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Everything posted by sparquelito

  1. And just for the record, I am NOT the one who posts those sad face emojis. I just re-wrote Shakespeare as a lark. And because I am a smart-***. 😗
  2. That's a multi-million dollar display, I am quite sure. 🤔
  3. The used guitar market is a mixed bag of misinformation, disinformation, profiteering, and greed. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. 😕
  4. Agreed. Some guitars just look better with a maple board (Tele, for instance), and others require a dark fingerboard (Les Paul, obviously). By my eye anyway. I have no preference for one over the other as far as 'tone'. Can't tell a difference sonically. 🤔
  5. Great video tour with Tom Morello. Thank you for that, Sheepdog1969! 🙂
  6. I don't even watch TV anymore. But I'm hoping that some day a year or two from now I'll be able to watch those episodes on this computer. That looks really good. 🙂
  7. Alas, poor Sad Face Emoji! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite mockery, of most irritating fancy: he hath ridden my back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at it. Here hung those wavery lips that I have protested I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your mysterious anonymity? your flashes of bemusement, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own sad smirking? quite chap-fallen? Now get you to my Moderator’s chamber, and tell him, let him type an admonishment an inch thick, to this favour he must come; make him sigh at that! 😬
  8. Looks like a Standard gold top, with a Bigsby tremolo added. What is stamped on the truss rod cover, if anything? 'Standard, 'Custom', 'Classic', etc.? 🙂
  9. I had a girlfriend for a while who was a bit of an S&M freak. She used pink binding on my wrists and ankles, and on my neck. I rarely saw her counting beans, so this probably isn't even an apropos comparison. 🤔
  10. Exactly. $4,500 for a massacred guitar with the serial number sanded off. Sure, sign me up. 😉
  11. There's always this: https://www.gibson.com/en-US/garage
  12. It's the new upgrade to the older K model. 🤔
  13. Most P90 pickups are wider than those humbuckers. If you want to avoid routing-out the pickup cavities, you might consider one of these drop-ins: https://www.premierguitar.com/10-humbucker-sized-p-90s-you-should-try
  14. Such a good and heartfelt dialogue. I really enjoyed that, thank you SteveFord. 🙂
  15. Welcome, Jim. Glad to have you aboard, mate. 🙂
  16. Stereo Out is an awesome feature. If you plan to use the UC200 in your pedal effects board, make sure it is the last item in your signal chain. For years I used an old Digitech multi-effects pedal with Stereo Out to a small Fender amp and my Marshall. Big, fat, wide stereo sound. Can't beat it. My current pedal effects end with a Dual (Dry/Effects) Out from my Electroharmonix Mel9. One cable goes to a nice Crate tube amp on clean settings, and the other to a Peavey acoustic guitar amp, also clean and neutral. I doubt that it's true stereo at this point, but it sure sounds wide and great. 🙂
  17. Blubberish Sadly. That may be the name of my next band. 😐
  18. I wrote this one, so sue me. I keep waking up at night, combining infectious grooves with street-wise verse. My doctor diagnosed me with Sleep Rapnia. I'm gonna shut up now. 😔
  19. The old man squinted through the cigarette smoke, adjusted his glasses, and then leaned in to make adjustments to the archaic instrument on the work bench before him. “Granda, what are ye working on this long day?” little Liam queried from the doorway. “Heh. Not sure, lad. I heve a good idear, but it’s praheps too soon to tell.” He tinkered a way for a bit, and the young boy watched from the portal. After a bit, the old man beckoned, “Come on in, laddie. Ye don’t have to shy away so.” “I dunno, Granda. Herself says eff I hang about with you, I could get blown up to high heaven.” “Ráiméis, I heven’t hed any such explosions here in me shop for many a month. Come on in, boyo.” The boy entered and watched intently from the old man’s elbow. “It’s very old,” he remarked. “Aye, ‘tis. The old ones, the Highlanders, used instruments such as these, to do dark and mysterious things.” The boy nodded solemnly. “I’m nearly certain, thes’s what they called an ‘Xeplorer’ beck in the dey. It was used to aid in alchemy, and the transference of this o’er here to that o’er there.” “Tis a thing of Gods then, surely.” “Nay. Only mystical men and high-aspiring wizards. They sed thet this Xeplorer was part of the Holy Trinity, and if ye hed it along with the ‘Els Paul’ and something called eh ‘Elfying vee’, ye could do wondrous things!” “Heve ye ever seen nor touched one of them other things, Granda?” “Aye, lad. Sawr an Els Paul once, up by Clonmany. And a traveling magician I met by Bridge of Orchy, he hed what he called the Elfying Vee. Never put ‘em all together though.” “May chance we take the caravan, and go try and marry ‘em up then?” The old man shook his head warily. “No lad. Best we leave such things up to better men than you and I.” He thought on that for a bit, and then struck a match on the wooden workbench surface. He lit another Craven A, and spoke again finally. “Let’s us leave such things up to mystical men, skilled in the dark arts and sciences.” He put away the Xeplorer then, and cleaned up his work bench. “Right! Are ye up for a wee walkabout with this old man, and mebbe a nibble and a pint at Grace Neill's?” “Aye!” “So off we go then.” The shop door slammed behind them in their egress, and the shop was quiet for a number of minutes. Dust motes floated across sunbeams streaming in thru crevasses in the weathered shutters. In a tall cabinet, the Xeplorer turned onto its side with a metallic clunk, and a triad of musical octaves emanated from within. Ancient harmonies formed, swelled, and then faded. In the dim light, the cabinet handle slowly turned from tarnished iron to brilliant gold, and then the shop became quiet and still. 😬
  20. I think we can all get along. Well; I think we can all get along well enough to maintain the integrity of the community of regular posters to this Gibson web forum. We don't have to agree on what the best cables are, right? We don't have to agree on what are the best guitar picks or years of issue of Gibson guitars and models. We agree to disagree on some very important points therefore. (Cables, picks, pickups, years, models, neck radii, and tuners.) Let's agree to disagree, therefore, on politics, senses of humor, prickly styles of responses, and irritating viewpoints. In the end, does it really matter that some of us like vanilla ice cream over chocolate, conservatism over socialism, or 9mm over .22 magnum? Really. There's no point in the fighting. It would only be interesting, after all, if the fighting were in person, and it spilled out into the street where we could all witness the mud and the blood and the knockout blow. So. Let's agree to disagree. And fight in a civil manner, like gentlemen, when the fighting is necessary. 🤫
  21. That is so GOOD. Thanks for posting that, Whitefang. 🙂
  22. I must confess, I have never heard the original. Wrong place, wrong time, I guess. 😔
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