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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I remember a friend playing the song This Is What You Want This Is What You Get in the mid-80. And wondering why he liked it. Lots of band don't fit it. The Residents, Frank Zappa, and Rush as big as they were never really fit anywhere, yet they have/had super loyal fans. If there is a band out there, chances are it clicks with someone.
  2. John is a right pain is the a-ss. He insisted and was addiment that PIL is not a band but a company. Yet throughout the doc he keeps saying the word band instead of company. I don't like their music or see their appeal. It just grates on you. A couple things off Metal Box/Second Edition are not to bad. I think one of my farts sound better than his, and I will use this term loosely, singing.
  3. Yes, rct loves his Cristal. He must have Puff Daddy money. Welcome back. I like just boring old Gulden's Spicy Mustard.
  4. I thought Q was that older lady now that did a lot of British TV? No offence to old ladies.
  5. This happens all the time. Someone comes in asks a question and gone like the wind. The OP made one post. Here is the best answer he is gonna get call 1-800- Gibson. Ask them they built it. See how helpful I am.
  6. Just started The Public Image Us Rotten.
  7. Man I want to go to the UK and see all of it.
  8. It's a Jazzmaster. Jag's are supposed to have 2 Strat like pups with claws that stick out by the side of the pup. I'm not sure if Jag's have the thumb wheel pots? That JM was a pain to wire.
  9. I don't think professors at university's who have to read plagiarized term papers think so.
  10. It could go either way. And he did say the full orchestra sounded absolutely amazing . . . and then the rest of his comment.
  11. Gibson never does anything wrong. What are you implying?
  12. Its hard to say what Jimmy means. It was cool with her singing. I'm going with better? Mr. Page if your out there please expand on this.
  13. This is the 7th one they did apparently. Maybe they let the new guy have carte blanche on the stamping machine and he confused the fretboard with the headstock. Or Gibson was trying out some variation of their ever evolving serial number system. Can you post a pic so we can see it?
  14. I was stationed in Petaluma when in the USCG, and while there I found out they are made in that little town, famous for chicken farms and an arm wrestler.
  15. I wish I was in the studio with a chick playing with her shirt off. Why would Todd object?
  16. After I finished the one on Brian Jones. I watched one of those classic album ones about Don McLean - American Pie. I was hesitant cause I knew I was gonna have to hear that song and I can't take it any more. Vincent and Empty Chair are great songs. I gotta get that album. I never owned it. I'll just skip A P when I listen to it. When he talked it was refreshing to hear someone actually critique his work and be real about it. He points out when he messes up not the line, but how he sang it. And called one or two songs weak.
  17. I watched Fanny a few weeks back. Those chicks just couldn't catch a break.
  18. Is that the title? I'll have to see if I can find it on TV in the states. This is what you want - this is what you get.
  19. I love vinyl too, but they keep skipping every time I hit a bump on a cross country road trip. I still buy CD's, and vinyl and when I go to sleep I use my ipod with a portable speaker next to the bed. I'm in the use what the situation demands school. I can take my ipod on a road trip and play what I want to hear and never need to be at the mercy of what is on the radio or in area with no signal. I had XM or a while, but I only found myself listening to The Grateful Dead station.
  20. I didn't see any loose change in the bridge in any of those. I bought every part and built this when I did play electrics. This too. The body and neck are Warmoth. The one above is all Fender.
  21. I’ll see if I’ve seen it.
  22. Well what model is the parlor guitar of upright pianos?
  23. I have Am. Prime. I’ll check it out. Is it a biopic or documentary?
  24. I think it means it’s always going to be there for you to get the job done.
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