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Everything posted by IanHenry

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the new guitar. Regarding your lettering, I'd e-mail Gibson with the serial number etc of your guitar, they will put your mind at ease, their usually quite helpful.
  2. Off to watch Alice Cooper supported by the Stranglers & MC5 (who I've never heard of) tonight.
  3. Hope everything turns out ok. As Pippy mentioned old age sucks but it's better than the alternative.
  4. Close shave, glad to hear everything is alright🙂
  5. Very sad to hear this Tman, loss of a valuable historic iconic aircraft and terrible loss of life. RIP to the people lost.
  6. Hi Navy Vet, Yes, it would be worth your while traveling out of London if you can. In Liverpool they have recently opened Strawberry Fields up to the public for the first time (apparently John Lennon used to get in over the wall as a child). You might also consider York if you have time, no Rock & Roll history there but the city really is a "must see". If you could postpone your trip until May, you should find the weather a lot more agreeable.
  7. Another interesting little snippet from the Duxford air show, it's quite long though🙂
  8. So sorry to hear this Kidblast, the new report that you posted said one person was missing, is there any update on that?
  9. Some interesting atmospheric images from a Battle of Britain recreation at the Duxford airshow: https://home.bt.com/news/in-pictures/in-pictures-battle-of-britain-atmosphere-recreated-at-duxford-air-show-11364396774768
  10. This is a useful source of information: http://www.gibson-talk.com/forum/threads/gibson-factory-set-up-specs.15130/
  11. Hi, welcome to the forum. I think it might be worth your while contacting Charlie Gelber, who is something of an expert on early Gibson ES guitars, if he can't answer your question know one can. Here's his website: http://www.es-335.org/ Good luck
  12. Hi & welcome to the forum Marcel, nice guitar, I've never seen one with a dark neck before. Fantastic guitars the J-15's
  13. It's always good to see some of those old lads flying in a Spitfire again. I do think the two seat conversion looks like a bit of a dogs breakfast, but it is what it is there's no other way of doing it.
  14. Your dad must have been an incredibly brave man, the life expectancy of bomber crews were not great, we all owe him.
  15. Yes, lets never forget them. In my youth I was lucky enough to meet a couple of ex Battle of Britain pilots when I was learning to fly gliders, one of whom was a Polish guy called Stefan who flew Hurricanes. A great character who was full of light hearted, amusing stories and much missed.
  16. This popped up on Microsoft news, interesting that the Beatles were planning one last album. https://a.msn.com/r/2/AAH9UkI?m=en-gb&ocid=News
  17. Hi Nitocris, I know this won't help you, but in reality a lot of the 50's Bursts were very bright sounding often almost Telecaster like, from my understanding most modern Les Pauls are quite dark by comparison. Personally I like bright because you can always tone it down but if it's not there on the guitar that's one sound option that you'll never have available to you.
  18. I like the idea of a disco song about Hitler's decision to invade Russia, I suspect that's never been done before😕
  19. The author of the video, Chris Buck, is being touted as "one to watch" apparently he's been drawing favourable comments from Slash.
  20. Hi, I have Hankook fitted to my Mini Cooper S and there fine. I normally go with named brands (tyres are your only contact with tera firma, so to me there important) but the guy at the place where I normally buy my tyres convinced me that I should try Hankook. I'm not sure how many miles I've done on them, I'm guessing somewhere between 3 & 5 thousand.
  21. Hi Fred, Pictures would help. I know that CS guitars aren't always perfect I have one myself with issues, don't get me wrong I love the guitar, it sounds and plays great otherwise I'd have sent it back.
  22. Very interesting, thanks for posting Rabs.
  23. You could always do it like this: It's not something that I would do, but it's your guitar.
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