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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I've got a cool mist humidifier, small. probably cost $40, been using it for 8 or 9 winters. I only use Distilled Water. Turn it on when the hygrometer drops to 39% at half speed until it gets the room up to 50 - 55%. Thing to remember is - you're not just humidifying the air. You're humidifying everything in the room that has dried out. So, it will take as much as a day, depending on the size of the room. Take wood floors for example. Leather chair. It's easier to keep humidity stable than to try to play catch up. Certainly keeping the case humidified with the guitar in it is more practical if you don't have a separate room.
  2. We got our tree up yesterday. Great fun. Wife took the left half I took the right half! Watched Hallmark Christmas movies at the same time. (You don't really have to pay attention. All have the same plot, and the music background drowns out what the actors are saying). Seriously sprained my left hand while moving furniture - was concerned because I try to protect my fretting hand. Iced it and an Ace Bandage and it's as good as new this morning! Have great red blooms on the poinsettia I've been keeping alive since last Christmas.
  3. Like a kid or a dog - NEVER leave alone in a car.
  4. If you have steam heat radiators - you can find shallow (1") pans that will fit on them. The accelerated evaporation will help. If you need to, for your music room at least, you can find a Radiator Cover that will enclose the pan of hot water, which at the same time has a lid that can be propped up let the evaporation rise. We no longer have radiators - so I just use a regular mist type humidifier.
  5. The s/n confirms that year, based on Reverbs reference info. I believe the '2' indicates it was a 'Second' and had some minor imperfection. Looks like it's in great shape.
  6. You might find 1965 pins. You might find tusk pins. You might find plastic pins. But, unless you are selling and not playing - as the 2 pages of sage advice note (although 8 years old - still relevant) , getting pins that are The Right Size and placing them correctly is at least equally important. Your holes may be worn, etc. Tusq is superior to plastic in this application. Don't know what you have on now, but don't downgrade. G'luck.
  7. Turning the truss rod nut a full rotation - normally it is recommended to only do a quarter turn and let the neck gradually re-set before attempting another 1/4 turn. Another 'horse out of the barn' suggestion - carefully measure 'before and after'. As has been noted, I would not mess with it any further. And yes, as has also been noted - the nut nut looks like the treble side has been filed down with a bastard file! You don't need to find a 'Gibson Specific Luthier'. Just a good 'un. You can tell if he has a sign over his workbench: "First, do no harm." G'luck !
  8. Sorry. But when you post a link that is empty less than 12 hours later, someone had to post something relevant or let the thread die. Apologies to you and the 4 other supporters of Big Pharma.
  9. Sort of like Pfizer deciding they would give several other high roller countries the vaccine after allocating a piddly amount to their home country - which subsidized their research. I'm guessing they'll not charge them half what they charge us - like they do for all their other drugs.
  10. Wow - that's a fine looking Just-For-Fun guitar. I may need to broaden my horizons and go spend an afternoon at GC.
  11. If you're talking about an IRS 'Required Minimum Deduction' - where, based on your age, the IRS forces you to remove a % out of any investments you put money into over the decades that were 'tax deferred' - you should double check to make sure you need to. In my case - I took the $ out back around March and in June-is, as a part of the Corona Relief Bill (Care Act?) they put in a clause that exempts us from having to do that for 2020. So, I have to wait and see if, when, how I get back the tax they took out in March and sent to Auntie Pelosi.
  12. He also said "It's deja vu all over again."
  13. ?mJ = I loved every second of it. Excellent performance. A great way to start my day. Thank You ! And extra thanks for helping out the disenfranchised, homeless pets.
  14. I am humbled at the expertise and attention to detail. At the end, seeing the racks of basses - gives perspective on the volume. How many nuts does that guy cut in a day? Wow. How old ? Can't be too old. I have that same shirt the guy doing the fretboard was wearing.
  15. Or, you could just pass him a note in Home Room.
  16. We had one of those trees. Pre-wired, green on green, I spent 2 hours hellbent on finding where the little bulb or sketchy connection was. Then another hour after I gave up trying to get the wires off. I was not so silently cussing the person who designed a tree meant to be used for years with lights that last one season. Glad you're OK. I'm horrible at thinking I can do things today I couldn't do 30 years ago. I guess it's denial. Staples in the head !?! Sounds like you may have actually said "About time." out loud.
  17. Practiced the banjo. Decided the 12 pounder will never work with a strap, having taken my left shoulder over a month to stop being a pain in the butt.
  18. Having lived in one, a pre-war, radiator heated building will suck the humidity out of the air. We kept pans of H20 on top of some of the radiators and had to fill them every day.
  19. Subaru stopped making Tribeca 7 years ago. It was their only full sized SUV. The Ascent is basically the same car. Identical interior space. Tried to talk wife into trading hers in for an Ascent - but her Tribeca only has 35K miles on it, so she's not letting go. You'll love your new one !
  20. Hbg, Welcome and Congrats. I have an HBird TV. Looks identical. But, they stopped making them a few years back - so yours is probably the successor - which was called "Vintage". And as Em7 noted - they have the baked (torrified) tops, which usually makes them look darker. The tuners, as others have said in another thread, you should leave them. They are preferred cosmetically and work fine. The gold toned ones you mentioned in your NGD thread would sort of detract looks wise. If you do decide to switch - at least be sure to tuck the old/originals in the gear box in your case in case you ever decide to sell it. You said you need to 're-tune' every day or so. Usually, with mine, the reason for that, after the stings have been on a few days to stretch - is changes in humidity. I usually have to tweak 2 or 3 strings a sixteenth of a turn every time I pick it up. I've found it a useful habit to take a minute to make sure the guitar is 100% in tune before I start. If the humidity hasn't changed - they'll all be in tune. As far as the pins - they're probably tusq. G'Luck.
  21. Not to go off on a tangent - but my wife has the predecessor - the Subaru TriBeCa. You will find it is as close to a perfect vehicle as you can imagine. Congrats.
  22. Agree. I need to order of those 'Memory Erasers' they had on "Men In Black".
  23. ZmbyWf - She sounds like a 'keeper'. Congrats !
  24. Glad to see what some here jokingly refer to as "fan boys" have talked you down from your concerns with the high action. I'm assuming the shop that has 2 HB;s - New old stock, one 2+ years old, has them because they are the type BluesKing described - you buy it as is, we don't do setups, put on new strings, etc. As noted here - we've all experienced high action with new Gibsons but I don't recall anyone ever stating they were 'unplayable'. If it is that high - I'd wager the action is higher now than it was when Bozeman shipped them. Bozeman does measure those things. Does the shop have them in a room with humidity control? Be aware - just as there are 'fan boys' here, there are some who offer advice here who have biases in the other direction. Some of whom do not actually even own a Gibson Acoustic. I think that Chinese Guitar might be your best bet - I think if you got a new H'Bird, you're pre-positioned to have Buyers Remorse: Plastic pins, sketchy looking truss rod cover, glue drops inside, runout in the woodgrain, etc. China uses Rosewood for panelling in new homes, can put on ivory bridge pins, counterfeit Klusons or Grovers and can use EPA UN-approved glue to make sure your pick guard never lifts. If the 'how to' PG fix referred to days ago didn't interest you (kudos to KidBlast for digging it up just now for you) you might consider the 'glass is half full' when it comes to PG glue. Do you want an epoxy that will not allow the wood to move when humidity goes over 60 or under 40 ? That can cause a crack in the spruce top. I have an SJ200 with a corner barely lifting - and it's one of the traditional . non-flubber ones. Didn't notice it until I read a thread like this one and went and checked. I was barely able to slip in a piece of double sided tape. Held it down with a book - didn't work; but I never ever think about it. Got over it in just a few months. PG also covers the outer rings of the rosette. Like it does on my HBird TV. Never ever think about that either. Very important to be able to make a decision, accept reality, and move on. Let us know which way you go.
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