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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Glad you are still here, and participating. I think we all agree we'd rather be playin' than spending time on "Social Media". Even if in the "Light" version of a guitar forum.
  2. I like anchovies on my pizza. (That'll get me as far as Purgatory.)
  3. It's called HYPERBOLE ! Like Poetic License that doesn't rhyme BUT - you're right of course. ( Sort of like a stopped clock. Twice a day ? )
  4. I've got a similar one I bought from Rainbow Guitars in AZ 4 or 5 years ago. Custom Koa - I am assuming it was one of those special 'limited' runs of 50 that Five Star dealers could spec out. It's a keeper of the first order. The herringbone is nice - but it has lots of other tasteful touches of bling. If you're into that thing. Abalone snowflake fret markers and rosette. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not because of the bling - because it sounds great. Projects well and is balanced. Contrasts perfectly with my other 2 Gibsons.
  5. 75H, With all due respect.... That dog won't hunt.
  6. And yet, we still have stories on the news this morning: "Experts warn of surge in Coronavirus cases this Fall." Because some people broke 'lockdowns' and went out to the beaches this Labor Day weekend. Which, of course isn't even over. Sounds like the 'experts' are just using the same press releases they used for Fourth of July. And ironically, the same politicians who said the lockdown would be over when we had a vaccine, are now saying - they won't trust the science ! I think 'what I'm doing today' is taking a holiday from "the news".
  7. Here's a link to the Strapkeeper: http://www.tapastring.com/strapkeeper0605.htm Jackpins have 2 problems- too wide in circumference plus the slot for the strap is way too narrow. Straps leather ends are usually 2 or 3 ply. Regardless - making the hole bigger never worked for me. It was still too thick to fit into the thin groove on the jackpin, plus the enlarged hole became frayed. Decided against the Strapkeeper. I was not comfortable with a thin nylon open-ended washer that you removed by pulling it off by the attached string. I tied a foot long piece of paracord to the end of the strap and make a slip not / hangman's noose on the other with fits perfectly into the groove and when tightened, can't be pulled off.
  8. Ditto here. I'm on my 3rd bottle. They last forever.
  9. Anti-depressants which, if you stop taking them suddenly, will drive you into a depression so deep - you might intentionally OD on something else. And some people will blame the gun, and not the big, fat, rich pharma-billionaire.
  10. We lived in Chicopee, a "Mill Town" in Western Massachusetts before moving to Texas. People lived in the same houses for generations. We bought a large, 100 year old Victorian previously owned by the town's lawyer. Even after 4 years, people would come up to us and say "Oh, you live in The Gregory House." We were fortunate to have been able to build a house on 2 acres in the outskirts of what we call The Hill Country. Couldn't see or hear any of our neighbors, which we loved. Had to give it up - now live closer to San Antonio. In outer suburbia which, with recent growth and population shifts - like TxOgre reported - has lost all the open spaces.
  11. Welcome and Congrats ! There was a thread here a month or two ago on Fretboard Oiling / Care which was pretty detailed. See if you can find it with the 'search' function. Two suggestions though: Your guitar finish - nitrocellulose, is possibly still 'curing' - you should avoid anything other than mild cleaners and polishes for a year. At all costs, do NOT spray it, or your arm, with Insect Repellant. It will leave a permanent smear, and ; Keep your fretting fingers clean when playing and you won't be grinding all sorts of foreign substances into your walnut fretboard. G'Luck !
  12. So you deflect from knives and paint fumes to alcohol. Typically find a graph as if that proves anything. No, I do not suggest that we ban alcohol. Speaking of deflection, isn't caffeine a drug?
  13. False Equivalency. (Nice way of saying "Here's your sign: another Confused Face.")
  14. Really. If OP's BF loves his mail-order Epi, I think getting one from Wildwood or another of Gibson's 5 star dealers and asking them to check the action to make sure it's correct would be fine. "In the middle of the range" works for me on most things. Stressing over a millimeter Clarence on the 3rd string will take away from the intended purchase of the guitar. BF will be bowled over going from an Epi to a Gibson of the same model. And OP needs to realize once he opens it and plays it - HE can be the one, in a month or two - to start thinking about the need for more pixie dust on a set up by a reputable dealer.
  15. We lived outside of Springfield (Chicopee) in the 80s. It was idyllic. From this and other things I've read - it sounds like a third world country now. I guess we can officially say The War On Drugs has been lost.
  16. Congrats, MP ... I can smell it from here ! Living The Dream now - be sure to pace yourself. Funny how folks think ( I did) that the big SJ200s will BOOM compared to the smaller models. I've found the exact opposite to be true. Nothing like a well-rounded, balanced, stable ... 'stable'. So, NOW which one would you grab in a fire?
  17. I think ALD323's detailed description of what he did, which worked - is sustainable. And, if you take one of your 2 2017s to a Gibson authorized repair person (not just someone who says' they're a 'luthier') you would have some assurance they'd do the job right. Call and ask what they'll do and how long it's guaranteed not to curl. I'm guessing they'd do what ALD did.
  18. Agree. If we're gonna get this one locked down too, let's at least make it about Covid and Politics not about 'edibles'. I'll go first: Our local, big chain grocery store requires masks. They sell them. Made in China. Two sheets of crepe paper with a rubber band. But, only $1.
  19. I was blown away that the dang thing was still in tune after being 're-constructed'. Now - if they made something like that out of carbon fibre - I think they would discover a whole new market. I wish I knew a big time guitar maker looking to create 'the next big one'.
  20. Good News ! Thanks for letting us know. Lots of seaweed and tarballs now?
  21. ALD3 - great photo, great catch - that is an iconic guitar if ever there was one!
  22. I would not hesitate to buy a new Gibson Acoustic sight unseen from a reputable dealer. You can't go wrong with an H'bird !
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