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Here is the first cab off the rank with my new pickup...


I did a solo acoustic/vocal version of the Rolling Stones' "I've Got The Blues"


Techo: It would be easier to say my D28 with pickup!


But it is my Fishman Rare Earth Blend dual source magnetic and mic portable soundhole pickup in the soundhole of my 2006 Martin HD28v, played and sang through my TC Helicon Play Acoustic and first the guitar to the Fishman Aura Spectrum with no image but using the controls, then back to the TC and all run in stereo from the TC, I hope, to my Allen & Heath Zed60-10FX 4 channel mixer and via USB to my Imac with Garageband. Then off to Soundcloud... [biggrin]




The pickup is set on full mic in the soundhole only....



Here it is:








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Thanks BBG and Lars!



I suppose you could plug this pickup (with guitar of course) into all kinds of PAs and amps, so you don't need the TC Helicon and Aura but that is what I have been mucking about with. So far I think the TC is better for vocals than guitar. Need more setting changes I suppose. The premise of the TC is to give a vocalist all the stuff in a box that soundguys do to your voice in a live situation and it is great... but you don't need it to use the Fishman pickup and I didn't mean to confuse. [mellow] [mellow] [mellow]






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Thanks for the kind replies!



Though the bucketload of failures I have on disc defies the 'as always' comment, but I'll run with it for a while!!! [biggrin]



It is the only real way to learn how to do all this stuff - doing it, isn't it? All fun.







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Thanks MP!



I always thought I sounded like Elvis? [biggrin]



Bob? Oh no - sensational in many fields like songwriting, but as a singer he makes a great photographer....though I'll take the cash.




On another subject I have 2 extra guitars today - a friend dropped them over and asked me to take his National Style 0 and his Martin 000-15 to my guitar tech near me on Monday for set ups long overdue, because he hasn't been able to get there while busy at work. All I can say is that if they had been setup already - they really are way too high and horrible - I don't think I could stand looking at those cases......... [mellow] They are calling me...calling me........... Only fair - I think he played pretty well ALL of my guitars yesterday! He now wants to buy this Blues King that is for sale near his house...... he has had trouble getting a nice sound live and now he has tried the guitars through my gadgets (that were used for the recording above).....better get his wallet out. :mellow:





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Hee hee...playing the visitor guitars.... [crying][unsure] <_<


Great guitars - but the most horrid setups (none) and strings these pinkies have played. Also stuck the string end through my left thumb yesterday.



If there is one thing I spoil myself with, well three or maybe more things, ok more....nice new strings on playable guitars. He has been playing these live. Wow. My good friend the masochist!



If my guy does his usual quality work on the setups with his splach of magic from his mojo can, well....there will be tears of joy and relief.





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Thanks Aero!



The one above is taken off Chordie.com sort of, but the other Stones tunes have been out of the TAB book I bought that commemorates 50 tunes for 50 years - companion book to the photo book of same name. I am surprised at how simple some of the tunes are - I think the lead guitar and instrumentation of the originals make them sound more complex than they are. Cool!



I should have sat down and learned some of the big hits years ago, but was more into country blues. Just fun.




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Thanks EA



Maybe because of the odd gig sound disaster in the past, I am always interested in improved gadgetry for acoustic guitar on stage.



But as EA can attest, it is no guarantee of anything working live. A few years back, I got asked to play solo in the breaks of a band, but they were so late I had to start first and I had my trusty Aura pedal and acoustic amp and guitar with Fishman active ......blah, blah, blah.......which all sounded wonderful except it was way too soft and my vocals were through the PA and the soundguy made them so loud I couldn't hear my amp!!! And he wandered off to help load in the very late band stuff and left me to flounder.


So yes, I am very interested in getting the TC Helicon Play Acoustic sorted - vocals and guitar and effects in one box! What could go wrong? [biggrin] [biggrin] [biggrin]




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