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Closeness Versus Transparency


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This is on closeness, discretion and secretiveness versus betrayal, treason and transparency.


Deciding about ethics and practices, both in personal and public respects, is not a simple thing I believe. Personal and professional situations may vary to immeasurable degrees and in unforeseeable manners. When remembering history of mankind, I think there are no answers applying all the time and everywhere. Lots of aspects have to be considered when thinking about what to do.


In the aftermath, evaluating what happened, who did what and why, is not that easy as well. Motivations and attitudes of both actors and prosecutors may vary widely, from political, economical and legal points of view as well as from personal, individual ones.


Here are the specific persons and incidents making me think about it all: Linda Tripp who revealed the content of private calls with Monica Lewinsky to investigators, and Edward Snowden who disclosed details on surveillance by authorities to the press.


I am curious about your thoughts and opinions.

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When I was a kid, I saw a sign that read: "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx. Not that I agree with Marx, but is this a call to enact change or continue with the status quo?

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Please back to guitars...


Politics make for heated bedfellows... (no pun intended)


It brings out fiery emotions and exaggerates the differences among us and our belief structures or at least our constitution to live by what we call our own codes of ethics...


I for one try to steer clear of such discussions in here, but when I let my reactions get the best of me I'm not above going-off...


Trust me I try to avoid it at all costs. I honestly don't believe a guitar forum is the proper context for such deep, paramount, and ultimately meaningful discussions... All of our futures depend on such things and our endeavors to perform our civic duties in choosing our government leaders...


I'd rather stick to talk of guitars, music, and Les Pauls in this place as much as possible...


I wear my politics on my sleeve because I'm not afraid to speak my mind in the proper place and time, in here it will anger, annoy, and incense people into a furball of animus and antagonism. In here is where I wish to commune with the like-minded subjects of guitars and music, as divisive and different as they can be...


Anyone's that's seen me "go-off" will testify to the righteousness of my intention of not wanting to do so because it will incite deep-rooted feelings and often angry responses of a differing opinion... I just don't want to go thru that in here. I was a member of another internet forum that turned into an Ad-Nauseum ongoing furball of heated vitriolic volley. I left there never to return because it's not what the place was supposed to be about...


The topic is piquant, thought provoking, and has ramifications that probably affect us all in one way or another, but I just don't want to watch this place detriorate into a divisive, factioning breakdown... Personally I just want to stay away from politics and political debate in here as much as possible...

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There's seldom - if ever - a good reason to hide the truth. You can't foster an environment of trust without it. Friendship fails without it, marriage fails without it, relationships at all levels fail without it. I can't imagine why anything would think that it's OK for government.


I don't remember much about Linda Tripp, but Clinton's marriage is just tabloid drama and frankly, not important. But if she told the truth, then she's right.


Snowden is a hero. Even if Fox news and the liars that he exposed say he's a criminal. My representatives - the ones that I pay a generous salary to - are lying to me. That is appalling. I don't wish to employ liars, I don't wish to be represented by liars, and I certainly do not want to empower liars.


Doesn't anyone else find it peculiar that the liars are up in arms for being called liars?

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There's seldom - if ever - a good reason to hide the truth. You can't foster an environment of trust without it. Friendship fails without it, marriage fails without it, relationships at all levels fail without it. I can't imagine why anything would think that it's OK for government.


I don't remember much about Linda Tripp, but Clinton's marriage is just tabloid drama and frankly, not important. But if she told the truth, then she's right.


Snowden is a hero. Even if Fox news and the liars that he exposed say he's a criminal. My representatives - the ones that I pay a generous salary to - are lying to me. That is appalling. I don't wish to employ liars, I don't wish to be represented by liars, and I certainly do not want to empower liars.


Doesn't anyone else find it peculiar that the liars are up in arms for being called liars?

We are taught from a young age to tell the truth. Somewhere down the line we are encouraged to understand that "little white lies" can be for the good of another.

Too many make careers of legislation while obviously subscribing to their credo: "Do as I say, not as I do." or, "It's for the good of the country."

The sad truth is, so many either do not see, or refuse to believe, they are being fed bull****! [thumbdn]

Politics make for heated bedfellows... (no pun intended)

Politics can definitely have a bad effect on relationships.

I wouldn't get into bed with any of them (politicians) but that doesn't mean they don't try to have their way with me still. [scared]

<heated vitriolic> <furball of animus>

This may be the best name ever for a punk band! [lol]

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This has nothing to do with closeness or transparency. Just my thoughts on politics in this forum.


My wife and I went to see Jerry Seinfeld in 2012 (during the primaries). The comedian before him was very entertaining, until he got into politics. This idiot actually made fun of Rick Santorum's 3 year-old daughter, Bella, who suffers from a rare and usually fatal genetic disorder. Muted chuckles indicated that some neanderthals in the audience found his disgusting remarks funny; the rest sat there in disbelief. I couldn't believe that anyone would find anything funny about a dying 3 year-old. Seinfeld was hilarious, and we left having no clue as to what his political affiliations were - as it should be.


I'll never understand why so many actors, musicians, and comedians insist on the self-destructive tendency to alienate half the audience with their political views, right or left.


So... Let's all just agree or disagree about guitars, amps and pickups, and leave politics out of it.


BTW: Santorum dropped out of the primary to be with Bella.

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I agree to leaving politics out of it. I don't agree the question and the OP is political. It can be if you want it to be.


If you don't want politics, then don't go there. If something seems to lean toward it, then lean the other way.

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I think it's an amazing question.


For me personally, I decided years ago that when I have a conversation with someone, if it isn't something I would not have heard by others, there is likely something wrong in what I am saying. It's more of a test to consider what I am saying to poeple and about poeple.


But also, if someone has a PRIVATE conversation with me, I feel the need to honor that which is being shared by that person. If someone else ask or wants to know, the old saying "none of your business" applies. Because it isn't. If someone wants access to what has been shared with me, go ask that person. If they don't want to share, what does that say? It means you don't have a right to it.


BUT- the question is, WHERE is the line between private or not? Is it something you agree before? Or are you suppossed to assume they all are? I have told others many times if you don't want me to repeat it, don't say it to me. I make that judgement depending on who and what, and I am NOT always right.


It always gets back to, "If It isn't something I would feel good about others hearing, there is likely something wrong with what I am saying".


I have also found that many poeple have different ethics, different standards of right or wrong. Even those with good moral character have different ethics.


This all me sound like a lot of double standards on my part. And maybe it is. But I believe if another has not the same ethics, I can either force mine on them or conform in some way. Concerning PERSONAL conversations, it is far better to discover differences without having something to regret.

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