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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. He was on some great Kinks records. He was with them from Lola Versus Powerman to Misfits. I love that era of The Kinks. The Kinks were dwarfed by The Beatles and Stones. They deserve more recognition than they got. One reason to was either Dave or their manager got into a fight on the ‘65 Tour with a union worker, and the Kinks didn’t tour the US again until 1970. I think they were banned. Saw them twice but never with John in the band. RIP
  2. A baseball bat can fix that. Not the hole, but the cable guys head.
  3. Fluorescent lights are the Devil. As an electrician I hate them.
  4. I would have gotten the wooden spoon across my buttocks a few seconds after that remark.
  5. Sadly August 9th in ‘95 Jerry passed away. The kicker was he was in rehab. I remember coming home from work and turning on the TV and they were talking about him. I knew without hearing one word he was gone.
  6. Hey that’s the title of a Beatles song.
  7. You can survive few weeks without food depending on how fat you are, water maybe 4 or 5.
  8. I can’t stand Garth, Taylor Swift, and Jimmy Buffett, so just more Dead for us that do. Oh, and Phish is right out too. Go get a job stinky fake hippy.
  9. Yeah it’s like getting a suit. I usually insist the guys measures my inseam a few times, usually with nothing on but my mesh thong.
  10. I’ve swam in the ocean and swallowed a gulp or two and even I know it’s not for drinking, and I don’t have gills.
  11. My mother always told me “close the door were you raised in a barn?”. So I guess I was raised in a barn.
  12. Yep my 2 kids were just like my belt, or my wife’s purse, and necklaces an accessory to feed and yell at.
  13. Look at the listing. The guy has the TRC on upside down.
  14. I changed every light out in the house to LED’s a year or so ago. The only light in the house that is not is the fluorescent fixture in the garage. When it dies I’m gonna get an LED replacement for it and bypass the ballast.
  15. The original Maverick. Yep she is easy on the eyes.
  16. Just 2. Me to do the task, and one guy drinking a beer telling me I’m doing it wrong.
  17. There’s this: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/drinksw.html#
  18. I wore out their old albums like Virgin Killer, In Trance and Taken By Force. Robot Man https://youtu.be/JgJSd004z5c
  19. I was in the Navy and CG and all the ship I was on the rudders were underwater. That’s what turns the ship for all you landlubbers.
  20. I only saw one in a GC ages ago. They were the ones with a globe on the headstock, right?
  21. If they make these the won’t be cheap. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/gibson-president-cesar-gueikian-teases-172831973.html
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