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Everything posted by Drog

  1. Ha ha , yes it was a weird place to see Geddy but my girlfriend got shop for potting flowers and I got to meet Geedy, so it worked out great, lol.
  2. I picked up a couple of fun pedals Maxon OD808 40th anniversary 215/400 Ibanez Ltd Gold TS9 Also picked up Geddy Lee’s Big Beautiful Book of Bass. Also got it signed by him as he was in town promoting his book.
  3. Drog


    Awesome! That back is crazy cool
  4. You don’t get it and that is ok. Why do people buy a $100 guitar? Or buy red guitars? Why six strings ? We all like something different , it’s nice there is choices.
  5. I really wanted to like the sideways vibrola but after trying one, it's such a poor design. The guitar should have come with roller saddles. As it is, it won't stay in tune. Using the trem moves the whole saddle and eventually the posts will bend over or break. Looks cool but... Just not a good idea. The other one with the regular vibrola is fantastic, that is what I will be buying.
  6. Congrats on the new LP, looks awesome. Have fun!
  7. Beautiful WM L5 , the wood on the neck is stunning. Enjoy, as I am sure you will/are.
  8. Guitars drawers! Love it, great idea
  9. Thomastik - Sliders 10-48. Fantastic strings!
  10. I like it! Epiphone always does a nice job with the artist run of guitars. This looks like a winner.
  11. When I tell the kids “ in my day” or “ when I was your age”
  12. Dusting off some old stuff, re-learning Cliffs of Dover and Spanish Fly. Might do a live version of Cliffs, for some extra sonic EJness, lol.
  13. Lol good luck with your PRS, I hope you are done now... Lol
  14. I have not heard of any issues with them yet. Personally I do not use a clip on tuner, mostly because I feel eventually it will wear the finish with repeated use. I stick to a floor pedal, TC Polytune. This is my opinion and not based on any fact.
  15. I have guitars with both woods, enjoy them equally. For me its more about the feel of the neck and not having it sticky. I have tried a studio and LPJ with a maple neck and the material felt fine, the neck profile was another matter. Find a guitar that feels good to you, don't worry so much about the wood type. Thats how I always choose mine.
  16. I keep my guitars at 45% humidity, for all of them ( including my Les Pauls). It not only saves them from fret buzz or sharp edges, but from cracks due to the guitar shifting. Too much or too little humidity is a bad thing. So get a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on where you live and the season. The other bonus, your instruments will stay in tune longer. Living in western Canada, I have have seen my fair share of the damage that humidity can have. Take care of your girls!!!
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