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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. That’s cause we don’t have Jim Irsay money. That one guy bought a Guild then returned it and then bought a Gretsch . How long will that last?
  2. Yep me too. Hot as all get out but . . . Play guitar . . . No
  3. So we can’t trust the internet? I hope I haven’t been looking at fake porn.
  4. Seriously who here has she inspired to play? Joke of a joke wrapped in joke sandwich. You? Doubt it.
  5. We elect officials to be our voice, but it’s really their voice. They are rich and you are not. Boo f- in hoo. We lose , they win. Way it goes.
  6. Didn’t guitar players play through this one certain Fender bass amp? So rules don’t apply.
  7. Fake beat to hell is the new Brian Jones FB VII, or maybe a Johnny Winter. Come on Cesar give the forum what they want. These are the guys that buy them. Slash gets em for free.
  8. I have no clue what Taylor does or did.
  9. Consecutive serial numbers was just to easy for Gibson. They like doing things the hard way. 1 then 2 then 3. No no no we need a system we change every 2 months to keep the consumer on their toes.
  10. Just use ketchup. Here is what that stuff is. I want it no where near my hot toast: Gentleman's Relish is essentially potted anchovies that are heavily spiced – it also goes by another name Patum Peperium which is Latin for 'pepper paste', and it should only be used “very sparingly”.
  11. Just read this: More than 100 full-time workers are employed at the Bozeman factory, which originally opened its doors in 1989. Since then the facility has been the site of acoustic and acoustic-electric guitar manufacturing exclusively.
  12. A 2019 acoustic most certainly was made in Montana.
  13. I typed in the serial numbers to a serial number searcher, and it said they were both 2019 guitars but made in Nashville. Acoustics have been made in Montana for ages now. Here is what one showed me: Year: 2019 Date: Tuesday, March 13 Location: Nashville, TN Info: The instrument production no. is 066
  14. I can't watch the video. Not sure if its due to being on a work computer?
  15. Charvel started the company and then a few years later Jackson came on the scene. Can't remember those guy first names even though they said it a lot in the doc. They talked to several workers who were there in the heyday, and lots of guitarist and bassists. A few people I never heard of. Once they opened a plant in Canada and started making them over seas they guys that worked there said the quality went down hill. The guy from Def Leppard had a signature one. The doc was okay. They did slag on Gibson and Fender when C and J was in the heyday taking about the poor quality at the time of F and G. Their words not mine. I think after Charvel left the company they said he went to work for Washburn and then Rickenbacker.
  16. If mixed with a bit of mustard it should work. Chicken McNuggets, what are you 3 years old?
  17. So what is it? In the USA relish is usually put on hotdogs, and is chopped up dill or sweet pickles. I would not think chopped up pickles would be delicious on hot toast.
  18. A young musician called Jimmy Page was a session player with the John Barry Orchestra and played on Goldfinger. He recalled in an interview with GQ: “The full orchestra sounded absolutely amazing, but then Shirley Bassey arrived.
  19. I think you should buy both of them. I sometimes doubt my strings are real D’addario’s.
  20. I have a Japanese cd of Pink, Mobile Fidelity SACD of the brown second one, and my original vinyl of Stage Freight. And the DVD of Waltz. Never got into it or liked Basement Tapes.
  21. They just have those big cooking pans that makes it look like they prepared it.
  22. That’s how they do it at Chinese restaurants.
  23. I want the one Brian Jones played. Wait those are electric.
  24. replica aka fake aka not a real one aka . . . I'm all out. I wonder if that's a fake Bigsby?
  25. That's just the way it is. I'm sure my parents did not considered the groups and people I listened to, to be legends.
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