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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I would watch YT videos or get a book on how electricity works. It’s not gonna be easy to explain, and I have not idea how much or little electrical theory you know.
  2. Resistance is measured in Ohms. Inductance is measured in Henry’s. But you can also ohm out a coil, which is what the pickup is. When you pluck a string you disturb the magnetic field and it gets induced into the pickup and makes it’s way to your amp. The more resistance the less current flows and the opposite it also true. Less resistance then more current can flow. I spent ages going to schools and working with electricity. I still learn to this day. My strength is as a troubleshooter. Basically I diagnose and fix electrical stuff that breaks. But to do that you have to know how it behaves. I’ve spend minutes to days trying to fix things depending on the complexity.
  3. Is that why the neck pickup is not as bright. Good call Rudi.
  4. They had to put it somewhere. They originally tried the back of the guitar but there wasn't an amp with enough watts to amplify it.
  5. My trick is I purposely spell stuff wrong if I don't know how and let spell check correct it. Its why I only have a Liberal Arts degree.
  6. The Guild I had was an '81 I think. Haven't seen a new USA one in ages. The foreign ones I have, and they look and sound cheap.
  7. I do it. My wife scoffed at me. Had a bite, now she does it. Women. I usually just put a little bit on the side, not all over it, so I can just dip a fork full as needed. I loved fresh cracked peppercorns on Mac N Cheese too. Makes it fancy. I put ketchup on hot dogs too. Now my wife does it to. She told me not to tell her brothers she does it. I ratted her out. Women, again. I know I'm a 5 year old. I do mustard, kraut, relish too. Now this is nasty and my 5 year old self did it and I would never do it now - Mayo. I loved it as a kid on dogs.
  8. I smelled them at every Dead show I went to. I loath the smell of patchouli oil.
  9. Get on the Let's Talk Guild forum and guess what your answer would be? You have a D-35, not that a D-28 is a step down, but the main difference between the two are the bracing thicknesses. 28 has 5/8ths and 35 has 1/4. Yes the 35 has the 3 piece back, and neck binding, but do those contribute to tone? Seems the 35 top should vibrate more with thinner bracing.
  10. Do you know how many stinky patchouli smelling hippies could use that for housing?
  11. That is some rich Dead Head's mansion. They had to sell a lot of tie dyed t-shirts to afford that.
  12. I certainly hope you don't have first hand knowledge?
  13. I do think Doves and HB's are sharp looking guitars. I am not a fan of the P/G. I just like a boring old black one. I just don't like to looks of slopes.
  14. I had a Waverly built Guild JF-30. That thing could stop a charging Rhino in its track if smacked in the horn. Built like a tank. Heavy has hell. Maple neck, back and sides. I didn't dig the maple tone. I like Hog and RW. It played great and had killer action.
  15. There is, but like any one of them they want a cut of your cake. Reverb was great for a while till they got bought out by Etsy. They fees went up and up and up. To me its about the same flavor, just a different brand.
  16. I listened to an entire live show of his the other day.
  17. He was 77. It was mentioned in the Eagles last tour thread yesterday. I cranked Take It To The Limit last night. https://apnews.com/article/eagles-musician-randy-meisner-obit-b4f9bdabdc17f8e789262fb8023c5f7d
  18. Unless it has cheese on it. Then its Mac N Cheese.
  19. The Italians call Gravy what us 'Mericans call Pasta Sauce. Ever see Goodfellas when Ray Litotta's character is going to go pick up a bunch of Coc, and he tell that kid keep stirring the gravy.
  20. Damn just saw. He Took It To The Limit.
  21. A university funded study must be done to weight in.
  22. Your not gonna find a variable resistor in a passive guitar circuit. There what 10 to 15 bucks. What you think Gibson is paying for a crate of them? It’s like digital stuff in chips it’s easier to use NAND Gates and make it simulate other gates. Then the program only has to make one gate. Better Faster Cheaper. The dumb stuff I remember.
  23. I guess you would have to tap the ground off the jack’s ground. So how are are the other acoustic/ electric’s doing it then?
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