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little saturday recording by BBG


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One of the best of the "not so well" known songs.I think I had this on some strange double vinyl..called "Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol 111". That was a beautifully confident version. The guitar playing smooth as it gets. Top stuff.A very enjoyable Sunday morning listen down here.

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That is actually one of Dylan's earliest songs, written and first recorded as a demo around 1962 or so, before he ever released a record. It wasn't a regular release until a 1971 "Best Of" collection, I believe, but existed in bootleg versions for years before that. I started playing it around 1966. (It is a simple song, and the girls loved it..... [biggrin] )


Hadn't thought about it in years, but went back and listened to Dylan's version and decided to work it up again after BBG posted this really nice version.

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As usual Nick's memory is spot on...that 1971 album is the one I was referring to. It also had my preferred version of "You ain't going nowhere" on it..."Ghengis Khan and his brother Don, could not keep from keepin' on".

Greatest hits albums are probably looked down on a bit by us afficionados...but the first LP I ever bought with my own money (earned by pushing a trolley around in Hoffnungs department store warehouse during school holidays at age 14) was "Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits"...the one with the iconic profile photo.

Had another listen to your version...excellente senor!

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