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Global Warming... Whatever.....


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I think all of you who can only ridicule the notion of climate change are in a state of head in the sand denial. But we may not be able to hide from the change.


Hey Granpa, I appreciate your comment, but look at it scientifically.


The whole idea of science is founded on the concept of theory. I propose a theory, and then I publish my theory for the scientific community to ponder. Of course, I'll try to PROVE my theory and therefore make it a LAW. Now, here comes the INTERESTING part. If my THEORY is DISPROVEN only ONCE, then I have to develop a new theory. This is the whole enchilada in science.


Now, suppose I propose a theory that all men named Granpa believe in global warming, then I find JUST ONE granpa who doesn't believe in it, my theory has been DEBUNKED. It is now time for me to create a new theory or modify the one I have already proposed.


So, now, we come to this: There are a lot of "scientists" who have theorized that man is causing the globe to warm. If that is so, how can we be having record low temps in the Southern US? Not only has global warming been debunked, but it has been debunked many, many times.


BTW, did you know that more ICE was formed in Antartica this past season than during any other season since we've been tracking it? There are some glaciers in the world that are GROWING by large amounts yearly. Did you know that?

You have to approach life with a really good BS detector. We can't just accept that what's being dished out to us is accurate. Sometimes, we have to do our own research.


For example: DId you know that on the very day that Al Gore released his horror movie, the Director or NOAA issued a press release stating that there is no verifiable evidence that man is causing the globe to warm? No? That's because the media has bought into the DOOM AND GLOOM to sell advertising. They didn't cover it.


Also, did you know that the guy who actually coined the phrase GLOBAL WARMING has since recanted?

I'd be glad to give you some alternative information and locations for research on the topic that are REPUTABLE. Meaning run by scientists and not politicians, ex politicians, media, enviornmental groups, etc.

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Theories require proof and since there is no actual proof then they are postulating ideas. I've heard the antartic thing too, getting colder there, etc, but did you know that a map dating from the 1300's was found showing 90% of the land mass of anartica? Things change cuz they change. Nothing we can do about it.


There world expeirenced a mini ice age that ended in the mid 1800's. Why did it end? Got warmer obviously. How do we know the earth is not still warming up from that? Too many reasons to justify a knee jerk reaction pointing the finger at man.


Polution tho is altogether different and we can do and should do lots to stop poisening our environment.

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+1 James Allen




Man Made Global Warming scientitsts predicted high concentration of CO2 around the equator...It's not happening


They also predicted more frequent and more powerful hurricanes...It's not happening


They also predicted higher ocean temperatures...It's not happening


None of the predictions are panning out...The UN global warming report that was signed by so many scientists, turns out that many/most of the folks that signed the report that AlGore and his group used to tout their theory are NOT scientists but rather they are beaurocrats.


The earths climate changes over time, with no help from mankind...ever hear of the little ice age?

If manmade global warming is true, and as AlGore says, it's the greatest threat facing mankind, then why does Al fly in a private jet, live in a house that uses more electricity that some small towns (exaggeration), drive in limos, and travel all over the world spreading his message and spewing CO2? If you believe in it, have you given up your coffee pot, electric guitar, T.V., Internet/computer, lights, air conditioning, etc.?

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Good points Guitarslinger and KSG!

Global Warming has become a religion to many. I have some aquantances from my stand up comedy days who are atheists, and they follow and believe in global warming with a fervor and zealotness that any follower of Jim Jones would have admired (gotta throw in my kool aid reference :P/ )


Now, I am a science geek. One of the science mags I read is Discover. There have been numerous articles lately in that mag where scientists propose that the reason the Permian extinction occurred (which killed off over 90% of the Earth's species) was - you guessed it - global warming.


Now, the Permian extinction happened hundreds of millions of years ago. I think it's because Diplodocus had its head buried in the sand. If only old Dip would have paid closer attention to his enviornment and stopped eating all those freakin plants, the Earth wouldn't have heated so much it killed him off.


Sad, really.


My final thoughts on global warming are these: Thank god for FREON and the air conditioner! Finally, what in the HELL does global warming have to do with winning the Nobel Peace Prize? I thought that was for people who bartered peace for all people, not divide them on exact opposite ends of the spectrum on something that has become so "important" as global warming.

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Charlie Rose interviewed Michael Crichton.

In that interview, Crichton, an author who has always had a firm grip on science, debunks many of the myths associated with Climate Change and Global Warming. He also talks about Genetics and Law.

Here's the link if you want to check it out.


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Hey Californiaman, I am a huge Chrighton fan, and I missed that interview. Thanks! Did you ever read his speech he gave about aliens causing global warming? It was basically a dissertation on politicized science. If not, I have a copy I downloaded from his website a few years ago. It's beautiful.

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i would like to say that first of all global warming is real, but contrary to what the name leads you to believe it actually causes the planet to get colder and go into an ice age. duhr! nice going, it must have be a genius who thought to call it global warming. thats why he's a scientist.... ](*,)


but the idea that humans or causing global warming or could stop global warming by not making polution is simply retarded. global warming is going to happen, and theres nothing us insignificant humans can do about it. and you know what it's happened like 4 times already, before there even were humans, i wonder how we caused it then?


i think global warming is just away for the goverment to make money and for people to feel better about themselves. oh look at me, i'm recycling. i'm saving the earth from global warming.... SAVING THE EARTH!? from what??? is the earth going to be destroyed, or wiped from existance because of global warming? NO! people are trying to save themselves. the earth isn't going anywhere, the earth is fine. humans are f***ed!



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So my kids-kids-kids won't ever have to were a jacket, SO WHAT!!!!!


They will adjust or die, thats just the way it goes.


Do you think your great great great aunt gave a thought about you


If global warming is real, bring it on.....My nipples are hard

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So my kids-kids-kids won't ever have to were a jacket' date=' SO WHAT!!!!!


They will adjust or die, thats just the way it goes.


Do you think your great great great aunt gave a thought about you


If global warming is real, bring it on.....My nipples are hard [/quote']



LOL! Carpe Nipple!

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global warming is bull ****' date=' its not true, scientists make up these jokes so they can get more funding, and like as if the sea is gonna get bigger.[/quote']


It's settled then. SKG and Merf good thing 'i hate classical music' agrees with you. I was in dout about your claims until he joined the gang.

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Enjoy the next few days' date=' loosers......


I'm gonna go shoot the last few cases of Freon I have left with .22's, and release the demons.


Burn some styrofoam in the grill, ya know?


Let the truck idle all night. That'll help.





You freon shooters. post some pics of that while your doing it. That would be cool and I as a Universal Refrigeration License holder would be very interested in picking up the $10k reward for showing those pics to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).


BTW R22, 12 and others become a toxic gas if ignited.

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BTW... the freon issue is not related to global warming. Known release of a refrigerant is a violation of the Montreal Protocols of 1994. It was put in place for two reasons #1 to make Dupont lots of money, #2 to prevent depletion of the ozone layer.

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You freon shooters. post some pics of that while your doing it. That would be cool and I as a Universal Refrigeration License holder would be very interested in picking up the $10k reward for showing those pics to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).


BTW R22' date=' 12 and others become a toxic gas if ignited.[/quote']


The E.P.A.


This sounds like another topic. Talk about killing business. You can't even dump your used motor oil on that stump out back now, until after dark, because of them. I mean, where do they think the oil came from? The ground. And it wasn't clean, they had to REFINE it.


I hate tree huggers........



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