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Retired last won the day on June 26

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About Retired

  • Birthday 04/22/1953

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    Artist since 2nd grade. Chess player since 4 yrs old. Used to drag race NHRA and showed Dobermans. Gun collector and love western movies. Oh, and started playing Guitar again after I retired.

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  1. Butch

    I have a big book called 'Peake's commentary on The Bible'.

    Do you have this?

    I no longer want or use it (you dip into it) and if you are unfamiliar with it, I should like to send it to you when I am better.  It is an excellent resource, with many chapters all written by expert very learned theologists.   Presume you are also familiar with 'The Bible as history' by the late Helen Keller?

    I must honestly admit at this point to my own doubts and reservations though I have a Religious Knowledge qualification gained at school, way way back in 1969.

    However as you might well believe, I've done a fair bit of praying recently.

    My very best wishes to you and your loved ones.

    John (jdgm)


    1. Retired


      Hi John. I haven't been on here that much. Busy and I have skin cancer I'm dealing with.  I have a dermatologist that keeps find more and more spots. Got to go back next Wednesday for a biopsy of my left eye lid.  No, I have never heard of Peakes commentarys. I do have Matthew Henrys Commentary's of the whole Bible.  And no on Helen Keller too.  I have Abingdon Strong's exhaustive concordance in Hebrew and Greek on the Bible. I used to use it a lot in the beginning but not so much today. The Matthew Henrys Comentarys I still use. We bought a complete set and gave them to our Bible study teacher a while back. They love them.  Sketches of church history is a great book I have.  Hey, great hearing from you John. 

    2. Retired


      Funny I looked at this because I just read several pages on how you were doing. Glad your doing better.  

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