Renaissance - Novella, deluxe edition with 2 extra cd's of a full concert from '77 with a orchestra backing them up.
  8. I went to St. Kitts once. I lived in Puerto Rico for 2 years, and went to so many of the Island in the Caribbean I lost count.
  9. I used to eat conch fritters any where I could get them. Mostly in Key West when I went there to fix boats. What Island were or are you on?
  10. I watched a short 45 min doc about the electric guitar yesterday. PRS was in it and G E Smith. We were discussing pots in another thread and Sheepdog1969 wanted to know how it all worked. They briefly went over how a pickup works.
  11. I probably had a hot dog and mac n cheese. You lived like a king.
  12. Would you like them in a house? Would you like them with a mouse? Lord know what meat on a stick I ate when I was drunk, in the Philippines, off a street vender, when I was a sailor? I do remember, but not eating them, was the grilled chicken feet. They called them Adidas. That's funny.
  13. Tainted Vampire Bat McNuggets, now grilled bats on a stick. Has the world not learned. Do we want to live 2020 all over again? What sauce goes with a charred bat wing?
  14. BBQ- ing burgers tonight. I have no HP sauce. Maybe I’ll put a splash of Worcestershire on them before grilling. What do you guys in the UK call BBQ-ing? You have cool words for stuff.
  15. Makes total sense. A serial number is just a number. If it is consecutive it may mean something, or not and it looks like we just found any guitar made the same day stamped one away can be a different model.
  16. Here is the thing about Gibson, we all know historically they keep awful records of what they make. Who at Gibson is still there from the 1991-2? 1, 2 , 3 maybe 0 employees? Didn't Ren move on to Guild years ago and now is making stuff under his own name? Is he supposed to remember a batch of labels he signed over 30 years ago. Remember what you had for dinner 30 years ago?
  17. Finished the Joe Strummer doc. Him and The Clash turned into exactly what they rallied against, big rock stars like the Stones (well not as big, but pretty big). Remember when The Clash were "The Only Band That Mattered". It seemed that once he left the 101'er he put up a front and had his Punk persona on at all times. One guy in the doc who knew him even called him a bit of a fraud. After the Clash he was lost and didn't know what to do. His post Clash stuff never interested me and Combat rock was awful and Cut The Crap was awfuller.
  18. $70 for a ticket, and a two hour drive on a Wednsday night. Hmmmmm.
  19. Nope there is 4. The touring, we will cash in on our name and charge you lots to see a tribute band. Joe is getting paid, and falls right in line with the Henley machine, and if he wanted to punch Don he could have done so since 1976. I just looked and Felder is coming to Charleston, SC on August 16th. I many need to look into tix.
  20. I can get it in the store for about $14.99 lb. Before the world when mask crazy it was about $10.99 lb.
  21. I wouldn't eat that stuff with your mouth and Surfpup chewing. The is another thing around here called Livermush, that's a no too/
  22. I was born in Jersey, but didn’t grow up there, but I grew up loving and eating this. Spam is good, this is 100x better. I can get it in a grocery store called Lowe’s in SC. I have a 1lb frozen one in the freezer. https://a.co/d/4oqOvjw
  23. Just looked. You still can. https://onolicioushawaii.com/mcdonalds-hawaii-special-menu/
  24. In Hawaii you can get Spam in McDonalds. At least you could the last time I was there.
  25. No no and no. Little bitter cabbages are not even fit for rabbits.
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