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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Looks like your "B" string would benefit from a compensated saddle. Should have used 'hide' glue !
  2. There was a thread here maybe 3 or 4 weeks ago on this. Might have been a Hummingbird pg.... one Forum member with this issue detailed how he fixed it himself permanently.
  3. No, you didn't read it wrong. It would certainly have been a much better story if it were Gibson donating the guitars. I guess Ford didn't want to donate cars. I just thought it was cool that they chose Gibson Acoustics, and jazzed them up. If this is a donation of $25K - That's maybe 25 guitars. Ford's not making much of a dent. Pun intended.
  4. Dotneck, I'm curious. When exactly did you write to them? If, for example, you wrote them Friday night and Saturday morning - I could understand them not having gotten back to you on Monday. On the other hand, if you wrote to them 10 days ago, and again 7 days ago, I would be disappointed.
  5. Devon Nunes came out with a new book this week. Jason Chaffetz came out with a new one last week. If you're interested in politics from actual politicians points of view.
  6. Looks like every now and then some good news sneaks onto the internet. Ford donating Gibsons to Vets with PTSD. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/country-luke-combs-ford-guitars-vets-ptsd
  7. It's a virus. Even small islands in the Pacific have gotten it. "Halt the spread for 6 - 8 weeks." It's been 6 - 8 months. "Flatten the curve." Maybe 'being irresponsible' is when you are told conflicting information by experts over that period of time. Pandemics in the past 100 years have lasted approximately 1 year, and 'science' isn't sure why they go away. Still can't agree on why The Spanish Flu went away. They also hit in 'waves', gradually diminishing. For this one, we have the very real promise of a vaccine - but some politicians are politicizing that. More fear. They cherry pick the science they want us to believe.
  8. Yep. SJ200 - people believe they are loud and ring like a bell. They can be loud. They can be 'clear'. But, mostly they're 'full'. Really great overall. So, you'll want to consider what you most want to do with this acoustic. Sing along or play alone - or either of the above in a group. Loud, projecting, bell ringers are fine - but many who want to accompany singing will go with something like a J45. Until a they recently released a new strategic marketing line - Taylor was generally known for being 'bright'. Gibson on the other side of the spectrum, with what many call 'The Gibson Thump'. Don't base your decision on what you may hear on recordings or YouTube. Those are usually amplified and equalized. Unless you visit Dealer sites where they will showcase different models and try to ensure the recording is 'true'.
  9. I don't think people are so much upset with masks per se as they are with some of the accompanying restrictions. This week a Federal Judge ruled the PA governor violated the Constitution with some of his heavy handed lockdowns. The NJ governor, when asked a few months back, if he thought his orders to close church services (while leaving Pot Shops and Liquor Stores open) were a violation of the First Amendment. He laughed it off and said "That's above my pay grade." So - the highest official of some of our states do not care if they may be depriving their citizens of their Freedom (or closing their businesses). If you want your rights back, you have to sue: take time off from work and money from your savings - to restore them. While, the governor uses taxpayer money and state lawyers to overwhelm you. Kicking 18 year olds out of college and refusing to refund their tuition for not wearing a mask 100% of the time... Mother and 2 year old kicked off SouthWestern flight because child wasn't wearing mask initially before take off. I think it's the abuses of those kinds by people who have let their power go to their heads that are upsetting those who bark back when someone confronts them about not wearing a mask in a grocery store in a state where it's not required. I don't know about MI, other than it seems your governor is one of the most heavy-handed, and I would assume that would cause a proportionate level or pushback. I've heard of people being confronted for NOT wearing masks, but not for wearing them. Yes, on anonymous social media - you can get attacked or ridiculed for either.
  10. Tooth polish, silver polish ... I'd never use them on nitro on wood. As KidBlaster said - Gibson's Pump Polish is what Gibson recommends. Polishes with abrasives are designed to take off the edges of scratches, smooth them out - by removing some of the surrounding nitro. Other polishes fill in the scratch to smooth it out, albeit a temporary patch. I've read microfibre, which I've used for years, is not recommended - but soft flannel is. I guess if you ask 10 people here, you'll get 11 answers. But 9 out of 10 would not use toothpaste.
  11. "One definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results." The last thing I wanted to do, when I hit 65, was to keep doing the same thing I'd done for the majority of my waking hours for the previous 38 years. Or anything remotely similar.
  12. Nah. Trolls say "If you don't like my comment, you should't have read it." 😐
  13. They have also "said on the news" that the 'expert' who traced 266,796 people to Sturgis is an ECONOMICS Professor who used various models in construction his GUESSTIMATE, including modeling based on assumptions of how many people came to Sturgis already infected. He did not consider how long it takes for symptoms to appear or how many people came later during the rally instead of assuming they all came on the first day. See attached if curious: https://slate.com/technology/2020/09/sturgis-rally-covid19-explosion-paper.html
  14. DB, May sound silly, but make sure there's not a speck of sawdust (or Unicorn Dust) in the saddle slot. And if it has an Under Saddle Transducer, that it is lying completely flat. No wrinkles. If the first string is hi up at the first fret, compared to the other 5 - it is more likely the nut slot needs to be filed down a hair. By a tech with a first string nut file.
  15. Derek, it's been 10 months.... how did you wind up? Many of us would be curious to hear of the process and the results. 🙂
  16. Yeah. About 2 months ago. Corona Virus restriction she put in place. Funny, I lived on LI for the first 18 years of mine. "Escape From New York" !
  17. Remember the Long Island NY county executive who passed an 'executive order' whereby you were not allowed, when playing tennis. to play doubles, or touch the other players balls? Seems like I would try a neck shot to the line judge. De-fund the cops, but ask them to patrol the country clubs - where the real crime is. Masks are just another part of their strategy.
  18. Yes, I had a cousin who died also.. Lynch, NYFD.
  19. It is hard comprehend all that has changed in the past 19 years. I was 50+ and have more perspective, for what it's worth, than someone who was in homeroom when they heard this news. I think we've forgotten the inspiration we received from the thousands of heroes that day - and the tsunami of patriotism we experienced. Hopefully, in another 19 years the monuments to those who died will still be standing. God Bless Them All.
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