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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. Just A Dream – Jimmy Canton and his Rockets Notes ♫
  2. Thanks. I haven't heard that one in years. Jimmy Smith, who gave lessons to McGriff also had some great cuts with Stanley Turrentine on sax and Kenny Burrell on guitar.
  3. Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Queen Notes ♫
  4. Jackie Blue – Ozark Mountain Daredevels Notes ♫
  5. Darn. They sold the SG that I probably couldn't afford anyway. 😉 Notes ♫
  6. I had some arthritis in my little finger from a basketball accident, and inherited bursitis in my hip so bad that I couldn't walk 2 blocks without sitting down. (I'm not dispensing medical advice here) A doctor who likes to try the dietary approach before anything, gave me the arthritis/bursitis diet. It's rather restricting, but it works for me. My hands are fine, and I can walk 4 miles now. If I stray off the diet for some time, like when I'm on vacation, I can feel it coming back in my hand and hip. My neighbor was walking her dog, she needed a cane. Arthritis in her knees. I gave her the diet and in two months she was walking without the cane. Will it work for you? I don't know. I also don't know about any health problems anyone else is having, so if you try it, you may want to check with your doctor first. This is it: For both arthritis and bursitis, treatment is similar: Try the dietary approach first, and if that doesn't work, take stronger action. Foods that may contribute to chronic inflammation are foods with a high glycemic index (foods that convert to sugar quickly), such as fruit juices, sugars, simple starches, or rice cakes, foods heavy in polyunsaturated or saturated fats, and foods high in arachidonic acid. Some specific foods to avoid are: * Fatty cuts of red meat (high in saturated fats) lean is good * Organ meats: liver, kidney, and so forth (very high in arachidonic acid) * Egg yolks (very high in arachidonic acid) * Poultry - chicken, duck, turkey (very high in arachidonic acid) * Pasta (high glycemic index) * Juices (high glycemic index) * Rice, especially rice cakes (high glycemic index) * White bread (substitute whole grain breads such as rye) * Nightshade Plants bother many people (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, paprika) Glycemic index charts can be found on the Internet. Better choices are foods with a low glycemic index and foods that are heavy in monounsaturated fats. Some specific good foods are: * Salmon and other fish * Oatmeal * Low glycemic fresh fruits and vegetables * Olives and olive oil * Peanuts and other nuts * Whey proteins * Lean beef is good, 100% grass fed is better Mrs. Notes and I have 19 gigs this month, each one includes schlepping our gear, on stage I play guitar, sax and wind synth (= vocals) and stand for 3-4 hours continuously. With no pain. I'd rather not eat some foods than live in pain. YMMV Notes ♫
  7. I'll do my best. Bifrost -> Frost -> Ice... Skating Away on the Thin Ice of the New Day – Jethro Tull Notes ♫
  8. Friend Of The Devil – Grateful Dead Notes ♫
  9. Nah, I wish. But those are only in Tarzan type movies. Coolies charge a lot of money for their services, and I play music for a living (that means I'm underpaid). But I did play in a club where the ceiling fans had blades that looked like palm fronds many years ago. Notes ♫
  10. Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette) – Tex Williams A cowboy 'rap' song from the 1940s, before rap music was invented. Notes ♫
  11. If you want a 335, get a 335. Treat it right and it will last a lifetime and give you pleasure. Life is short, get pleasure where you can. I'd probably get it from a guitar store, one that offers free setup. But that's me. Guitar is my 7th instrument, and I'm spending time improving my playing skills, and don't want to learn how to adjust the neck, just yet. But then, I bought two Parkers via mail-order, thinking I might have to get them set up, but they arrived just fine. Notes ♫
  12. Satin Sheets – Jeanne Pruett Back in the 1990s, when we decided to pick the retirement audience for gigging, an agent booked us in a club in Lantana, Florida. He said we'd have to set up early, and we got there mid-afternoon. Setting up was OK because it paid well. Setup time: On the jukebox Jeanne was whining away, “Satin sheets to lie on, satin sheets to cry on” in old-school country style. The bartender had a big cowboy hat on with feathers on it, and a fringed leather vest. The bar was full of people sporting western wear and boots. Visions of the blues brother came to mind. We played hardly any country songs. We said, “We're going to kill the agent, IF we get outta her alive!” But when we went back, there they were, a room full of retirees who moved down here from “up north” the exact audience we targeted. And we were a hit, we played that room once a week for over a year. Choosing the retirement audience was a good idea, as we were never out of work until COVID hit. We even had to turn down work to take vacations. Now that COVID is waning, we're doing 15-20 gigs per month--19 this month. Notes ♫
  13. Melbourne is about an hour north of me. I grew up near Ft. Lauderdale. It got too crowded there so I moved to Ft. Pierce. I will not move any farther north. Why? The state park at the Fort Pierce ocean Inlet, is the northernmost point where tropical vegetation grows wild. North of that, every few years they get a light frost. And as far as I'm concerned, snow and ice only belong in two places, (1) the top section of your refrigerator or (2) in your cold drink. Definitely NOT in your yard. And yes, it's humid. Especially since I don't use the air conditioner. I grew up without it, don't like it, don't need it and don't want it. I cool my house the old-fashioned, passive way. I have a bright white roof and I planted shade trees around the perimeter of the house, but not over the roof. The hot air rises over the roof, and the cool air from under the trees come in to take its place. No matter how hot it is outside, it never gets hotter than the low 80s in the house. When I was a kid, everybody cooled their house that way. That's better for the environment, and saves me a few hundred dollars per month too. Notes ♫
  14. Mid 80s in the day, and 60s at night. It's been like that for weeks, and will be for at least the next 10 days, according to the weather people. Went to our favorite rib restaurant, sat outdoors in the shade, and had a great meal. I worked on music at home, the house is opened up, mockingbirds singing, jays squawking, woodpeckers laughing, and cardinals cheeping. It was a nice day. Notes ♫
  15. Wasted Days and Wasted Nights – Freddy Fender Notes ♫
  16. In The Year 2525 - Zager and Evans Notes ♫
  17. No basement, it's a rare Florida home that has one, as most of the state is not that much above sea level. No furnace either, it doesn't get that cold. But it does get humid.
  18. Sisters of the Moon – Fleetwood Mac Notes ♫
  19. "Jelly Roll Blues" – Jelly Roll Morton Notes ♫
  20. Don't Worry, Be Happy – Bobby McFerrin (sorry about that) Notes ♫
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