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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. One man’s AAA is another man’s 0000. You like the top or you don’t. Pay more for it if you need to.
  2. I learned to make my own dough. It took a while to get it right. But once I did, I’d rather eat pizza I make than pay for it.
  3. Ok review #1. Just recently bought 5 clamshell box sets of a forgotten about band called Renaissance. I got Turn Of The Cards 3CDs/1 DVD, Songs Of The Scheherazade And Other Stories 3CDs/1 DVD, Live At Carnegie Hall 2 CDs, Novella 3 CDs, and A Song For All Seasons 3 CDs. Every one has a full live concert included of that albums tour. All are on the Esoteric label and really well done. The ones with DVDs are in 5.1 SS and also have a high resolution mix of the original album. Annie Haslam is an amazing singer and has a 5 octave range. The music is Prog mixed in the elements of symphonic music. You will either love them or hate them. I got introduced to them in ‘79 and it took me a while to get them. Novella in my opinion is the weakest of all those albums, but still no that bad. A few of the concerts have full orchestras backing them up. Turn Of The Cards was $33 on Amazon, and I would start there if you are going to buy one. It’s a fan favorite, and probably mine too. I have it on vinyl too. Each album has extra songs as many reissues today have. If you never heard them and like Prog you will probably dig them. Annie had one solo album she did that I need to get. I just listened to the Carnegie Hall one this week.
  4. Sure but try going to a Roger Water or D-ouche Springsteen concert. It’s basically a political rally and some music is played. Protest songs stopped being written in the early 70’s. Bob even gave up on them and I’m sure he hated being labeled the protest song guy.
  5. I look at the work they do. If they act like turds in public, and through tantrums cause their big stars it just makes it easier to dislike them. I want musicians to do their job. Not campaign for politicians. Leave your religion, sex, gender and politics at home. Your musicians, so okay play live and record music. That’s your job.
  6. I don’t think my view on what I like are gonna change anyone’s opinion. If someone already likes Taylor Swift my honest opinion won’t sway them one bit.
  7. One is probably tone and the other is volume I would think. If you adjust them and then do nothing, why are they there.
  8. All you need is All Things. He shot his load on that. Please tell me your not gonna get Cloud Nine. I have All Things, Material World, Bangladesh, 33 1/3, Dark Horse, and the self titled on vinyl. I received Gov’t Mule - Dark Side Of The Mule on glow in the dark vinyl the other day. Wow they killed those Floyd songs. By the way which ones the mule?
  9. Like what do you want on it? Secret compartments for picks? Its an electric guitar. It has 4 knobs, a pickguard, tuners, dot inlays, bridge, stop tail, nut, body, neck, headstock, a TRC, two pickups, a control cavity cover, and a switch. Does an SG or LP have something this guitar doesn't? They may have fancier inlays, binding on the neck or body but that it. This is the same as the other blue one, just red now.
  10. I just looked at both and Coma was good too. That is all I can remember liking. The two cover tunes are just that cover tunes. I actually never heard the first one all the way through until around 2003. I heard them so much on the radio. I was shooting pool at my friends house and he put it in. I never want to hear Jungle or Paradise City ever in my life. Sweet Child the intro is still cool, then Axl opens his yap. Does he still do the snake dance? I almost wet my pants watching this when it was origianllly on.
  11. Can't you just buy a push pull switch/pot to make it go out of phase. $25 bucks verses $250? Just a thought. Its gonna be out of phase anyway.
  12. I put in a few of Lindy's pup in guitars I had. Top shelf stuff. I've even called them and talked to him on the phone.
  13. Like The Stones Exile On Main St., Use Your Illusion should have been one album not 2 single albums. So much filler IMHO. Civil War was a killer tune. Get In The Ring was silly, stupid diatribe about Bob Guccioni Jr. Dead Horse was good to. The sappy big hit power ballad was lame. Hey look its Slash in the middle of nowhere, playing a guitar solo outside a church.
  14. If you can solder its easy. I used to rip out stock pups a week after I got a guitar, except on my B B King.
  15. I'll let you buy it and tell me how good it isn't. Did you buy the last 6 or 7 garbage albums they put out? I stopped at Tattoo You. Which is marginal. Undercover, A Bigger Bang, Bridges To Babylon, Dirty Work, Voodoo Lounge, Steel Wheels, good lord the silliness. And The very last one Blue And Lonesome the blues cover album, As Colonel Kurtz say in Apocalypse Now "The Horror". In the 60's The Beatles led and everyone else followed. The Beach Boys pretty much ruled the music scene till The Beatles came along, But 10 albums of nothing but cars, girl and surfing (which only Dennis did) was getting old. What they (The Beatles) did everyone tried to do six months after they heard the newest album. Its just how it was. The Stones did it too. Oh The Beatles did a crazy psychedelic album, well we should take a lot of LSD and do that too, but they couldn't. They were a blues cover band. The best thing that band had was Brian , who was a mess when they sacked him.
  16. It’s been in the high 80’s to low 90’s all summer here in Little River, SC. Plus we got more moronic Trumpers in golf carts than Florida. Love it here. And no legal weed. F this place.
  17. Don’t count on it being a hit. Some Girls will make it look silly. Of that I’m sure.
  18. Never cared for anything before Beggars. Just them covering blues songs. Boring. And Satanic Majesty is an LSD fueled mess. Oh the Beatles can do it, we can to. Nope, not even close.
  19. Beggars, Let It Bleed and Sticky Fingers is all you need. I do like Some Girls too.
  20. As I’ve been told before you better watch where you’re at, this is a Gibson forum.
  21. Believe it or not the front loaders are harder to undo. But more gratifiying, cause bam, there they are.
  22. Even marriages amongst people who are not famous go south. Put pressure of touring, coming up with the next #1 smash hit, being away from your spouse, temptations of the road, and its bound to fail. I've heard both of their stuff and don't own any, so there is how much I care about either one of them.
  23. I didn't buy any. I saw Blake open for George Strait when Blake was a nobody. He didn't impress me one bit.
  24. If she identifies as a straight women, then just one, me to take it off. I even have the single hand bra unhook method down too.
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