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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Fixin' to put together some Corned Beef & Cabbage in the crock pot. 4 Guinness' chilling in the reefer.
  2. Jinder, that's good to hear. Often, a serious event like yours can bring a person more focus, with a clearer outlook on 'the meaning of life'. I'm sure it will translate to an even greater appreciation for your music.
  3. Sort of a pre-cursor of social media 'cancel culture'. This forum was successful back then in a large part because of his contributions.
  4. Doc, you have 21 posts on this thread. The one above is representative. They all say the same thing. The OP in his first post stated "I'm not returning the guitar as it looks and sounds amazing." Eventually the OP was convinced to reverse course and return the guitar. So, I don't see why you are still complaining about the alleged fan boy bias here. I think the 'issues' you refer to above are closer to home than Bozeman or Nazareth. If you're tired of the BS double standard, don't let the door hit you.
  5. Agree. I've tried the cushion. Never could make it work. I keep straps on when sitting, because I've had a couple of cases where that was what kept a $3K guitar from crashing .
  6. Jinder - thanks for starting this thread. It's really great to hear you are back, able to play. Do you think the time away from playing helped, or hurt? Not from a standpoint of motor skills, etc, but just motivation and creativity? Re-charged batteries? Was the song writing side of your skill set affected? Very inspiring to hear of your quick return to playing.
  7. Here's an alternative: Dynarette guitar knee support cushion. I would not drill a hole in a neck heel, but that's just me. I use the headstock strap to attach the actual strap to so I have the guitar securely positioned while sitting. Bobouz mentions locating the pin on the flat part of the heel. I'd think that would be critical. Otherwise the flat surface of the pin where it met a rounded surface on the heel would result in a less than perfect union. Disappointed to hear Bozeman is putting pins on their guitars now. https://www.jazzguitar.be/forum/guitar-amps-gizmos/41432-dynarette-cushion-guitar-support-experiences.html
  8. I've got what is called "Intentional Tremors". Hand start shaking as if attempts t to do something finite or precise. Perfectly fine holding a thread between thumb and forefinger in one hand, and a needle in the other - but the closer I bring the thread to the needle's eye - the more each of my hands shake. Mother had it. Couldn't hardly hold a cup of tea, but it really started shaking the closer she brought it to her mouth. I started seeing symptoms when I was around 50, has gotten gradually worse. CBD seems to help a little. Fretting is OK, but forget Travis picking ! I'm just really grateful I can play. I never could play well, but at least better than sewing !
  9. KSD, thanks for this. Read it from beginning to the sad ending. Hope one of us here reading it will take away something that helps save a life where they may know someone like Anna. "The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation." How do you know, when getting a deli sandwich, if the young girl making it for you is making her last sandwich ever? If we could only treat everyone that way.
  10. I guess that says it all. Thanks JcV !
  11. Second day in a row I'm actually going to be able to do whatever I feel like. I could get to like this.
  12. Of course, that ship has sailed since you've sold the 5 string - but ... FWIW, I had the same issue. I hated the picks. Just played without them for years. A couple of years ago I was sort of where you are now and wanted to focus on something other than the guitar - so I upgraded my banjo, bought some books not available back in the last century and learned (on the internet!) that you can shape the picks (even the plastic thumb one) and that you do get comfortable with them. I was encouraged to learn, for example, that some newbies even put the finger picks on backwards! I was glad I had at least figured that part out! Miraculously, I got comfortable after a month or so - and would never go back. So - on you mandolin quest - there will probably be a similar type of learning curve, muscle memory, tactile issue - just keep playing and you'll break through to the other side.
  13. Dr, I use kyser and thalia now - the Hamilton was what was popular 50 years ago. I'll connect the dots for you: Mark looks exactly like the ding you get from a capo. Someone in the store may have put a capo on it. Or after the sale. Might not be a Gibson QC issue.
  14. They have drums in the Angel Chorus ! Good friends stay with us forever.
  15. Brad, I'm a closet 5 string banjo player. I assume that's the kind you had. They make 'banjuitars' which are banjo bodies with 6 strings tuned like a guitar. Obviously, you're not learning anything 'new' with those. You might want to consider what about the banjo didn't work for you. They are easier to fret, but call for fingerpicking or 'frailing'. two very different right handed techniques than what you'd do on a guitar - so that has a learning curve. Big difference, to me, is the different KINDS of music you can play. Banjo doesn't just 'sound different', it is more limited than the guitar. I would guess you'll find the mando is also 'different' and the learning curve similar to the 5 string banjo. It's tuned like a violin (fiddle), except, as you know - it has 4 sets of paired strings. Standard joke - people with mandolins spend half their time tuning them and half their time playing out of tune. G'Luck.
  16. Doc, you LIKE Zappa? I'll have to edit my post over on the acoustic forum now.
  17. For those here who still do not get your humor, sarcasm and history - You should have included a footnote disclosing the fact you originally appeared here as "FZfan". Thought you'd also mentioned you had a room in your house filled with a hoard of FZ memorabilia, and been to more of his concerts than he had. And then there's your strange affliction.... I mean affection for Martin acoustics.
  18. I've used a Kliq Uber Tuner for several years. Clip on, big dial, 360 rotation, Battery lasts 2-3 years using it 2-3 times a day. Works fine. $25.
  19. My old LG1 had marks on that after I dinged it with the Hamilton capo. Sort of unavoidable if the fretboard isn't bound. Your mark, albeit magnified 3x, is something many wouldn't notice in the store. Having had it for just a month - the store should be willing to deal with you. Impossible for most here to tell from photos what is going on - it's either a naturally occurring imperfection in the wood or a man made ding, either of which may or may not have been cosmetically doctored a bit. Knot Hole or Not Whole ? You decide. Doctor Pepper would call it a wholly different kind of hole.
  20. Great video - Talk about "Gibson Thump" ! (I can't even play that well in my dreams!)
  21. Doc, that makes it sound like it was due to his being thin skinned..... he got smacked down by a pack of haters and voted with his feet.
  22. Was disturbed to hear a slight, raspy rattle in my SJ200 a couple of years ago. Shook it some more - a dead June Bug fell out. Probably chased in there by a spider. Running from a rattler.
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