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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I know A and D. I think there is another one maybe 2. She does have me beat in the breast department.
  2. They were giving the middle finger to Yes, ELP and Genesis. Who bands that could actually play their instuments.
  3. Not only scold, but stop the show, and try to embarrass me in the process.
  4. Every damn guitarist in the interviews said that Charvel was giving them free guitars. Why wasn't I given free guitars. And some of the guys were not even known yet. Its funny the guys holding guitars not made by Charvel or Jackson have tape covering the name. Um yeah that's a Fender, I'm not stupid. They even interview Punky Meadows, lead guitar player from a band called Angel. Punky Punky give me your lips to die on. I promise not to . . .
  5. Oh yeah The Clash were punk for two seconds. I saw them open for The Who, by then they were big rock stars which was what they were rebelling against. London Calling is great. Sandinista was 3 albums that should have been one. I never got into The Cramps, and I don't think Blondie is punk at all.
  6. I heard him and Fee Waybill of The Tubes are good friends and Richard was his best man.
  7. They will give any Ken in a cowboy hat and a Barbie in boots a sig model to make a buck. I have heard a song or two from her, and it ain't the country I like. She is pretty easy to look at.
  8. How long was this guys drill bit, and no I'm not referring to his wee wee.
  9. I heard his first album. It was not to bad. I did see Bad Religion three times. The last time a friends wife couldn't go, so I went instead of him eating a ticket. The other two times were in Hawaii and I would just about go see anyone back then. They were good. I do want to conquer the world and give all the idiots a brand new religion.
  10. Are you sure your on the right forum?
  11. I'm with ya. I hated it on my BB King and D-41. Supposed to look fancy, but when it tarnishes it looks like junk.
  12. I never listened to much Punk Rock. I was listening to a punk band I really like on the way into work, and it was, X - Under The Big Black Sun. I saw them twice. I used to listen to The Misfits, Fear, The Dead Kennedy's, X, The Ramones, Black Flag, and Social Distortion. The Sex Pistols were just garbage. Never Mind The Bullocks is just unlistenable to me. So who did you listen to, or go see. Or did you even like Punk Rock.
  13. At least if you do you will get what you want. Guilds are nice. There is obviously a reason I don't have the one I used to own.
  14. Yep you got it. We pay for something they give us and then take back.
  15. My brain now hurts. Remember electricity is just a theory.
  16. It was hard I typed in BB King Lucille 2 jack wiring schematic and hit enter.
  17. Watching a doc on Charvel guitars.
  18. I despise D-ouche Springsteen as well.
  19. Get it it's your $. If you can't tell neither will your adoring fans.
  20. Could be this. https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Acoustic-Guitar/ACC8T4719/Antique-Natural
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