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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I'm just glad HBO canned "Gone With The Wind". If only they'll get rid of that Nazi promoting move "The Sound of Music".
  2. Left my nut as original - but I put in a bone saddle. But I also added new stings - so I cannot say I heard any difference. I personally would not think the nut material would be as significant as how well the nut was fitted and filed. Just like the pick you use can affect the tone more than the pins! But - I also prefer the sound of year+ old strings, so I would take what I say with a grain of salt. SJ-200s are not renown for volume and punch - but for tone. That said, you should clearly feel the back of the body resonating against your chest/stomach when you play certain chords or notes. If you don't - yep, you have an issue. You could have a luthier look at the nut to see if it's OK while he completely removes the UST and all it's gear and recommends what to do with the end pin.
  3. The transducer under the saddle is thin, metallic and delicate. If folded, it will get a kink or wrinkle and no longer work well if you tried in the future to re-install it. There is no room in the slot to put it anywhere other than where it is as installed. If you do try to fold it - you'll mess up the contact of the saddle with the bridge and worsen the balance of your tone and volume. So, you either leave it as is - or remove it completely from the bridge slot. Which, as 62B noted - requires going inside the body. I've got one in mine - don't use it hardly ever. But since it was installed correctly - I don't think it affects the tone or volume by more than a smidgen. So, I've left it there. It will add value if you ever decide to sell. Though, I can't imagine doing that !
  4. I was on FarceBook several years ago. Probably took 5 or 6 months before I realized it was like swimming in a cesspool. Got off, tried to delete everything. Wouldn't even think of Twitter. Human Resources weenies - Employment 'professionals' use to call prior employers to get a 'reference' for a potential 'new hire'. That stopped working because the 'new hires' started suing their former employers for what they told the HR people where they applied. So, the HR Weenies started to use your Credit Score ! Just think how lame that is for a minute. Recently - these geniuses flocked to looking at FB as a form of 'due diligence' in hiring people. I'm just worried they'll get my report card from when I was in Junior High. Worse, ask my old bus driver if I was 'respectful'.
  5. Ghost - this Bloomberg article quotes many sources, all blaming it on 'opening up'. Not a peep about increased testing. At least on the 'real' news - they mumble something at the very end under their breath about 'increased testing.'. FYI - in Texas, testing has increased significantly in the past month. Additionally - the most recent 'highest day ever' in Texas was due mostly to Retroactive Changes in How Cases Are Counted and Reported. Specifically ONE COUNTY - accounted for 20% of that days 'new' cases. Jefferson County (Beautiful Beaumont on the Border) DOUBLED in one day the total casest they had reported since March. They changed how they count and measure cases from prisons. Other Texas reporting locations have also reported significant increases due to changing how they count. Source? ... https://www.texastribune.org/2020/06/10/texas-reports-largest-single-day-increase-coronavirus-cases/
  6. When I had a Dodge Ram pickup, I use to tie a Santa Claus on the front grill with his arms and legs spread out - looking like I'd run into him and he got plastered to the grill. I thought it was funny - compared to the people who put antlers on their side windows anyway. I did this for a half dozen years. Never got one single complaint. I guess I was offending the wrong people.
  7. Funny just yesterday you couldn't find the Major News story - a clear announcement by W.H.O - but have been able to find several expert 'clarifications'. I would suggest the fact that the implications that we didn't need masks or to be put under lockdown was too much for the people who like masks and lockdowns to handle, so they found experts to push back. I doubt very much WHO would have made the announcement in this climate - if it were not true.
  8. I hate the sound of new strings - but I'm talking only about acoustics.... I use Elixir Long Life strings and leave them on for a year or more. To me, until they settle in - they get in the way of being able to hear what the guitar itself sounds like. But - like I said, that's on acoustics - without pickups.
  9. Discrimination based on race has been ILLEGAL for decades in this country Ghost. Google The Civil Rights Act of 1964. And, there were things like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Quotas, etc. which ensured a quick implementation. And it covered much more than just 'employment'.
  10. W.H.O announced today that it is 'very rare' for CV19 to be spread by asymptomatic people. Several weeks ago , CDC modified warnings to tell us that CV19 was not easily spread by contaminated surfaces as they had early warned us it was. Several weeks ago, various medical researchers admitted there were NO cases documented where CV19 was spread by a child.
  11. JVI !!! 'fewer' is an adjective ! Plus, how would we describe the mellow, thumping, honey-sweet, mid-range of a J-45?
  12. Gee. It's been too long since I heard that one. Brings back memories. The 60's were a time or turmoil. '68 was probably the peak. Sometimes a song like this - the lyrics are for all men and all times. Not a 'protest' song. A 'thinking' song.
  13. "Let me try to explain in a way even you can understand." Crass.
  14. Time for those of us who don't perform - to start making extra efforts to go watch those who do.
  15. That guy who called MOPicker a Redneck? The first guy on the thread that started naming & shaming? That guy? LOL.
  16. We're all starving for good news - and you sure rang the bell ! Nice to know Live Music is coming back. Thanks.
  17. Small price to pay to be able to play. Very impressive- you may have found a new hobby. Or a new sideline. Now I understand why luthiers do not want to waste their time and skills on guitars that are beaters or just a little better. Congrats.
  18. And some people have big hands. But for me, I prefer the old ā€œCā€ shape on the wide side. Hand cramps less. ymmv.
  19. Spent about 5 hours cleaning wife's Tribeca and my Taurus. Mostly shampooing carpets for first time on these 9 year old 'classics'. After I came in, I realized my apple watch battery had run down, so I didn't get any credit for the 'move' or 'exercise' stats. Ready to chuck it and go back to my self-winding Seiko. I always get 'credit' on that one !
  20. SummerIsle - if you're 'vintage', I guess I'm 'antique'. ! My first guitar was $25 in the early '60s - Stella. First song I taught myself was the Theme from the Ponderosa tv show. Using only one string, I realized I would soon be great if I could tap into the other 5. My interest for that guitar was whetted years earlier when my parents got me a ukulele. It had a molded plastic fretboard. I wore the frets down flat. But, I at least learned how to tune it by ear - fortunately, since that's how I tuned guitars for the next few decades. Wore the stain off the fretboard of that Stella, but the frets were still good when I fave it away. Good Times.
  21. It sure is a good copy. But the dead give-away is the three screws instead of two in the truss rod cover.
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