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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Leo - to answer your question with a question, what is the alternative to removing them? You stated they were keeping the 90% RH in the room down at 70% in the case. If that has been working for 6 months, and you have no other option, I would keep using them. And, yeah. Don't keep your warranty card under the packs. "If anything can go wrong, it will." (Murphy's Law)
  2. Realize you're being humorous there - but for those who do not realize it - there have been TWO threads here complaining about Gibson Acoustic quality - I would guess in one a month or so. One was on a 2 piece laminated truss rod cover on which one layer had rough edges because it was not sanded after being cut. I would guess Gibson buys these and doesn't make them. Thousands coming in, one slipped by a visual inspection. The poster magnified his photo 3x, I doubt the QC Inspector in the Receiving Department uses a magnifying glass on every TRC. Usually you inspect one item VERY CLOSELY in each box. The second was a complaint on an H'BIrd purchased used on which pick guard wasr lifting at the edges. Again, statistically, out of the thousands of guitars shipped every month from Bozeman every month - we get one complaint every other month. One member from Canada said he saw the lifting pg on 'a lot that weren't even sold yet'. So, the torches and pitchforks come out, wielded by the same villagers, every time one of these posts come along.
  3. Sarge, You really should get yourself a Gibson acoustic. Think of all the pick guard, TRC and Glue Drop problems you're missing.
  4. Maybe they do now. That was 12 years ago.
  5. I'm starting to think we've uncovered another First World Problem.
  6. "If I were me, I would get a small piece of very fine sandpaper (400+) and go over the edges of the black piece. Maybe painters tape on the white piece, or just keep a thin piece of paper under it as you move around the edges of the black piece. I think all that happened there was that = after the black piece was cut, it got into the parts bin before someone sanded the cut edges down." So, what are you going to do ?
  7. Major companies put in place processes for correcting manufacturing issues - big and small. They rarely send out parts with a retail value of $30 to anyone who calls up. Dealing with things like guitars, furniture, automobiles - the dis-satisfied customer usually has to go through the authorized dealer. They screen out unreasonable requests and owners who didn't buy the item new with a warranty. Based on your logic, Gibson should send out $200 hand painted pick guards to people willy nilly.
  8. I’m surprised you guys don’t chuck it all and start your own guitar company. Then we can post photos blown up 3x and critique your TRCs .
  9. Old Forum Member, GillianGirl, reported she made all hers - out of plastic milk containers. I have a punch - had fun making a bunch. But couldn't find any material I felt was decent quality. Credit Cards, Gift Cards - just wore away too quickly. But it lit a fire under me to finalize my decades old search - and I've been using GraphTech TUSQ picks for years now.
  10. It was (still is as far as I know) a beautiful house. Two porches on the first and two more on the 2nd floor, wrought iron fence on a corner lot. House was 60 years old and in mostly original condition. Fabric covered electrical wiring, push button light switches. Etc. Coal furnace had been converted to oil, fortunately. Big issue though - NO INSULATION between outside stucco walls and inside plaster walls. Heating it cost more than the mortgage payments in winter ! Maybe today there's some technology to shoot insulation into the walls and dealing with the studs and fire stops cross pieces. We bought it because, in the 1970s, it was cheaper than a new house 1/5th its size.
  11. Aaaaah! I read too fast and missed that. Thanks. Guess the nitro is safe now !!! Thanks.
  12. Jrny - if you take her out in the sun - your will be bowled over my how translucent and shimmery that flamed maple becomes. Don't stay there too long though. UV rays etc. The nitro is probably still 'fresh'. In a year or less it will be 'cured'. And, Welcome ! Hope you stick around.
  13. If I were me, I would get a small piece of very fine sandpaper (400+) and go over the edges of the black piece. Maybe painters tape on the white piece, or just keep a thin piece of paper under it as you move around the edges of the black piece. I think all that happened there was that = after the black piece was cut, it got into the parts bin before someone sanded the cut edges down. Of course it will be a little tedious because the actual size is only half of the photo - but it will take less time than finding a suitable replacement and ordering it. With the attendant risk it might be of lesser quality.. Just make sure you don't get one with three screws. That's a tip-off it's not OEM !
  14. When we lived in Central Taxachussetts - Chicopee, a mill town just north of Springfield - we had a three story Victorian house built in 1915 on a double lot with several 100 year old oak trees. We filled 100 trash bags filled lining the entire curb. The regular, large, old size bags - not the super big ones. Trash Man (city government) would only take around 15 or so at a time. Problem was - when it rained, the water would leak into the bag, So by the time the Trash Man got to the last ones - they weighed 50 pounds each. The people who bought the house from us, cut down half dozen big old trees, including a couple of 30 foot douglas fir - subdivided the lot (city government) built a crappy little house on it and sold it. Since the housing market had re-bounded, they probably were able to pay off most of their mortgage. They then moved a couple of years later. Probably to do the same thing again. Today - I'm going to focus on learning one song I've been dithering with - Feeling Good Again, Rob't Earl Keen - so I've got it down pat and permanent. And, we're going to the store to stock up on essentials, like toilet paper, coffee, beer.
  15. Looking forward to finally spend some quality time with my guitars. Exercise, Dogs, keeping up with laundry and housework get in the way. JDGM - your comment says it all. Thanks! And, today I am also scratching my head. Wondering why and how two significant news items happened to be released days after The Elections. Putin stepping down. Pfizer finalizing a CV19 virus that is 90% effective. So, what I"m NOT doing today is spending as much time watching "The News".
  16. Good to know. Relevant in terms of similar structure to Gibson. But Notes Norton point is important - Mandated quarterly SEC filings are relied on by investors. Management is required to project future earnings. If they don't project an increase - their stock prices (value of the company) drop. If they don't hit the projection - also drop. So - short term gains are prioritized over long term - all because of the pressure from investors. Not you and me and our 401Ks, but the people who manage them at big investment firms - like the ones who advertise on TV> I digress. I think GC as a place in the market and would hate to see them tank. They are the younger generations 'go to' for entry level, hands on, 'expert advice' in a broad array of musical instruments and gear. Yes, we cork sniffers do not feel they are up to our standard. But a 17 year old looking to buy his second guitar after 2 years of lessons and jamming with friends, does not want to make as big a deal out of it - for a $700 guitar - as we here do - for one costing 3x as much. Yes, GC put lots of Mom's & Pops out of business. So have Walmart, Costco and Amazon. And, before them - in another age - big department stores did the same. And now - Grocery Stores sell hardware and clothes - so they are doing the same. Change - embrace it and stay sane, resist it at your own peril.
  17. 1. Maple - unlike other tone woods, isn't syrupy. 2. Maple - stands alone: nothing rhymes with it. Except for staple, which is impossible to work into a song. 3. Maple - not just for shipping pallets anymore.
  18. Well, he was a Socialist - so you’re probably right.
  19. This link to Instagram is worth watching no matter who you are or where. Stop, Children. What’s That Sound. Buffalo Springfield. Back in the day. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CHJpuq5H8Xs/?igshid=1etesjelv6a07
  20. I've got a Hercules wall hanger and a floor stand. Never had any problem with either. Have three other wall hangers - QuickLok https://www.quiklok.com/product/qf-410-acoustic-guitar-display-hanger/ - that my guitars reside on unless being played. No problem there either for over 7 years. I would think most problems reported were due to the nitrocellulose not being 'cured' or hardened - if the guitar is brand spanking new. Or, if someone cleaning house sprayed the guitar hanger with some foreign cleaning chemical. Consider, as you plan, another potential problem - Which wall you use. Hanging a guitar next to a cold, damp outer basement wall might do more damage than a stand. Even above ground, you should avoid exterior walls. We built a house once - and I went out to inspect the progress. The guy putting the insulation in the walls ran out with just 7 or 8 feet to go. They were already putting up the wall board. He had left completely uninsulated the entire area surrounding the whirlpool/spa type master bathtub!
  21. I don't think I've ever seen / noticed the commercial. Being pretty familiar with Pete Seeger's voice/style - it would have gotten my attention if I had. For the 10 million who HAVE seen and heard it - I'm guessing 9 million 'tuned out'. Of the others - I'd guess less than a few hundred took the time to research it and find out who was on the sound track. Usually it is a nobody - and nobody bothers. But - the fact remains, if a couple of hundred discovered a whole new 'genre' - with the door opened by the Godfather of the Seeger Family - it was worth it. Otherwise, that music would still be sitting on a dusty shelf, only recognizable by the Baby Boomers who were in the middle of the Folk Revival. I'm ecstatic every time a GOOD song gets 'air time'.
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