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Big Mac?


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Is it me? I got a Big Mac today. It's been a while.


I thought they were, like big....... Is my memory failing????????


Is the meat, thinner?


It was like 2 pieces of bologna on 3 buns with Thousand Island Dressing?






Is the Big Mac built the way is was, when it was invented?


Just wonderin'.



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I think it's a sliding scale of values. When the big muck was introduced a large coke was 16 ounces. A large order of fries was 4 ounces. Today I think the large coke is over 40 ounces at some fast food restaurants. Also, there are bigger burgers out there competing for the fatal food prize, like the 1400 calorie Hardees burger and the 1200 or 1300 calorie triple meat whopper from Burger King. Add a large order of fries (600 calories) and a large (32 ounce) milk shake (950 calories) and you're in heaven (perhaps literally.)


Since I'm a retired professional burger flipper who worked fully three months at McDonalds at age 14 before they changed the child labor laws (really!) I stand on my seasoned dignity in proclaiming that the big muck is two 1/10 pound burger patties in a different bun. The 1/10 pound is before "cooking". Back in my day they used a grill to cook the meat, but only God knows how they do it now. My recollection of the "special sauce" was the acrid eye-burning fumes when you opened a gallon can of the stuff.


Here's a tip: Go rent a movie called "Supersize Me" and be sure to watch the special features. And then read a related book called "Fast Food Nation".

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I get something from MacDonalds every once and awhile and its always a disappointment. The food is grey, greasy, and tastes as unhealthy as it is.


Thats why I love Burger King. The marketing is better first of all. I love the king ads. Secondly, and more importantly, I love their food. It tastes better, there's more options, and they have better quality items on their dollar menu. The onion rings are a great alternate to french fries (even though BK's are the best.) They are always hot and the zesty sauce is amazing. The chicken sandwiches are juicy and delicious.


I could go on for days.


One thing you should NEVER get at BK is the Angry Whopper. They taste amazing but you get the worst diarrhea possibly imaginable. I'm not joking. I have a feast at Taco Bell every now and then and I've had food poisoning, but nothing compares to the aftermath of an Angry Whopper.

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i never get burgers from fast food places, ever. they always suck. i always get chicken and fries, some places have acceptable chicken. i actually had mcdonalds for dinner. a chicken select meal, their chicken selects are suprisingly good (most of the time).


and i dont care what any one else says. MCDONALDS HAS THE BEST FRIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We have a chain called Whataburger in Texas...pretty good fast food burgers. I'm hooked on Fatburger, we had them in Colorado and they are also in California, yum! They have a great chain in N.C. called Char Grill that'll make you drool too. My dog will eat McDonalds, but she don't wag her tail when she does.

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We have a chain called Whataburger in Texas...pretty good fast food burgers. I'm hooked on Fatburger' date=' we had them in Colorado and they are also in California, yum! They have a great chain in N.C. called Char Grill that'll make you drool too. My dog will eat McDonalds, but she don't wag her tail when she does.[/quote']


I do love the whataburger! I had a couple of business trips through Texas a couple years ago, and got introduced to that fine burger establishment. You Texans always tend to do things right, whether it be the blues or the burgers. I am, of course, excluding the whole Alamo thing.

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oh yeah. i forgot about in and out. they do have good stuff, i have only been there once though :[

and tim even if i do eat mcdonalds every so often, I have a great metabolism. if you have ever watched scooby doo (who hasn't?) i am like shaggy (as far as food goes anyways).


and ksg, i didn't mean it, i like all dogs.

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