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Everything posted by kidblast

  1. I know Tube amps can be finicky it's not a myth. I've been fortunate I guess, knock on wood and all. The good thing about the Goldtones is they were all Class A, and did not need to be biased when you wanted to replace the tubes. I had a GA30RVS, it was the heaviest amp I think I've ever owned, just under 90 lbs. it sounded great but you did not want to move it.
  2. yea I get it! completely! I do love the tube amps I have and they've been pretty reliable for me. FWIW, if the new Falcon's are anything like the Gibson Goldtone amps were, I don't think you'll be disappointed
  3. I would not make the comparison of a Mustang with any of the Tone Masters series. I've had Mustangs, 2 of them. These are not those.
  4. Try the Tone Masters from Fender. I have a blonde deluxe, and I simply love the thing. I have 3 other amps, Marshalls, all tube amps, so yea, I know what a lot of people will say about these, But I think they sound great, And they have power attenuation features.
  5. I'm the wrong guy to answer any topic like this, but.... The older I get the less likely I am to be among large amounts of people in big areas. It brings out the worse in humanity, I don't go to shows like this anymore, so I wouldn't go if she was playing across the street for free.
  6. Never having seen one till now, I'd have to guess nobody.
  7. Eracer and Rabs are giving good advice.
  8. All drama and lawsuits aside, it hurts to just look at the picture of that thing.
  9. haven't hit this post in a while. 3 pages! Lots of great stories and discussion. Thanks to all for their fond wishes. This is my 3rd Monday of retired life. I'm starting to unwind from the notion that I should be doing "something" other than what I'm doing. !LOL! Mrs Blast isn't giving me a list of to dos as I'm too busy making up my own. Been spending the mornings working on the yard, garden, maintaining the pool -- SWIMMING in said pool, Working on music a lot too. I had my first solo gig as a retiree last Saturday, had a good crowd, good vibes. It was in the 90s here, hotter than hell, so it was inside for the event. Joined a new band with some old band mates recently and that's been fun to reunite, and dig into working on the tunes they like playing. so far, Dam ! I love this!
  10. Oh a bargain! I'll check with the wife, yea.. no.............
  11. Sparky, another hit! Tone Casters! LOL! Thank God these are Dolphin-Safe LOL!
  12. I have been a member here for 12 years. It's changed quite a bit from "those" days when I first came on. There was a lot more activity then. I've made a few friends here as well, I wont name names, you guys know who you are. All good ppl and they make this place worth coming to at least once a day. I'm glad it's here, and I appreciate the guys who work the forum and keep the place civil. (yes - our Moderators) Hats off to those guys.
  13. I got stories, you got stories, the situation is total chaos, but this is the industry standard choice. I'm glad to be done with it all.
  14. Growing old, beats dying young all day long! I miss NOTHING about the work I was doing. Hated the job, could not stand the management. Good riddance to all of it. that's kind of it right? No where to go, and all day to get there. the only work I'm doing now is yard work which I enjoy doing.
  15. Probably will not get worse. but, -- if it's buggin you, I would really consider an exchange, before the return window closes. regarding the heat and humidity, the case is for sure the safest place when not being played.
  16. That album was a huge eye opener for me. It was Jeff Beck, just about at his best. And that would be the Les Paul I would think Gibson would base a sig model on. To me, that one that this thread is all about, is pretty much a swing and a miss. and yea, $10k, dats just nuttz
  17. Enjoy all of that. That is one of my all-time favorite albums. Those albums he cut with James Dewar were all stellar. That guy had a tremendous voice, it was a perfect match for Trowers style.
  18. I'll play! 1995 Win Red Les Paul Standard 2002 Cherry Burst Les Paul Standard 2015 SG Standard 2005 SG Special 2002 ES135 2024 Gold Top Les Paul Standard (new arrival) 2016 J200 Standard
  19. Thanks Rob!! 47 years in IT, it used to be a good career, but America loves it's cheap labor, and that eventually put an end to it. Enter India - Exit IT as a place to build a good career.
  20. Naps, yep, Plan to stay Active Check! YEP! Who needs a wrist watch, in three weeks I won't even know what day it is! 😀 Larry, guitar! Yep again! and here is just the guitar that you speak of. Arrived last Friday and it's perfect. Again, thanks for all your kind words and encouragement boys. I'm hoping my wife is following me in September At least that is the plan
  21. Definitely a steel at $9,999.00 these could easily fetch $10,000.00
  22. yea I'm so sorry this does not seem to work out for you. A les paul is pretty much all I need, and want to play. But what you are feeling, it's totally believable. I've had to move on from plenty of guitars that just were not "right" for me. One was a Fender custom shop 57 stratocaster. It was beautiful and it sounded like no other strat I've ever played. But, as it was a 57 reissue, it had a lacquered maple neck and very thin frets, we just never bonded. I kept it for a few years, but it sat in the case quite a lot. The happy ending was trading it for a really nice 2002 Les Paul Standard Cherry burst, with an AAA top and Slim Taper neck I play the heck out of that one, and I don't miss the '57 even though as custom shop strats go, that one was a prize. I just got a new 50's Standard (Gold Top) with a 50s neck. It is identical in feel to my 1995 Standard. We took off running right away. I love it. Maybe give it some time, see if you can adjust before you move away from it.
  23. Seems to me that you are more used to the Epi frets than the Gibson, it's just the way they are. it has nothing to do with the money spent. it has everything to do with your personal preference. did you not get a chance to play any USA made Gibson prior to ordering one?
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