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J45 dragon


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Yikes! Can't cover it up with a pickguard either.


This is sort of off-topic in a way, because some very handsome guitars have them, but I've never been a fan of gold tuners. Ostentatious.


That said, the gold tuners on my Hummingbird Vintage look great haha :)




I think the "ivoroid" tuning pegs really balance them out. And it's all been "aged" which I think is silly but looks so very cool.

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Wonder how they come up with an idea like that.


The Custom Shop office whatever -




Ren Ferguson : We need to do something speciel, it's November and everything is a little dull and out of breath. . .

Important staff member : Yes, you're right, , , and the employees need to be a spiced up.


R.F. : Any suggestions, , ?


Staff member : How about a helicopter theme, , fx on a J-200. . . rotor blades as fret mark rosettes and a diving chopter on the p-guard.


Other staff member and R.F. : Sounds, , , eeeehhhh, , , no, it's too far out. .


First staff member : I been thinking about appealing to the French - thus imagined an Eiffel Tower version of a long scale maple dread. Call it something like High Dove. .


R.F. : Well, I don't know, , , how about goin' east and hit Japan. .


Young staff member : A purist light brown J-50ish slope with a motif. .


Important staff member : I see a gigantic dragon between the lower bouts, , , and bamboo on the guard.


R.F. bursting in flames : THAT'S IT !, , , but no guard at all, , , it's gonna be something absolutely special, , , we'll pick rosewood, crown it with golden tulips and go for a dozin. .


Everyone around the table : YEEEES, , , cheers, hurraaaah, bravouuuu, , , let's get to work. .

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Ha! I thought maybe someone with a lot of money asked them to make it, then got bored with it.


"Can you guys make me a natural J-45 with a dragon on it? And gold tuners."


"Sorry, our custom shop doesn't take custom orders."


"Huh? Why is it called a custom shop then? That doesn't make sense."




"Seriously, what would it cost?"


"Sorry, we seriously don't take custom orders."


"Okay, well a normal J-45 retails for what, about $2200? How about $5000."


"We'll get right on it. Dragon, you say? A red one? Gold tuners?"

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