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Gibson Brands Forums

I Remember When The Hallgroper...........


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Was a labcoat wearin' stringwinder from Kentucky. And a groper......


And Gilliangirl was buying a "magic" guitar.....


And this forum was in black and white.....


And you had to wait for it to warm up.....



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and there were 200 members


and I quit trying to make money making strings and went back to playing


and I still didn't make any money ... to speak of



edit: and they took all my prior posts away twice during redos



so now I just answer

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And who could possibly miss those wonderful, "scathing" reviews of forum members "performances"???? Those were the good old days!!!


I always say if you give a person enough rope, they'll hang themselves with it.


That, and there was a healthy dose of this too:



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I always say if you give a person enough rope, they'll hang themselves with it.


That, and there was a healthy dose of this too:








I like it!



They certainly took their bat, ball, bag of sour grapes and went home to listen to their broken records........



It is pretty quiet though.... <_<




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