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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Sgt. Pepper


    You ever see Sean Connery wear an orange diaper?
  2. You over in the UK or are you in the States. I can't imagine what it would cost to ship a guitar to the US.
  3. I've played a few SW's and they are nice. I prefer the dread shaped Gibbys to the slopes. My Guild JF-30 was massive like the Gibson SJ's. Just to darn big for me to wield. Loved that maple snap though.
  4. Yeah twists are bad. Can you level those frets to get anymore clearance?
  5. We'd love to Funk a Stein. Haven't jammed Parliament in a long time. Maybe I should throw on Funkentelechy Vs The Placebo Syndrome or Mothership Connection.
  6. I did. I would leave here and go live there in a heartbeat if I could afford it. I had a blast there.
  7. OK, I did not read every post in this thread, so did you buy a guitar and and now suspect its a fake. Like I said if you suspect its a fake and bought it, and it is chances are your stuck with it. If you own the guitar post pics of the headstock serial number and other pics of the guitar and we will more that likely be able to tell you. If you got duped that's your fault, not mine. You think Gibson is gonna give you a free one if you bought a fake? Enjoy your guitar. I'm 53 and I have owed Gibson's since I was 16. I know and many on this forum know what fakes look like but we need pics. I could tell you about half a dozen or more things to look for, but pics really make it hit home. I fed you no line in my original post, and was not being a wise-@ss. What exactly would you like us to do if YOU bought a fake Gibby. All we can do look and give our best judgment.
  8. Get what you can afford. Play it before you buy if at all possible or try to have a return policy. Be patient. You should be able to find a used J-45 for 2k. What Guild and what is wrong with the neck? Almost anything can be fixed. Those things are build like tanks. I just sold a 32 year old one and it could stop a rhino charging full on if whacked it in the snoot.
  9. What exactly do you want help with? If you haven't bought it and suspect its a fake walk away and report it to Gibson's site. If you bought and suspect a fake, report it to Gibson on their site, and take it back if you can. If its fake and you own it, I'm sorry to tell you it may all be over but the crying.
  10. Did you have to squeegee the screen?
  11. Them P-Funk cats was out of their minds.
  12. I had a '57 ES-225TD. It was a student guitar, would not stay in tune and was vintage. But vintage does not mean it was playable by any standards. Sold it hope the next owner enjoyed it. I didn't.
  13. Some guitarists are rich I am certainly not one of them.
  14. Isn't is fun when you open something and it is not what you expected?
  15. Sgt. Pepper


    Is that case as big as your house?
  16. That is great. I saw them in '82. It was loud and The Clash opened and were way better that day. I was a squid for 4 years and then switched to another branch and retired an E-8. The Navy was fun but I had enough of there BS and the 2nd branch I joined life got a lot better.
  17. I grew up in the Bay Area and I'm pretty familiar with The Dead. I 'm not baggin' on the Grateful Dead, I love the Grateful Dead saw them 13 times (the real Dead not ever with John Mayer always with Jerry). Compared to The Beatles like you say that is a pittance, when they weigh in at a mere 177 million just in the States and worldwide top over 600 million. Hell I have 8 different copies of The Beatles aka The White Album, 7 different copies of Pepper and about 5 different copies of Abbey Road. I have them in all different formats. I would have 9 copies of The White Album but my friend about 30 years ago borrowed my 8 track version of it and never returned it. I listen to music any way I can. Live, CD's, Vinyl, XM radio, and it the car it is just to easy to yell at Alexa and get something played hands free while driving.
  18. Taylor and Mariah are established acts. I'm not a fan, but I'm sure those two women want for nothing and could live the rest of their lives comfortably and never sing another note.
  19. Sgt. Pepper


    Man that is b-itchen. I wanted to Part out a Thin line Tele with the F-hole. I saw EJ play his sig Strat with an F- hole last year. Winner all day long.
  20. You got a Strat? Can't be played right unless your on a Strat.
  21. I had an SG Std from the 20?? I bought used with a PC board. I ripped it out and started from scratch. So your out 4 pots and 2 caps and some wire. The jack and switch should be there.
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