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Everything posted by IanHenry

  1. Three of my Gibson's (LP Classic Antique, ES-335 and J-15) live on Hercules stands and only get put into their cases if I take them out and I've never had a problem there's not a mark on them. Ian
  2. Thanks for that JC, I think the J-15's are great guitars. When I got mine I was torn between it and a J-45, ideally I'd have had both, it's not that one was better than the other, they were just different. To be honest the j-35 just wasn't in the same League, but It's each to their own I guess! Regards, Ian
  3. I thought the J-15 had been axed, at least I haven't found it on their new website. There's very little difference between a J-15 and a J-45 Studio so there wouldn't be a lot of point in making both. Ian
  4. Hi Tio, It might be worth e-mailing Gibson support with the serial number if you have any doubts, they are usually very helpful. It looks good to me but there are more knowledgeable people who visit the forum, it could be worth re-posting your question in the Gibson Lounge where more people will see it. Good luck, Ian
  5. My 335 doesn't have CS in it's serial number and it doesn't have a Custom shop logo anywhere on the guitar Ian
  6. I have a 2010 ES 335 that has both Custom on the case and a Custom certificate. when I asked Gibson about it they said: "Actually, the serial number on your guitar is correct for this model. It refers to a ES-335 Plain in Cherry finish, nickel hardware, made in 2010 in Memphis US as part of the Custom Shop series." It's always been a bit of a mystery to me. Ian
  7. Well it sounds like you've answered your own question doesn't it! Ian
  8. Hi, I know it's a few years old now but it may be worth looking at this, it could still have a little relevance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnDEx3ISWIY Ian
  9. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new Les Paul, I hope you enjoy many years together. Yes I think the photo is from the factory, although I've never bought one that comes with a photo. Regards, Ian
  10. Wow, you must be a good guitarist if you didn't learn anything from watching Rory play, I did Ian
  11. What difference does it make? I've never bought a guitar because it's solid or not, I buy a guitar because of how it plays/sounds/looks. It strike me that Gibson knocking is an internet pastime, you ought to read the guy's on AGF! There's absolutely nothing wrong with Gibson guitars, I have 5 and I wouldn't swap them for anything else. They are all great (one has a slight flaw, a 2011 Les Paul Studio 60's Tribute, it has a flat spot on the top where someone has got a bit enthusiastic sanding, I saw it when I bought it but it sounds and plays great). If you don't like them then don't buy them, it's as simple as that. I've found all the PRS's that I've played to be soulless, so I've never bought one, it's that simple. Your money, your choice, what ever light your candle. Ian
  12. Rory's the only guitar player who has ever made me consider getting a Stratocaster. Ian
  13. I saw this live performance from Rory and just thought wow, it's an education just watching him play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lROruo8G7Yo There's also an interesting interview with Brian May talking about Rory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xG4mnm0bBQ Ian
  14. I don't have a problem with people being proud of their country or it's products and so they should. That doesn't mean that I buy other nations products if they produce the best. Regarding guitars, personally I'd buy American guitars and British amps if I was in the market for new gear. On the subject of Gibson quality I only have one guitar with a defect (if you can call it that), my 2011 Les Paul Studio 60's Tribute, which has a slight flat spot on the maple top, as though someone sanded to much off, you can only see it if you hold it up to the light. I saw it when I bought the guitar but it played and sounded so good I bought it anyway. Ian
  15. http://www.gordonsmithguitars.com/shop/guitars/gemini/ http://www.fyldeguitars.com/ Ian
  16. "I'd suggest that Guild also had some instruments in the '70s that were of equal or better quality than similar Gibson models. I'd not trade my old 1970s S100c "SG" type for a current similar Gibson, either, and at that point of time, the S100c was IMHO preferable to Gibson SG models. Some 40 years later she still plays as if moving to make our music as a duet rather than she as only an instrument." As a kid one of the local music shops had a black Guild S100 in stock, and I lusted after it, I used to go there every Saturday and play it. No one seemed to want it and the price just kept dropping and dropping but as a school kid with no money it was still out of reach. Obviously one Saturday I arrived and it was gone. I was heartbroken! I read in Ian Hunters book "Diary of a Rock'n'Roll Star" that he always thought the Guild was a better guitar than the Gibson SG. Ian
  17. With all the Taylor knocking, I have to say in my opinion, the higher priced ones have never impressed me but I've quite liked the cheaper models, the 110's etc, I actually like them better than their solid timber models! I know that's probably blasphemy, but it's true in my opinion. I think Yamaha's are very much under rated, I have a AC3M which is great, it's not all that loud, but the electrics on it are second to non, and it's great to play. Ian
  18. Here in the U.K the J-35 is about £100 more expensive than the J-15 and the J-29 about 3-4 hundred more! Ian
  19. But how do they sound and feel? That's the criteria I use when buying a guitar. Ian
  20. Great Pippy, One of my Les Paul's is a 2008!......................................I still don't sound like Peter Green, it must be broken :) Ian
  21. Yes, I've been trying to sound like Peter Green but can't! I think there must be something wrong with my guitar :) Seriously when Clapton, Green etc were producing their best work (in my opinion) the guitars they were using weren't really that old, it would be like someone today using a 94-95 Les Paul. I'm thinking that the biggest difference is in the way the wood was seasoned and dried. Also as has been previously alluded too, most people don't notice or care about your tone, it's either excitable or it grates on their nerves. To quote my wife "one guitar sounds the same as another to her", the only time that She's commented on a guitar sounding great was when I played a J-15 in the Gibson showroom. Nobody cares, only guitar players. Ian
  22. Maybe this is what you need: https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions Don't know why the video itself doesn't show Very nice if you've got £8000 to spare (I think that's roughly $12000) Ian
  23. I apologise if I'm a bore because I've told this story before on those forums, but I'll tell it again anyway because it seems relevant. Last year whilst visiting the U.S I had the opportunity to visit the Gibson Memphis factory and whilst there I had the chance to play as many guitars as I could get my hands on in the showroom (as one would, wouldn't you). I picked up a J-15 and it sounded fantastic, even my wife passed comment on how it sounded (to her a guitar's, a guitar's a guitar). at that point I hadn't looked at the price tag but when I did, I was shocked to find it was the cheapest one they had. When I got back to the U.K, I started looking round for a J-15. Interestingly I played one in a local shop and didn't like it at all. Two weeks later, I played the same guitar and it was far far better. When I did find one that I wanted, I was tempted by a very nice J-45. It's not that the J-45 was better, just different, a more mellow sound whereas I find the J-15 to be a little more bright. I also played j-35's and J-29's but unfortunately they didn't come close to the J-15 & J-45 in my opinion. It was a hard choice, but as I was looking for a J-15 I decided to stick with that (if I could have afforded to, I would have had both!). All the B/S on other forums about Gibson quality is jut that, B/S, I don't know why people feel the need to knock Gibson, maybe it's jealousy? I certainly won't be selling my J-15. Enjoy your new guitar, Ian
  24. In a Broken Dream - Python Lee Jackson Ian
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