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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Lasted longer than Tower Records.
  2. Nothing spells Prog excess like ELP. Love the first one, Tarkus, Trilogy, and Brain Salad. By Love Beach where they are dressed like the Bee Gee's it was way over. He was a great player.
  3. I'm listening to MC5 - Back In The USA. It's not as rowdy as I thought it would be.
  4. When I get nail in my tire, and get a flat, it's the tire and the car manufacturers fault. It's just that simple. As Bugs Bunny said "What a maroon". The strings and the guitars fault. Best thing I've heard all year, well stupidest thing.
  5. I hear Roy Rogers was a huge Rite Of Spring fan, and Gene Autry was partial to Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
  6. I’ve went in when I was In Nashville.
  7. Mine says Shubb. There is no Shubb chord I’m aware of.
  8. A J-45, SJ-200, Hummingbird, Strat, Tele, Les Paul, or SG. Which Standard are we talking about?
  9. What about A, E & D. No songs were ever written with those 3. At least none form AC/DC. Brian was ridding the mechanical bull in the video if I recall correctly.
  10. Case closed - nothing to see here - move along.
  11. Is that show still on?
  12. He does is own thing. He gets labeled as county, but his stuff is so cool.
  13. Does he have a chain around his neck with a lock on it, and can't play bass to save his life, and is all smacked up, then it's Vicious.
  14. I've been told to leave many times. I won't give them the satisfaction.
  15. I post that and the masses will assemble outside my house with lighted torches and pitchforks.
  16. Welcome. Post it in the acoustic section. Those guys will be able to give you an estimate.
  17. Sgt. Pepper


    Type your serial into the on line looker upper thing. https://zinginstruments.com/gibson-serial-number-lookup/
  18. The Dobro player was off the hook. All of them were killer players.
  19. Grab your passport and meet us in North Myrtle Beach.
  20. It is if you identify as a Cowboy.
  21. Am thats almost like Jazz. All dark sounding.
  22. I was 11 and with my parents, I started smoking pot a few years later.
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