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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I only saw one in a GC ages ago. They were the ones with a globe on the headstock, right?
  2. If they make these the won’t be cheap. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/gibson-president-cesar-gueikian-teases-172831973.html
  3. Nice. I wish I was model material. So your mom was a model? Pilots get all the women. Look at Maverick.
  4. Army guys getting married to Koreans? What? Next your gonna tell me Navy guys marry Philipina’s. When have I ever been sarcastic?
  5. Oh I’ve been to S. Korea and had real Bulgogi. I’m sure McD’s on a burger is so close to tasting authentic.
  6. McBurgundy, what vintage is it? Last Tuesday.
  7. Better buy a the gas guzzling fuel propelled vehicle by 2034. The homeless don't need to gas powered cars anyway. By 2035 that is going to be the majority of people in Cali anyway.
  8. You can get LED bulbs in all different flavors and colors too. Soft White, Cool White, Daylight, even Super Daylight. The Gucci ones you can program and yell at Alexa to change colors.
  9. It's just like it with out the tanginess. It's gooey too.
  10. I grew up in SJ and didn't start seeing The Dead (never would I go see Dead And Co.) until '95. Living in California they came to me. And they lived there. Saw them in Mountain View, Oakland, SF, Sacto, Irvine, and once in Chicago when I was a squid.
  11. In the USA on August 1st we will not be allowed to by incandescent light bulbs any more. Not sure if they are going to sell of what is on the shelf or not. I have had new LED bulbs fail, but they are supposed to last a long time and reduce energy cost. Now some LED's do not like dimmer circuits. And most packs say they work with dimmers if they are designed to.
  12. Tommy was so cool. I got his autograph. Told him I saw him with Styx on the Paradise Theater Tour and said I saw him open for Rush. And he said the Hold Your Fire Tour. I said Yep. He talked to me and my friend for about 30 mins and walked around and told us which guitars where way overpriced. It happened to me most of them, shocker. He was there getting a few guitars. He took about 5 home and was bringing back the ones he didn't want and paying for the ones he did.
  13. Here’s more yumminess from Mickey D’s around the world. https://www.lovefood.com/galleries/amp/60910/special-mcdonalds-menu-items-from-around-the-world Anyone for the McVegan or Bulgogi Burger? Oh of course Poutine in Canada.
  14. Watching a doc on Sam Cooke.
  15. Hey dude it the overalls, its 2023, shirts were invented ages ago.
  16. Why? Traveling is fun. Are you in the state pen?
  17. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
  18. I'm the one that doesn't look like Tommy Shaw. Pretty Brad Pitt-ish huh? I even lost a bunch of weight since then too. Oh I'm not the guy at the register either.
  19. What if I identify as 2 people, that's allowed now.
  20. I guess to the guys and girls in the UK, I'm a foreigners too. I just want to belong.
  21. I would send an email with a picture to the company that engraves TRC's, they should be able to let you know if they can accommodate.
  22. Many here have done it and loved the results. There will be a wait time to get it and it will not be cheap.
  23. How much is there left to do with an acoustic or electric that hasn't been done? Well there is this for when you have a gig and need to rob a liquor store on the way there.
  24. Sparkey I never had sex with your cousin either. I never had grits till I was in Navy bootbamp in San Diego of all places. Its the south just Southern California. Shrimp and grits are killer. When I make mine I boil the shrimp in beer (I do not use the blue cans), and put in scallions, bacon crumbles (not those things you shake out of a glass container that go on salad) and mix in some grated cheese. GRITS is also an acronym for Girls Raised In The South. Now who says I "give foreigners half a$$ed information"? And for those who don't know what grits are, its like white mushy loose polenta. Man I need make polenta, haven't in ages.
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