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Fender Pawn Shop series


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I've yet to find one to try out, but I've heard nothing but great things about them, especially considering the price tag. I know Mike Campbell was using one in his live rig for a while. For me, if it's good enough for him to use, then it's certainly worth purchasing to try out. I thought about using about buying one to use alongside my Fender 212 Deville. I just wish they made them in tweed like the one Campbell's got [thumbup]


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1498530894[/url]' post='1864677']

I saw a Fender Excelsior amp on CL today, do any forum members have any experience with these amps?



My first tube amp I bought was an Excelsior,still play it everyday almost. Has Chinese tubes in it which I have yet to change. I keep thinking they're going to go out by using it so much,but no the the thing keep on working. Now the only thing that I don't like is it has a tube rattle I hear sometimes,I'm sure I could squeeze the tube holder and it'll stop but I was waiting for a tube to go out to fix it. Maybe while I'm thinking about it now I'll order them and change them. Other than that for 300.00 new,it was a good buy. At least in my opinion. I have a Vox AC4 I bought for the same money that's a good tube amp also,but both are different sounding I can't say which one I like best.

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I think they had a few issues with rectifier noise. If you head over to the Fender Forum, and searh the Modern Amp forum you can probably read up on it. they were very very good sounding little amps. No bells or whistles, just a good pure tube tone. too bad fender disco'd them.

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Fender discontinued them because nobody was buying them. And nobody was buying them because they apparently were not any good.


I remember when they came out, only a few years ago. I read several reviews right here about how awful they were.

I did some research. I must have read 100 reviews. 99% of them were negative; and for many reasons.


Now they are hard to find, and some are thinking they are great.


OK, Whatever... [rolleyes]

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Fender discontinued them because nobody was buying them. And nobody was buying them because they apparently were not any good.


I remember when they came out, only a few years ago. I read several reviews right here about how awful they were.

I did some research. I must have read 100 reviews. 99% of them were negative; and for many reasons.


Now they are hard to find, and some are thinking they are great.


OK, Whatever... [rolleyes]



LOL...so typical, of "human beings!" No one wants it, until they can no longer get it! ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)[lol] [lol] [lol]

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