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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Curleigh was CEO at Levi Straus in San Francisco before moving to Gibson. They make more than jeans, so I'm guessing he is aware of the concept of having multiple product lines - if they leverage each other. As he suggests amps leverage their electric guitar bread & butter product line. I'm guessing he knows less about guitar playing than most here - but he wasn't hired to play. They would have hired Tommy Emmanuel if that's what they thought would save the company. Instead they 'partner' with Slash, et al. But - I'm betting he's smart enough to know electrics and acoustics are two different guitars, and two different product lines though. And buying MesaBoogie is smarter than trying to build your own Amp Division to compete with them and everyone else. His job is to grow the company (product line by product line) so as to create more cash which can then be used to grow further - including by investing more resources into 'guitars'. "A man's gotta know his limitations." (from another San Fransisco relic "Magnum Force") : It appears Gibson isn't jumping back into Banjos after losing that entire facility to the Nashville Flood ten years ago. Obviously the Pandemic has been a boon to Gibson Electrics, but not their banjos.
  2. Great 'compare and contrast' comment. Thanks!
  3. Congrats. I'm sure you'll show your stuff and wow the folks in the audience and those you share the stage with ! G'Luck !
  4. Perfect choice for your first Gibson ! Don't forget - as good as it sounds, it'll gradually get better for over a year. Some say it's the guitar, some say it's because the player plays more. Hope you get to experience both !
  5. So, you're good with the phosporescent green J-45 now?
  6. Here's his son John 23 years ago. An unbelievable stage full of luminaries paying tribute to his Dad. Whether you are familiar with TVZ or not - this is one of the best ways to become more familiar. Warning - he lived and loved the blues. Famous quote near the middle of the end, he said "There's only two kinds of music: Blues and Zippity Do Dah." Willie and Emmylou do Pancho & Lefty around 25:00. Don't start this unless you have an hour - impossible to turn off.
  7. TVZ would be spinning in his grave. He preferred natural styrofoam coolers.
  8. Could be a passive pickup - like an Under Saddle Transducer. Active P/Us require power. Passive don't. I have one on my SJ200. Here's an article about them on gut string guitars. I had a C-0 i bought new in the early 60s. As Slimt said - I can't imagine they came with P/Us. G'Luck. https://www.barberatransducers.com/guitar_pickups.html
  9. Congratulations on your step up ! Glad you kept your eyes open until you found your perfect match. Welcome Aboard!
  10. Looks like some one used it to paddle up S.... Creek. Don't get too attached to it !
  11. Tilting at windmills, but to attempt yet again to dispel the myth that the LG1 was a 'Student Guitar" ... They sold for around $110 back in '64 when I bought mine new at the Sam Ash on Long Island. It was my THIRD guitar and I was a couple of years past my One Year of lessons. My first guitar - an actual student guitar was a $25 Stella from Macys. THAT was what a student guitar looked like and cost back then. I bought my LG1 with wages from a part time job getting a $1.25 minimum wage at the local grocery store. Plus trading in my 1 year old Gibson C-0 Classical Guitar. The LG1 was my one and only for ... well, roughly 40 years. A $110 guitar from the mid-60s would be equivalent to anywhere between $700 and $800 today. Most students (depending on your definition) do not spend that much on their first or even second guitar today. I would hope we here don't consider the Gibson G-45 which sells for $800 a 'student guitar'. Yeah, we all know someone who is flush with cash and gets a J-45 as their first guitar. But that doesn't make it a 'STUDENT' guitar. An LG1 back in the day was a respectable entry guitar into the respectable Gibson brand. Before Taylor, and other manufacturers came along. Before Japan and China started making them. Like with automobiles - there were only a handful of choices available, and Martin and Gibson were at the top of the heap.
  12. I don't know. Read a lot about it. The wood itself was 'legal'. India said it was 'legal'. Fish N' Fowl regulations said it was illegal because it had not been cut into fretboards. So - I don't know. BUT - as usual, reading comprehension strikes again - my post was concerned with the payment of the fine. Sorry it wasn't clear.
  13. Yeah. But the OP was just about the ethics of diverting fines from being paid to the proper organization to ones specified by politicians. Not about politics. Ethics.
  14. Wowsers. Someone needs a hug.
  15. Here's a quote from an article which suggests one change to be implemented today in DC is to return to a 'new' policy started by Obama and ended by Trump - to 'encourage' companies found guilty of crimes in which there is a financial penalty - to pay it to 'pre-approved' unrelated groups or organizations. "Past instances of settlements involving payments to third-party groups include a $17 billion settlement agreement where Bank of America was required to pay nonprofit organizations to resolve an investigation into its role in the sale of mortgage-backed securities before the 2008 financial crisis. That agreement was struck under then-Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department. In another agreement, Gibson Guitar Corp. had to contribute to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to resolve a criminal investigation into allegations it illegally imported exotic wood." I seem to recall armed Fish N Fowl "Agents' storming the Gibson plant pointing their guns at surprised, innocent workers and threatening them with arrest. Salt in the Wounds when you have to write a check to the people that swatted you !
  16. "I've heard Donovan's music. I don't live under a rock. They call me mellow yellow (Quite rightly)" How about Kermit's "It's Not Easy Being Green." ?
  17. Not only appears to everyone here as 100% legit - it looks like it's in excellent condition. My pick guard fell off my '64 twice. Glue dried out and got brittle. Finally just left it in the chipboard case. This is roughly 1/2 what you might otherwise pay for it. I hope someone who appreciates it snags it ! As opposed to a 'dealer' looking to flip it.
  18. Yeah. I had tickets at the same time to see Rodrigo y Gabriella. Wasn’t canceled, but decided not to risk it.
  19. If you actually read what I actually wrote - that there were a lot of brand new first time posters here (15 on my count) and they must belong to some little social media group you'd probably have realized you weren't being personally, indirectly criticized. I thought it unusual and merely pointed it out. Woke Trolls seem to infest other sites - so I thought it was noteworthy. Because it hardly if ever happens we get something like that here. (Here, being 'some little social media group'. ) Your suggestion that there are random people who are going around googling 'seeger volvo' so they can join and post one line comments on sites against volvo is equally depressing. And, IMHO it is not for us to say what kind of song is 'appropriate' for a car commercial. That's up to the people who own the car company. There's a fine line between saying you don't like something and declaring it 'inappropriate'. Opens the door to all sorts of judgmental thinking. 😀
  20. I noticed you also unearthed another Zombie on the same subject 5 hours before dis-interring this one. Since you seem to want an answer - here's my attempt. You are right to not be happy: It is disappointing to see finish checking in a 14 year old guitar that was, obviously in your possession from Day One and well cared . But ... You stated you called Gibson years ago and all they can do is refinish it. If it is only a single line, after a number of years, it may be safe to say it is not going to spread. And, realistically, I'm not sure what else Gibson can do, other than re-finish it. But, you should accept the imperfection - change and impermanence are a part of life - and let it go. Will your family not still love you when you get your first wrinkle, or premature gray hair? Accepting reality and not resisting change will enable you to enjoy your AJ at a higher level. Play it today !!! and refuse to allow the voice in your head tell you to be unhappy with the crazing! And, Welcome !
  21. Amusing how we've gotten a whole bunch of new, one time posters criticizing Volvo and praising Pete Seeger. Almost like some little social media group ran a search and found this thread. The question is - are they Seeger Lovers or Volvo Haters?
  22. Since you chose to unearth this Zombie Thread ... Pray Tell = RK shocks you HOW !? Good or Bad? Why? How?
  23. Just when I think I've seen everything. Common to see two people play the same piano. Now I'm waiting to see 2 play the the same harmonica.
  24. I don't let the calendar tell me when to change my strings. I let them tell me. I'd steer away from letting their looks either. A little green on the wound strings adds 'vibe' !
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