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Everything posted by DanvillRob

  1. You know....I thought I had long ago introduced myself on here....guess not..... My name is Rob, and I live in Danville, CA, (makes my sign-on name pretty clear, eh?). Danville is in the SF Bay Area. I grew up in the SF Bay Area, and was a working musician from about 1965 'til about 1967, (not that long, now that I see it written...seems much longer back then). I got out of music totally in 1969, sold off everything before I was drafted. Started buying back 'stuff' when I got out of the Army, first acoustic was a Gibson Jubilee, (1969 or 1970). Don't play out much anymore, but will play with anyone, anytime if I can. I work in the heavy-duty vehicle manufacturing industry, (for 45 years now). I'm a dog breeder, exhibitor and conformation judge. I grow and make olive oil, and grow wine grapes, (but so far my wine sucks). Been playing a Dove since my beautiful wife bought me one back in about 1980 or so.
  2. Ya know, Dan...It adds a lot to the most simple songs, (which are about the only kind I do!).
  3. Was going to put a version of Jimmy Rodger's "Waiting For A Train" together, saw that Merle Haggard did a version, so I watched him on You Tube. While doing that, I heard him do Marty Robbins' "Devil Woman"..... so I learned them both. My version of "Devil Woman" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f6mzIuP44A&list=UUvmCHAaDl3S4WXR0LytIYHw&index=2&feature=plcp
  4. No, I didn't write the book, it was written by a guy named Bruce Tahsler, it's titled "The San Francisco East Bay Scene: Garage Bands From the '60's Then and Now"

    I was interviewed for it, (like MANY other guys from back then). Was your friend a musician back then?

  5. No, I didn't write the book, it was written by a guy named Bruce Tahsler, it's titled "The San Francisco East Bay Scene: Garage Bands From the '60's Then and Now"

    I was interviewed for it, (like MANY other guys from back then). Was your friend a musician back then?

  6. Cook....did you get your mamary in a ringer too? I talked to Dennis, and I guess it started pretty mild and got ugly! (the Pot photos)

  7. Dennis, did you get suspended?

    'Cause of the pop photos?

  8. Yes, I knew Frank in high school. I know he left the band at some point, came back, then got really sick, (drugs), had a liver transplant and is now back again. There was a guy names Chester Thompson in TOP at one point, but I don't know what he played. I haven't spoken to Frank (Rocco), in years, but I talk to Mimi Castillo from time to time, (also went to high school with him).

  9. I thought you'd seen photos of my DIF...I'll post a photo in your thread about favorite guitars.

  10. Let's hope you can get away! We're going to have a blast..... it's one day only.

    (I never know where to post these messages!)

  11. Wonder why that thread got locked? Ya'd think Gibson would want everyone to be aware of fakes!

  12. Wiley, I've seen them as low as $3K, but I think a fair price is more like $3500.

    Do you have pics?

  13. Yeah... I'm sure you're right.... I'm certainly not going to sweat it, (and I'm pretty sure you aren't either)

  14. "middle aged, married Lotharios on this board "

    I think Jerry K is talkin' about ME!


  15. You've never made a mistake? I build VERY complex vehicles, (more so that you would believe), and we are the largest manufacturer in the US in our industry. The QA Manager reports to me. I feel we build the best vehicle in the industry, hand down. Do some of our new vehicles get out of here with defects? Yes. I feel a company's reputation shouldn't be judged on a few mistakes people find, but what they do about it. I have every acoustic guitar I own set up by my luthier. It's cheap and he knows how I like 'em. I just bought a new H'Bird, (built April, 2011), and the guitar is virtually perfect. I haven't had it to my luthier's shop yet..... doesn't need it. Doesn't mean Gibson people don't make mistakes, but does mean making a blanket statement that their quality is crap is unfair. (JUST my humble opinion)
  16. I would like to do something NEXT May. Summer is too hot at my house, (I don't have the great shade trees that Fred has), and October is very full for me. Maybe we can get together and jam some on a weekend!

  17. It WAS fun.... 'course I'm ready to play guitar at the drop of a hat.

  18. Was invited to a party last Saturday and asked to bring my guitar. Another guy who had a beautiful Herringbone D-28 was there, and we played for an hour or so.... very fun!!

  19. Not far at all..... I know Silver Maple Drive well.

  20. HA! Ya know, I STILL only play the DIF in shirts without buttons..... and only sweat pants... still have zero scuffs, etc! I doubt I'd bring it over to Spain, (Spain, by the way, has always been first on my list of European countries to visit).

  21. Do you? Where abouts are you? I'm right off El Pintado, (on the east side of 680).

  22. Dave, my reall name is Bob. I live in Danville, CA, (that's how I ended up with that email address!

    One day I'll visit Spain, maybe we can play some music together.

    Congratz on having such a beautiful place to hang your hat!


  23. GT, great song.... made me think of my old friend who just died. He was living in Montana. Thanks for bringing his memory back to me. Bob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiAVIprxKoA
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