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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. "Maybe a little guard on the harp too ? . ." Or a harp on the guard? I read somewhere, when he was still starting out, he put his harmonica in the case On Top of his J45. I guess he shut the case, and someone put something on top of it - and it destroyed the top of the J45.
  2. "and I don't talk about how they feel like they're covered in greasy fried chicken fat -" You sort of just did.....
  3. Glad GC was accommodating, and had an upgrade on hand at a discount ! Sometimes things work out really well like this. Congrats! Based on the case, I'd say this was a serious upgrade. What model ? Vintage? Aged top ? EDIT: Not sure what the reason for the 'CONFUSED' emoji was. I'd be happy to explain my rather simple, pleasant, supportive comment to you if you'd care to specify what confused you about it.
  4. I would guess part of the AGF negativity comes from high expectations based on the name - not factoring in the fact you are paying $500 and not $5,000 and it's made in Mexico, not Nazareth. And, how often a person uses the word 'crap' in his product reviews is probably a function of how long he's been cooped up with no one to talk to except people on Social Media! I'm appreciative of Gibson's approach of maintaining their brand 'quality' and letting Epiphones be their entry level/student/starter guitars. But, that's all marketing - brand definition, etc. Obviously - the lumber you hold in your hands... Love the one you're with? Ginger VS Mary Ann ?
  5. Bring the troops home by Christmas, Jinder ! Peace.
  6. Yes she does. This is an old classic. One of my favorites.
  7. WEIRD 12 YEAR OLD ZOMBIE THREAD. First time poster. Comment off topic. Click on Link At Your Own Risk !
  8. I stopped believing all the reported scare stories when after months of telling us to wipe down groceries with disinfectant - they said - "Never Mind". CDC this week changed guidance on re-using masks. It's been 10 months - they just figured out 'best practices' for masks !!! I thought they were a billion dollar outfit charged with "CONTROLLING DISEASE". They've made lots of changes and reversals in the past year and should have had this one piece of information nailed. Experts like this are telling us they can measure the rise in the earths temperature by a couple of degrees over a couple of millennia. And cows are a big part of the problem. Pffft.
  9. A unique holiday that traditionally has brought us closer together as families and Americans, this year is different. Even different than during The Great Depression, The Spanish Flu, WWII .... We are being told to 'shelter in place' for the holiday, but we hear of scores of mayors and governors who threaten us with fines and jail time if we don't follow their 'guidelines' - who get caught ignoring them. Maybe we, here, can come together with some positive, reconciling anecdotes about what we're planning for this day - or what we've done on prior holidays. This year,, we are getting together with our two of our sons, whose families we regularly have visited with over the past months. My fondest memory of earlier celebrations - back when I was 19 or 20, driving into Brooklyn to pick up my grandmother and great aunt to bring them to our home for the day. They would always have a glass of sherry. They had a lot to be thankful for: Together, in the early 1920s, they brought my father and his sister as toddlers over from England/Ireland to find a new life here. Me? I am thankful that I've lived long enough to realize how much I have to be thankful for. Maybe that will be what I say when I am called on to say Grace at our meal later today.
  10. If I were me, I'd leave the current strings on for another 4 weeks and see what they sound like once they hit their stride. And your ears adjust to voice of the newbie. The sound of new strings deteriorates quickly and, I think more noticeably for me - on my maple SJ-200. That is not the guitar I grab if I want a shiny, bright silver bell ringing sound. Having said that - Martin Retros here.
  11. Bert - I'd jump on getting a new H'Bird. Best way to get over 'the one that got away'. You need to forgive and forget. You'll find it opens up your mind to really enjoy playing that new one.
  12. I think we here, collectively speaking, are "The Man" .
  13. Access to health care has taken a back seat to focusing on the China Flu for the past 10 months. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer a month before they closed hospital admissions for everything except 'emergencies'. She was one of the last to get surgery and Radiation Therapy before they shut the doors to keep beds empty. Now she's in the 'medically fragile' group (had lung cancer 6 years ago which she also beat), so she and I (and our 4 kids and their families) have not been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately, with the vaccine just around the corner - if the FDA gets off their axe and begins their review of Pfizer's application.
  14. Would that have included the ACLU ?
  15. You can download an app on your phone of the Constitution. Comes in handy when you can't get through to your court appointed attorney.
  16. Great. That was what I needed this morning. Thanks!
  17. That was actually the first thought that came to my mind. But then I considered the OP was probably talking about some kind of guitar. Like an M80. Big axe firecracker - or another one of the thousands of models Martin has made over the years?
  18. As Sgt.Pepper said - No one should have to stay out of any section of The Forum. Like Murph, I think many questioned the legitimacy of confusing info coming out from 'experts' on CV19 in the early phase (first No Masks then Masks Required) ... and the middle phase and which ever phase we're in now.! So, there is a growing dis-satisfaction with the politicization of this health crisis. Two sides to every issue. Murph should not have been attacked mercilessly for justifying his opinion. For example, NYC is shutting down public schools (again) because the % of positive tests has hit 3%. Ours here is 9% ...but we get people from El Paso which rounds up Non-citizens on the Mexico / US Border who claim they are sick. That % has grown as more and more employers require employees to keep being re-tested every few days before they can return to work. So - reported as Positive Cases for sure. Maybe even 'New Cases' by the same people who had admitted they reported people who only had symptoms but were not tested - as CV19 deaths. My point is - in a perfect world, we should all be able to express our opinion. And, if challenged, be able to present a defense or justification of it. And if attacked, to point out inconsistencies in the arguments of people who disagree. All WITHOUT those who disagree GETTING UGLY. But, I think you would find in any group of people on social media (since individual people aren't 'perfect' - groups are less so) some 5% can be expected to get ugly. We have that here, with little real consequences. For that reason - I do not agree that he, or me, or you - could or should be expected to stay our of any section of the Gibson Forums. It squelches the spirit of 'Free Speech' by encouraging personal attacks. It would encourage that 5% to come to this forum and 'get ugly'. There have been a few threads here (and in The Lounge) over the past several months lamenting the decline in quantity and quality of comments. Some folks suggested it could be because of this negativity. Some folks have egos that are out of control and consider any opinion that doesn't align with any of theirs - a threat that needs to be attacked. Finally - while there is a prohibition against discussing "politics" on this forum - it has reached a point where politics seems to pervade every aspect of our lives - up to and including your guest list for Thanksgiving, and whether or not you can sing !!! Talk about cancelling gigs! Think your country buys too much crapola from China - that's politics. Think the vaccine is unsafe - that's politics. Think Canadians should stay out of US politics? Politics AND Hate Speech - which now being considered to be made a CRIME by politicians who may be in power soon. Ironically - Social Media encourages it. Irony? Tragedy? "Oh The Humanity!" On the other hand ... I think many of our longtime members who have disappeared my have done so for Health, Economic or LifeStyle Reasons. No more gigs, no more band practice, no more students... While there are some younger members here, many of us tend to be 'over the hill'. More likely to move away from "Guitar Life" for health or financial reasons. It would be somewhat difficult to come here knowing you could no longer play. Or had to sell your treasured Banner J45 for a harmonica. Or a Taylor Swift Taylor!
  19. I prefer the foul language and bickering compared to talking about the NFL. I'll consider watching them again - the season after they get up off their knees.
  20. It's all about a fragile ego, and a question of degree. I'm sure we've all had 'the pointy haired boss' that Dilbert endured for the length of his career. My nemesis was a Stanford graduate and a former IBM executive. He was ALWAYS the smartest person in the room. Today - going hiking with my youngest son. He just turned 40, so I'm somewhat older! He said I can pick which trail: Guadalupe River State Park. It's 48 degrees here and his Jeep has no roof, but at least he put the doors back on.
  21. Murph, I believe a few months back - signed off disgusted with the passive aggressive attacks from a couple of members - politics, coronavirus or something I believe. I could name names, but that would only dignify. I believe it was in The Lounge. Where Acoustic members are sort of considered Red Headed Step Children by some the Electric Eclectic members.
  22. Wholeheartedly agree w/Paul. Anderton's video s/b unplugged. Sweetwaters was. Didn't care for the musical arrangement - but the H'Bird sounds great. Solid wood - I thought Epi only offered that on their MasterBuilt - either way that is a big plus. Headstock looks like Gibson's except small tell - three screws in TRC. Only bummer as far as I'm concerned is having the big ol' orange oval iconic GIBSON label glaring out of the sound hole.
  23. Somebody on Lockdown who should be 'working from home' Googled "Skateboard Pictures". Don't click on the link - unless you like to live on the wild side and risk a virus. In your computer.
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