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Legit LP?


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Perhaps the price is due to mods, repairs, or refinishing? The very thing making me think is the bright appearance of the embossments. All the characters look genuine, numbers as well as letters, but they usually are the same hue or darker than the surrounding surface. My concern is they could have been retraced after a refinishing. I could be wrong though, and it happened indeed at the factory for any reason.

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I don't know if it's because I'm using an iPad, but I can't see nearly enough detail to make a conclusive opinion. I would want to see the bridge clearly, Les Paul logo on the headstock, the serial number clearly. I certainly would not buy it based upon what I can see. I mean, it looks to me as if the serial number has white dye in the numerals, and to me, that's a red flag. I'm no expert, but I need to see more.

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Looks perfectly fine to me as well.


As regards the price? I don't know what is being asked so I'm guessing in the dark here but there are a few things which come to mind.


First-off there's the wear in between the pups. Many folks prefer their LPs to appear to be in pristine condition.

The wear on the back is a lesser problem since it's not in plain view but the above reply still holds true.


Finally it depends on whether the LP is a regular Standard or else a Standard Faded - which I think it might be. It's hard to tell from the pictures but that's the impression I get.

The Standard Faded was priced below the regular Standard to start with so it might be expected to be priced lower than a Standard in the used market.




If it is a Standard Faded then my advice to you would be to check it out; several very well-informed players rate this model very highly.

The supposition that they tend to be very good instruments is backed-up by the rarity in which they seem to come up for sale. Owners do tend to hang on to them...



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I don't know if it's because I'm using an iPad, but I can't see nearly enough detail to make a conclusive opinion. I would want to see the bridge clearly, Les Paul logo on the headstock, the serial number clearly. I certainly would not buy it based upon what I can see. I mean, it looks to me as if the serial number has white dye in the numerals, and to me, that's a red flag. I'm no expert, but I need to see more.


I had "white" in my serial numbers too...but not as "even" and complete as the white in those serial numbers and "made in USA". I can't tell by the pics either, but in the case of my LP: Turned out that before selling it, someone (previous owner, Guitar Center?) used a liquid polish all over it- the polish dried in the number and "Made in USA" crevaces. It was also under the bridge and tailpiece a little.


Heck, I'm no expert by any stretch...sure is a nice looking guitar!



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I am in the "can't be sure" camp.


I certainly can't see anything wrong here, but what I can't tell from the pics, is what shape it is for sure, and a few of the construction details that would confirm it's a Gibby.


I think Pippy is right, it looks to be a faded model, and all the details seen to match that model, but the pics aren't even good enough to tell what type of finish it has on it.


It's a great idea to come to this forum for confirmation of these, and often, it can be done, and with certainty. And I can't think of one instance where a forgery passed through here without being detected. But while I am mostly sure it is genuine, I can't honestly give the confirmation with these pics.


With better pics, or a few more close-ups, I think we could. I would bet it's genuine. But I wouldn't want to bet another persons money.

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I guess I wouldn't post in case I'm sure it's legit. Anyway, I don't look around that much what's for sale on the web. I also never encountered a counterfeit in person. Therefore I feel I don't have a comparison how Alex95 might have come into these specific situations making her/him doubt and want to ask. [confused]

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