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Something strange happened.....


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After around 10 years without a Gibson my Fender passion was strong. My latest purchase (around 2 weeks ago) was going to be a buzz, a 22 year old '52 RI Tele with boutique pickups. It was awesome. The pickups were chimey and creamy, the neck a tapering V. Beautiful. Yet something wasn't right. I ignored it at first but after a few days I knew it wasn't happening. I was trawling the guitar shops looking at other Teles. Maybe a 72 Custom or another Baja was the ticket? I had my credit card burning through my wallet. I came home with this...




My first love was the Les Paul but for years I have been looking at Gibson's crazy offerings and thinking wtf?? Expensive and gimmicky. Until I saw their 2016 lineup. This LP Studio Traditional is simply stunning. Fit and finish is great, feels and sounds amazing. Those Burstbuckers Rock! What attracted me to Teles was the simplicity, and that's what makes this Studio a great guitar!


At £649 it's the deal of the century.


It's good to be back.

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well then nothing wrong here folks..


another happy ending.


That's a lovely studio.


I am a lover of teles (and strats) myself. I was on the hunt for one back in 97 after offing a pretty nice american standard that I'd had for a few years. I wound up with another america standard, The problem I had with the vintage reissues is those slim frets.


I also had a beautiful Custom Shop Timemachine strat (57, Blonde, insanely gorgeous flammed maple neck) sounded amazing, but those tiny lil frets on a lacquered maple board. meh, just never settled with them.


Enjoy that paul, Love my 2 standards,...

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