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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Sarge, I remember you (or was it FZfan) going on about Jennifer here over 5 years ago. I can't believe she hasn't called you yet!
  2. "You guys over there - pair up into groups of three." Yogi Berra
  3. I would be terribly pleased if a small crowd of us could define British Cuisine. Irregardless, Do you know anyone who can dance the flamingo ? And the worst winner - who decided to put the letter 'S' in the word "LISP" ?
  4. Best Answer Ever ! It seems we're morphing. We've gotten use to the 'keyboard warrior' syndrome. It seems to be spilling over to things like Zoom and Team. First we were emboldened when we could write something to a faceless poster we didn't know on FarceBook. Then we found we were becoming argumentative with people we did know - if the internet insulated us. Now we're getting comfortable being passive aggressive when we can see their image in a postage stamp sized insert on our screen. But - yeah. Can't put the genie back in the can of worms. Kids now will have markedly different social skills than the 'Boomers'. Another couple of generations and social skills will be viewed as something evil. A throwback to pre-historic times. Our great-grandchildren will believe we were all a cross between Al Bundy and Archie Bunker. As far as the OP's question... I've gotten to the point, finally, recently - that I've come to realize "wanting more" is a Bottomless Pit. Whether you can afford it is immaterial. If you allow the thought pattern to repeat too often - it breeds a sense of dissatisfaction with what you already have. Maybe with who you are. Maybe even with who you love.
  5. Dhann. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
  6. I agree w/RCT. No where in the real world would someone be allowed a return for as ridiculous a reason as this. "Tire Pressure is Low." "Can't install batteries in the remote." If he told you he wanted to return it WITHIN your 2 day return policy - you are obligated to honor that. First, ensuring he agrees with the re-stocking fee provision. Otherwise - it's "Go pound sand." I personally think he ordered it without his wife's permission. But giving in just enables this type of behavior and encourages the decay of the moral fabric of the world.
  7. Sorry, RBSin, We forgot to wish you a happy One Year Anniversary on your joining the forum. Dhanner has been here a bit longer and is tenured. So, like in Academia, he has latitude. Sad to hear that you think those who post here are outrageous, but's not our job to call out people who say things you don't like. If you don't like being in a ''hotbed of Gibsonophilic hyperbole'', feel free to leave. Or was that hyperbole?
  8. They strolled through the Pearly Gates together.
  9. Ok. More better info: I assume GC is selling these cracked H'Birds as "Not New". Damaged New without a warranty. Usually, when a company is selling 'scratched and dented' or 'Loaner Car", they don't hardly take anything off the price. Remember - the price you'd pay for a new, unblemished Gibson Acoustic would be approximately 20% less than the official Gibson list price. So - if GC 'discounts' the guitar with a crack at 25% off that - you're getting screwed. I'd want 50% off. Like you said - "Why buy a problem, unless you are in the market for a beater." G'Luck !
  10. I'm in the 'illusion' camp, though most are not. I just don't think I can feel the difference. If the difference at the nut is as much as 1/4 inch and you divide that by 6 strings - I don't feel the space between any two strings - either at the first fret or up at the other end at the sound hole - is great enough that I'd notice. It's less than the thickness of the thinnest pick I have! I feel like I should be able to tell the difference, but after 2 or 3 minutes, I do not. I think clearance from the fretboard is more noticeable, and to me, important. Having said that - I do sense a big difference when picking up a classical guitar. But, part of that is, to me, the zero radius fretboard.
  11. I didn't know that was your reason for wanting to replace the guard, usually folks accept some wear and only talk about replacing when the edges curl. Mine is worn away a bit in what I think is the same location as yours - because I tend to rest my pinky there. Gibson introduced a guard in recent years in which the design was imbedded/sealed. But the guard is thicker. Sounds like you have one of the more traditional ones. If your design is 'etched' with paint filled in - it is possible, for someone with a steady hand' to fill it back in with a light touch using a fine brush, wiping off the excess. On some of the original guards, that is how they apply the design. Probably need an 'artist' to do it - matching the color, etc. I would never attempt it, but some here have.
  12. Like RCT said - Life is too short to buy damaged goods. That said - your question is sort of vague - what kind of crack, what price? To keep or to flip or as a beater? There's another thread on the new, really nice Epi MasterBuilt H'Birds. I'd buy one of those way before a cracked Gibson Sustainable.
  13. I look forward to this thread being unearthed in 10 years as a Zombie Thread when his cousin sells this guitar and tells the prospective buyer it's a Gibson.
  14. It occurred to me that it might be the process of embossing the J200, H'Bird, Dove pick guards that causes them to curl. It doesn't seem the plain, flat ones have this problem.
  15. So, Doc. Is the Sad Face emoji for when you disagree with someone or when you are sad because a puppy died?
  16. Thank you Anne. Truly amazing. And I must confess to a tear or two here too. ( "Hey" right back at cha.)
  17. At 2:35 he tweaks the tuning of his 1st string without missing a beat. This gave me knot in my stomach. Wowsers !
  18. Ren left Bozeman, building his own guitars now. New Gibson CEO - from Levi Straus blue jeans, etc. 20 more variations on the J45. Other than that - nope. Like "Groundhog Day" the movie.
  19. Agree w/ DubT, You said 'very rough with tool marks' and that it is impeding your playing. If it's not too late - return it. 0000 steel wool will do nothing other than remove the 0000 roughage. Tool marks - if you try sanding those away, you'll be removing a lot of wood and messing with the frets and fret markers. You may invalidate your warranty. We've had folks post photos where they described a flaw - and the photos were magnified to 5x. So, 'every thing is relative.' It sounds like your issue is bigger though, and if you're right - the very rough fretboard skipped a 'final sanding' station but made it to the 'glue onto neck' station where they should have sent it back. And then sailed through the 'apply fret wire' station and the 'apply fret marker' station - not to mention Final QC. So it would seem like more than one ball was dropped. On The Other Hand - very light polishing with 0000 steel wool (projecting the pickups from steel debris) and hydrating (I use coconut oil) may get you to a happy place if the fretboard isn't is only 'rough' and not 'horrible' , and is dried out. G'Luck.
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