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A bit of humor...


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A man is sitting in a bar looking sad....

The bartender asks, “Why are you so down?”

Man replies, “Well, no girls will talk to me because I have this wooden eye and it freaks them out.”

Bartender thinks for a moment, “See that cute girl sitting at the end of the bar? She used to be a professional dancer until a car accident took part of her leg and has a prosthetic. She still loves to dance but no one ever asks. Send her a drink.“

The man agrees and sends her a drink.

She smiles at him and waves him over.

The man nervously approaches her and says, “I hear you like to dance?”

She excitedly responds, “Would I!? Would I?!”

The man yells back “PEG LEG! PEG LEG!” and storms out of the bar.

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