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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. He sang Par-Rum-Pa-Pum-Pum with Bowie. He has a great distinct voice.
  2. On one of the Gibson videos I just watched about the acoustic line, the two guys who work for Gibson said the Texans are going to be made in Bozeman.
  3. I never got to go the Keystone. I was too young . Grew up in San Hole (Jose). Then 7 days after tuning 21, I went to Navy bootcamp and then went to Japan. I have seen shows all over the Bay Area. Concord Pavilion, USB Greek Theater, The Moo Palace, and all the other big arena's. After the Navy I finally got to to to some clubs then joined the Coast Guard and when to Hawaii, Puerto Rico and now I'm sponging a retirement check in VA (where I retired from the USCG). Love that bad @ss BC Rich
  4. I've had real shine made in West Virginia. Not that commercial stuff from the store.
  5. I drank real Absinthe in Switzerland in 2007. I have been drinking it since a few years before that (the fake non wormwood stuff). We can get it with wormwood in the ABC stores in VA for the past few years. Pouring it is easy. Sugar cube, Absinthe, water, Spoon with holes ( I have a few Absinthe spoons from buying bottles of it and sometimes they come with one).
  6. Damn I want some. I'm doing sober January, but I bought a bottle of Glenmorangie in anticipation of next Saturday when its February. First off you'll pass out before you get any hallucinogenic affects from Absinthe. You need to drink about as much as it takes to get an elephant drunk before it happens. Its just an old wives tale. It ain't for wussy though. When absinthe — also known as the Green Fairy — was banned in France, Switzerland, the United States and many other countries in the early 1900s, it had become associated with illicit behavior. In fact, it was accused of turning children into criminals, encouraging loose morals and inspiring murders. That regular old alcohol received similar treatment during the Prohibition period in the United States turns out to be pretty apropos: We now know that properly manufactured absinthe — an anise-flavored, alcoholic drink — is no more dangerous than any other properly prepared liquor. What about the tales of hallucinations, Oscar Wilde and his tulips, family massacres and instant death? Not absinthe's fault, technically speaking. Absinthe does have a very high alcohol content — anywhere between 55 and 75 percent alcohol by volume, which equates to about 110 to 144 proof. It makes whiskey's standard 40 percent (80 proof) seem like child's play, which is why absinthe is supposed to be diluted. Absinthe is not a hallucinogen; rather its alcohol content and herbal flavor set it apart from other liquors.
  7. Now the bass drum will be played by a stand in.
  8. I got it. If I would have been taking a sip of a beverage at though moment my lap top screen would be covered.
  9. After Rocks I do not partake. I do like the song Draw The Line and Kings And Queens. Then for me they blow. I've tried to listen to the power ballad stuff. I really just can't do it. They are pros and have slept with some too I'm sure. Steven probably would have slept with a goat in the mid 70's if it had drugs and was willing to share. I would say I have 95% of their music in digital form from trading music with people. I was gonna see them in 2003 with Kiss, then Hurricane Isabelle came. Now I flat out refuse. Even if I was in Vegas and was handed a free ticket I probably would not go. I would rather see The Blue Man Group.
  10. He can't be a tool 24/7. Well he is full of his own self. Those guys should be dead, so maybe there is a god.
  11. His mustache was were I...Drew The Line... Other than that he's a big slice of beef cake.
  12. His second JPP I did not enjoy. The first is not bad.
  13. Music for me is not and never will be a career. I play for me, and listen, and go to shows for me. I know I am not talented enough to make the grade, and do not desire that lifestyle. Many do, I know my limits. Now that being said I am passionate about music and when I am not at work the rest of my day is usually consumed by trying to play my guitars, listening to music and going to concerts. I've met several rock stars and some seem cool, and some when asking for an autograph act like they could give a sh!t, and seem like they really don't care that you bought their music, and came to their show, and afforded them the opportunity to do what they do. Usually at that point I stop listening. Case in point Lucinda Williams. Asked her for her autograph before a show . It was me and my friend and no one else around and she refused. It was not like it was Beatlemania where we were and 1000 people were hounding her. It was 2 people. So, as far as I am concerned Lucinda and go suck it. She lost a fan and of course she does not know or care. When I stated Sepultura was brutal, I meant their music and not the actual guys in the band.
  14. Metal with all music has its good and bad (for me). 'Tallica are now a bunch of uber tools. Up to Justice they were killer, then they got lame. I'm selective about what I listen to but if I like the song or album by any band I will listen to it no matter who the artist is. If you ever watched Metalocolypse I am quoting or paraphrasing I think line from Murderface "Good rock talk". Where is my banana sticker?
  15. I know Sepultura those guys are brutal. Yeah the might Zep was not Metal at least to me. Once again Hard Rock, was as heavy as I would classify them. Hell the Beatles were considered a Pop band by many. Pepper was considered Psychedelic.
  16. Noting IMHO Aerosmith has done is metal. Hard Rock sure. Metal nope. Testament is metal. Saw them in Hawaii in 92 or 3.
  17. I really want a Dove but I am going to need to save for one. Nothing else I have is leaving or being traded.
  18. Cat Got Your Tongue? I read Stevens book. I hate that guy. Usually whenever I read a book about a rock star you find out how big a d-ouche they are. I can separate the tool from the tunes though.
  19. Just read a judge sided with Aerosmith and not Joey about playing at the Grammy's. Cause he hadn't played in a while. What a crock of s_ _ _ !
  20. I just got a new D-41 a few weeks back. It was a 2019, new with a sticker price of $3899 + tax. I couldn't pass on it either. I sold 2 guitars, and traded one in to finance it though. So out of pocket was $0. Except I am down a net of 2 guitars.
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