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Everything posted by Sheepdog1969

  1. Honestly, I have never hear about that. Do you happen to own a LP with "weight relief holes" drilled into the body, and if so, what year is it, and are you sure this was done at the Gibson factory? I talked to a friend who has a '81 Custom Shop Edition LP, and he has never heard of this, (nor does his LP show signs of this process). My '83 CSE Korina Explorer, which is a very heavy guitar, doesn't either.
  2. First, thanks to all of the Gibson forum members who provided their expertise, insight, and advice regarding my Epiphone vs. Gibson ES-335 purchase dilemma. Honestly, each reply I received made complete sense, and all were fact based. I was able to find a few nearby music stores that had quality Epi & Gibson ES-335's in stock, which I was able to play and compare. Unfortunately, I was not able to try out a 2023 Epiphone ES-335 traditional pro, but I was able to play a few EPI ES-335 pro's, which are close enough. For numerous reasons, I decided the Epiphone would more than meet my needs. So on 8/16/23, I went to the Epiphone website and ordered a 2023 "Inspired by Gibson" ES-335 Traditional Pro Exclusive Ebony, and the matching hard case. https://www.epiphone.com/en-US/Electric-Guitar/EPIQCW436/Ebony The Epi site stated that I was "pre ordering" the 335, (I think I actually was just ordering an item that was on "back order"), and the estimated ship date would be 8/28/23. Epi estimated 9/6/23 as the date it would arrive. (The hard case was in stock and arrived 3 days after I place the order, btw.) Fast forward to today, and my 335 still hasn't shipped, and Epiphone customer service cannot even give me a "ball park" estimate as to when it will. Admittedly, I acknowledge that Epi's ship/arrival dates were estimates, and I am NOT pointing fingers at Epiphone or blaming them for the delay. I am, however, surprised at my "child like" impatience, as I wait for my new guitar. At my age, very few things get me to "chomp at the bit". I am the father to a teen aged daughter, so waiting is nothing new to me. Based on my agitation whilst waiting for a $550 guitar to arrive, I know I made the right choice to buy the Epi 335 instead of the Gibson, if only for the following reason; If the wait for a $550 Epi 335 has me freaking out like this, the wait for a new, 2023 $3,500+ Gibson ES-335 would have killed me already! 🤪
  3. Thanks for the comment about "Rock or Bust" as I am not familiar with it. Had a kid almost 18 years ago and admittedly missed nearly a decade of new music whilst raising a daughter as a new Dad. I defiantly exposed her to tons of music during that time, and she absolutely loves old school rock, but we just jammed the albums I already had. I'm going to go to YouTube right now to check "Rock or Bust" out!
  4. AC/DC's 2020 Power Up album was surprisingly good, in my opinion. Maybe I liked it because it simply had that AC/DC hard driving vibe about it. Interestingly, I can't recite a single lyric from it, nor can I hum any melody or guitar line from the album, as I write this. But, I sure know that I've cranked the heck out of it many times in the car and at home. Took my teen aged daughter to see KISS in Chicago a few years ago, for their "End of the Road" tour. We both loved it! (It was her first live concert experience. Took her to see Elton John's "Farewell Yellow Brick Road" concert in Chicago in August of 2022, which was her 2nd concert. Lucky kid!)
  5. On 8/15/23 I "pre ordered" an "Inspired by Gibson" 2023 Epiphone ES-335 Traditional Pro Exclusive Ebony directly from the Epiphone web site. I'm not sure if this was an actual "pre order", or just a backorder. (the site said pre order). The info provided by EPI indicated a ship date of 8/28/23, and an expected arrival date of 9/6/23. Checked my order status a few hours ago, but it still says "back ordered". (I ordered the hard case for it at the same time and EPI had it to me by 8/18). I am seriously pumped about getting this guitar, and it will be my first EPI and my first 335, despite being the proud owner of multiple high end Gibsons from the 1980's. (an '83 CSE Korina Explorer and an '87 SG Special) Has anyone heard anything about ship dates?
  6. Here's my 2 cents: The "Gibson Custom Shop" is different than Gibson's "Custom Shop Edition", yet some folks unintentionally confuse the two. The "Gibson Custom Shop" refers to "made to order" Gibson guitars per customer specifications. (Obviously, Gibson has limitations as to what custom options they offer.) "Custom Shop Edition" Gibson guitars are a "class" of Gibson guitar models that are "enhanced" beyond each model's standard/basic version. CSE Gibson releases were offered far before the "Gibson Custom Shop" was ever available to the general public. CSE releases tend to be limited runs and tend to vary each year regarding which Gibson model(s) are made with the CSE option. CSE releases traditionally have 24K Gold plated hardware, an inlaid "pearl" Gibson logo on the headstock, (instead of an inked/stamped logo), and all have the "Custom Shop Edition" inked/stamped logo on the back of the headstock. CSE releases tend to utilize higher quality materials, (in addition to those mentioned above), in their construction than are used in the standard model releases from the same year, (like the Korina wood upgrade used in '83 CSE Explorers and V's, for example). Yet, these additional "upgrades" may vary per model and per year. Each year's run of Custom Shop Editions have few, if any, color/finish options and traditionally no options are offered regarding hardware/electronics/pickups. If Gibson decides to make CSE model offerings available, in any particular year, they will make what they make, and that's what you get to choose from. And yes, Custom Shop Edition Gibson's cost significantly more than their standard release brethren.
  7. Just wondering if the recording of "Close to the edge" you were listening to was recorded/mastered in 5.1, or if your Surround Sound processor emulated 5.1 surround from a non 5.1 recorded source? I ask because I only have a few music recordings that were actually mastered in 5.1 Dolby surround/5.1 DTS/6.1 DTS, and they are amazingly immersive! I would love to get any Yes album (digital versions, obviously) mastered in 5.1 or better, if they are available.
  8. In Hawaii, the demise of sugar cane plantations in the 1990s as a result of globalization had disastrous consequences: huge tracts of land were abandoned, allowing the invasive species an opening. "Yes, many parts of Hawaii are trending towards dryer conditions, but the fire problem is mostly attributable to the vast extents of non-native grasslands left unmanaged by large landowners as we've entered a 'post-plantation era,'" said Clay Trauernicht, a fire ecologist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. When brush fires scorched 10,000 acres in Maui in 2019, Trauernicht wrote articles, testified in public hearings, and held meetings letting people know that fires were getting worse and Hawaiʻi needed to be prepared. It was difficult to get people to care about fires when the main casualties were native forests and structures, Trauernicht said. Hawaii’s electric utility company acknowledged its downed power lines started the first wildfire on Maui. Maui County said the Hawaiian Electric Company should have known how “to properly maintain and repair the electric transmission lines, and other equipment including utility poles associated with their transmission of electricity, and to keep vegetation properly trimmed and maintained so as to prevent contact with overhead power lines and other electric equipment.”
  9. It's weird being the same age as Old People.
  10. Even though I find the "front loaders" easier to operate, I like them for a few reasons. 1. Regardless of how efficient/inefficient you are, your hand(s) are already "in the mix" during the process. (Efficiency may actually be a negative in this case) 2. The mere existence of "front loaders" means that I ALWAYS assume her under-garment is "front loading", and "check" to confirm that fastener location FIRST. (thus writing off predictable hand "contact" as necessary operational procedures and/or braille method hardware location identification protocols) "Just being pragmatic ma'am."
  11. It is currently just after 11pm on 8/23/23, seven miles south of the WI border in far northwest McHenry county IL. The air temp is 84 degrees with 76% humidity, with a "Real Feel" temperature of around 88 degrees. This is actually relatively "cool" compared to the highs today, which were around 100 degree air temps, 80+% humidity, and over 110 degree "real feel" temperatures. Tomorrow is expected to be hotter! As Mathew Broderick's character said in Neil Simon's play Biloxi Blues, "It's Africa hot!".
  12. As I have gotten older and rounder, I began thinking about a MTM guitar. However, when I discussed my needs with Gibson, and mentioned the term "cut away", I was told that "cut away" did not mean "cutting away" a curved out portion of the back of the guitar to accommodate my gut! I probably need to talk to a Doctor about lengthening my arms, which will help me read small print as well.
  13. I knew a woman who understood that when she used her oven and/or stove top, her house would heat up a bit. Yet, she was completely befuddled as to why leaving her fridge/freezer door open wouldn't decrease the temp in her home, in a similar (but opposite) manner. 🙃
  14. I have purchased a number instruments, amps, etc. from Sweetwater, with no issues. Interestingly, on 8/3/23, I got a call and a text from Ben Elder, the Sweetwater Sales Engineer that I have always worked with. (It's been over 6 months since I have done any business with SW.) He was just checking in to make sure all the gear I had purchased from them was functioning as expected, (and obviously, to generate some business). No one from Guitar Center has ever done that, and I have bought 100 times more from GC, since 1985, than I have from SW.
  15. When I tell people that there is no such thing as "Cold", most of them think I'm nuts. There is only "Heat", I tell them. You don't get "Cold", I say, you are just "less hot".
  16. I've been trying to save some money on my electric bills this summer by not using electric devices as much. I have been trying not to even use lights at night, as much as possible. A few nights ago my daughter and I were watching an old J.J. Abrams TV show called "Fringe", and I had been using the light from the TV to read something or other, but I needed more light. Frustrated and lazy, I complained to my daughter about not being able to read with so little light. (Since I am getting older, I am beginning to experience many age related issues.) As such, I stood up rather quickly and then sat back down, and then stood up again rather quickly again and sat back down. My kid was obviously confused and asked, "What the heck are you doing, Dad?". As I raised my reading material near to my face, I replied, "I was hoping I would get light headed to help illuminate this page." Shaking her head, she said, "That wasn't very bright.", to which I excitedly asked, "So your saying there was some light? Do you think if I switched to LED I could produce more lumens?". Dad jokes are fun!
  17. Apparently the person who stated, "The truth will set you free", knew what he was talking about. The woman I was "recently" dating, and who was spending the night with me, noticed my post about how light sources that "strobe" can create the illusion of non-movement regarding a moving object. She, apparently, was unable to conceptualize my comment, and disagreed with my assertion. Excited to demo my statement, I retrieved my variable rate strobe light and proceeded to "stop" my bedroom ceiling fan with it. For "Full Disclosure", I may have implied that I could actually not only "stop" the fan, but slow it down and/or reverse it with only light. (Remember that she claimed to have fully read my previous reply to this thread, and thought it to be false.) So, when without warning, she reached her hand up into the seemingly "stopped" ceiling fan, and got wacked by the rotating blades, I was somehow the bad guy. After many choice words directed at me, by her, she stormed out. The truth may have just "set me free"!
  18. Imagine if your infant child's crib was next to said wall.
  19. I remember a grade school English teacher telling our class about the "beats" one could define in a sentence, or even within a single word. She said that syllables produce a discernable emphasis and are referred to as "hard" sounds, versus some other letter combinations that may produce "soft" sounds. These are also referred to as "stressed" and "unstressed" syllables. Typically, the number of vowel sounds with-in a word create "hard"/"stressed" sounds/beats. This is the traditional English professional definition, yet it seems that the Consonant preceding vowels in words initiate the sharp attack of the beat each syllable makes. It stands to reason that the syllabic structure of lyrics, stands in relation to the time signature of the piece, with syllables representing note durations per said. Syllables lay on the beat, regardless of being represented as Quarter notes, Eighth notes, Sixteenth notes, Tripleletts, etc.. As such, the syllabic structure of a lyrical composition shall define it's time signature, just as the time signature of a composition shall define it's syllabic structure. (What time signature do the lyrics below allude to?) I can feel no sense of measure No illusions as we take Refuge in young man's pleasure Breaking down the dreams we make real
  20. KSDaddy commented about how LED bulbs made his guitar strings look funny when they were played when lighted by them. I had hoped that anyone else here would have expounded upon that seemingly minor issue, and why LEDs create this effect. In 7th grade shop I learned that incandescent light sources were mandated for illumination of ALL moving machinery in industrial workplaces, especially when said workplace's primary lighting was produced by florescent lighting. WHY, you may ask? Because florescent lighting, AND LED LIGHTING, STROBE at 60HZ, and incandescent lighting does not. Why is this important? Strobing light sources can often give the illusion of a moving object NOT MOVING, where as non-strobing incandescent light sources do not. If you have an adjustable strobe light and a fan, point your adjustable strobe at any moving fan in a dark room, and you will be able to "stop the fan" by simply adjusting the strobe rate to the oscillation rate of the fan, (or by any factor of the oscillation rate of said fan divided or multiplied by the number of blades of said fan.). The strobe light cannot actually "stop" the fan, but when the strobe's light flashes strike the fan blades ONLY when they rotate into the same position as illuminated by the previous strobe flash, "persistence of vision" deceives our brain, thus creating the false perception of no fan movement. Since the advent of fluorescent lighting, OSHA has mandated that incandescent lighting provide primary illumination of all moving, reciprocating/oscillating machinery in workplaces, due to the dangers strobing light sources create based on how they may falsely create the perception of "no motion" of a moving object despite the objects actual motion. A circular saw blade, a band saw blade, a spinning lathe, etc., may appear to be motionless when illuminated by ANY strobing light source, WHEN SAID ITEMS ARE ACTUALLY IN MOTION. Because the heated filament of an incandescent light bulb continues to generate light, due to the filaments retention of heat between AC 60HZ power oscillations, incandescent bulbs do not strobe, thus their constant illumination will never deceive. One wonders if those who implemented the incandescent light ban were even aware of the LED "strobe effect", or if they were even aware of the OSHA incandescent lighting of industrial machinery mandate. One would think that OSHA bosses would have loudly and aggressively spoken out to the Biden admin. about this issue. Yes, LEDs could be made with some type of capacitor that would mitigate the 60HZ strobe issue, but there is no discussion of this in the current mandate, nor is there any "carve out" for incandescent light production needed to maintain OSHA industrial/manufacturing regulations. Yes, LED lights tend to provide efficient, long lasting, lighting. And, yes, LED lighting has it's limitations. LED lighting is not currently as efficient for Oven, Refrigerator, and/or vibration intensive applications as incandescent bulbs designed for said applications. LED lighting is cost inefficient for "dimmable" applications, and LED longevity appears to directly relate to production quality. LED energy consumption in relation to lumen output is indisputably far more efficient than incandescent lighting, and anyone's energy bill that did not decrease after implementing LEDs at home, is defiantly getting ripped off by their Energy provider. Despite the benefits of application appropriate LED lighting solutions, how exactly will this government LED only mandate provide the work-place safety guarantees non-strobing, OSHA mandated, incandescent lighting currently provides, after the manufacture of incandescent lighting is outlawed?
  21. I, by no means, am a prolific or talented song writer, but I have written a handful of original songs. Personally, I have always started with a phrase or a catchy line that led to a song's lyrics. Admittedly, as each line of the song is conjured and added, I begin to "hear" more and more of the instrumental parts of the piece, (and I occasionally will hum/sing these parts into a recorder), but the lyrics are what I write first. I guess my songs are lyric driven, and the instrumental melodies flow from those lyrics, (and their emotional impact on me.). I do know that many song writers do the opposite, and draw their lyrics from the instrumental melodies they create. How many songs have begun as the playful "fidgeting" of a musician playing their instrument between songs at practice, or while watching TV, etc.? A great melodic line has been the inspiration for volumes of lyrics and compositions. How do you write your music? What comes first for you, the lyrics or the melodies? Does the type of song you write determine this order? Does collaborative song writing effect this order vs. solo writing? Can't wait to hear how each of you create music.
  22. My musical roots are in Funk and Jazz as a Bass Trombonist. Jim Culbertson, father of Brian Culbertson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vWEa-ydr7A) was my HS director (Jim is lead trumpet in the vid attached, btw.) He pressed us all to listen to guys like Chic Correa, Pat Metheny, etc., which this band reminded me of. I defiantly enjoyed the Polyphia track, and will be checking out more of their stuff! Beyond the obvious skill of both guitarists, I really appreciated the way the drummer utilized "muting methods" that didn't diminish the clarity of his head and cymbal strikes, but created super fast decay rates and eliminated head/cymbal "over ring". This staccato percussion style mimicked the crisp guitar rhythms and allowed the staccato leaning guitar lines to remain up front. There is a reason acoustic guitars, especially guitars set up like these, are not typically paired with full drum sets, but rather bongos, Guiros, Castanets, and similar instruments. This exception to the rule was awesome. Thanks for turning me on to this band!
  23. Brother, I love details, and your info, (and how you deliver it), is exactly what I wanted. Many times what I think I know is either plain wrong or not quite right. In the rare event that I AM right, confirmation from folks like you, (with solid knowledge bases beyond mine), is awesome. Anyone kind enough to spend their precious time providing me help with their knowledge and experience, could never "insult my intelligence" when educating me. Thanks so much!
  24. So L (Inductance) is the measurement of current generated via the movement of Ferris material (strings) through the magnetic field of a coil wrapped magnet, resulting in a "sympathetic" displacement of said magnet, thus generating a charge within the coil. Ohms is the measurement that details the amount of energy a transmitted current looses due to electrical current transmission inefficiencies associated with each conductive material utilized in a system. Am I close?
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