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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Claims to have bought 2 old guitars, no pics no proof. I look like Brad Pitt, have Bill Gates bank account, date Jennifer Aniston, and I’m endowed like Ron Jeremy. Pictures at 11.
  2. Suspicious Minds is my favorite Elvis song.
  3. Been a long time coming. My wife is some weirdo I don’t even know anymore.
  4. It sad he has been diagnosed with that, but he turned his brain to mush long before 2020 with all the chemicals and booze he force fed his body. He was so messed up even tried to kill Sharon once.
  5. Bats-A-Roni is the Indonesian Wet Market treat. Taste like CV-19.
  6. Its hard to judge how good a guitar sounds with what looked like stings as old as the guitar. But then again a $5 pack of strings sets GC back $5.
  7. I played it for a few minuets and felt like I needed a tetanus shot afterwords. It was a little beat up too.
  8. My job is just that, a job. I do maintenance at a music theater. Since I work 8 - 2 and most of the employees don't start till 3 or so and leave around 11 when the show is over and all the money stuff and cleaning up gets done, its one of the few nice things. And I have money for guitar strings. I am really a maintenance electrician not working in my field.
  9. I am more than likely going to. How us men get roped into marriage is beyond me. Oh wait at the beginning we get sex then after the I do, we don't.
  10. Foreigners does not sound like a term of endearment.
  11. I work to get away from my wife. I could also care less about my co-workers or what they think of me. I do what is asked of me and no more or less. The thing about my job that is good, is I see my boss maybe a total of 15 mins a week.
  12. So good and so bad for you. Yes I live in The South, but I do not, I repeat no do not identify as a Southerner.
  13. Now its 3 clicks of a mouse, and we can play with the sock puppet in the privacy of our own home.
  14. Me too, then the tourist go home.
  15. Same with Elvis, was he really rock and roll after he came back form the Army. Yet he has the title of the King of it.
  16. I had to rock Skull & Roses aka The Grateful Dead. They wanted to call it Skull F&$£, but the label wasn’t having any of it.
  17. To Weed. Now he’s the dumb Corona guy with the un-funny ex-SNL guy and goofy Eli Manning.
  18. I rocked Workingman’s Dead earlier. One of their best. Wake Of The Flood is 50 years old this year, another great one. Probably my #2.
  19. What about salsa, which means sauce. Ever cook a sunny side up egg in salsa verde? Muy Bueno.
  20. How about Lumpia with banana ketchup. I used to tear up lumpia when I pulled into the Phillippines.
  21. It’s would have been Jerry’s 81st birthday. Get out your Dead and rock.
  22. Didn’t that moron snort live ants and urine? No wonder he can’t put intelligent 2 syllables together. Sharoooooon where’s my nappy.
  23. Do you have Dave’s old Strat? I’m sure there’s a reason they contacted him and not you.
  24. No we have gravy. Made from drippings off the turkey or chicken and thickened with a bit of flour.
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