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Played a G-45 yesterday in GC

Sgt. Pepper

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On 10/16/2021 at 11:05 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

I held one in my hands and strummed it what facts do I need. It’s like hearing about how the car handles and actually test driving it.


On 10/16/2021 at 11:05 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

I held one in my hands and strummed it what facts do I need. It’s like hearing about how the car handles and actually test driving it.


On 10/16/2021 at 11:05 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

I held one in my hands and strummed it what facts do I need. It’s like hearing about how the car handles and actually test driving it.

I guess You must want to spend 26 minutes on a guitar you don't want, because You spent and hour badmouthing it. I'll bet Your mother beat you a lot when You were a child.

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6 hours ago, ajay said:



I guess You must want to spend 26 minutes on a guitar you don't want, because You spent and hour badmouthing it. I'll bet Your mother beat you a lot when You were a child.

Your mother has been beating me a lot recently. The woman is all technique. 

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2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

Normally,  I detest Zombie threads.   But I really, really like  them when they are all about beating a dead horse.  

I want the NASCAR thread back. How many post did it take to go from inbreed drivers to nooses? And you knew Covid and Trump were just a few posts away.

Thank ajay bringing it back, and he quoted my same quote 3 times just to drive the point home.

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14 hours ago, RvrDxn said:

You forgot commie.

Now you are just making me nostalgic.  As a kid I was treated to milk, cookies and communism courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Bittelman.   But while commies, scientific socialists, anarchists and such are no longer part of our collective memory guitars and music are.  

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25 minutes ago, zombywoof said:

Now you are just making me nostalgic.  As a kid I was treated to milk, cookies and communism courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Bittelman.   But while commies, scientific socialists, anarchists and such are no longer part of our collective memory guitars and music are.  

Anyone else feel that we've dropped the string here? Something about a G-45 in a GC?

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I played all three of the Gs when they came out. Thought the 00 had a chance. The 200 sounded pretty good but I thought it was considerably overpriced at $2K.  Wildwood Guitars has finished up a year and a half run where every J200 they got in sold immediately. . They have had three G200s this whole time they got in when model was first released. I don't think they have sold a single one. I expect this line to disappear.

Edited by Mr. Paul
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I still cannot get past that review of I think it was the G45.  While I normally do not put much stock in the opinions of others this was the review where they sliced the guitar in half revealing some of the shoddiest workmanship imaginable right down to the plastic sheet rock screw holding the end pin in place.  The review gave taking shortcuts to keep price tags down a whole new meaning,

Edited by zombywoof
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27 minutes ago, zombywoof said:

I still cannot get past that review of I think it was the G45.  While I normally do not put much stock in the opinions of others this was the review where they sliced the guitar in half revealing some of the shoddiest workmanship imaginable right down to the plastic sheet rock screw holding the end pin in place.  The review gave taking shortcuts to keep price tags down a whole new meaning,

You had me at sheet rock screw.

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4 hours ago, zombywoof said:

I still cannot get past that review of I think it was the G45.  While I normally do not put much stock in the opinions of others this was the review where they sliced the guitar in half revealing some of the shoddiest workmanship imaginable right down to the plastic sheet rock screw holding the end pin in place.  The review gave taking shortcuts to keep price tags down a whole new meaning,

Yeah, I saw that review. I can deal with a sloppy glue up on the inside of a guitar, but that drywall anchor was too much for me. I couldn’t believe that was in there. If Gibson has any self-awareness, they should be hanging their heads in shame.

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4 hours ago, RvrDxn said:

Yeah, I saw that review. I can deal with a sloppy glue up on the inside of a guitar, but that drywall anchor was too much for me. I couldn’t believe that was in there. If Gibson has any self-awareness, they should be hanging their heads in shame.

Nope, they are to busy counting the cash from the Noel 355 and the Cat Stevens guitars. You think Gibson has a soul or cares about you? They care about Slash, cause Slash makes them money. Their a business. They make stuff people like, but at the end of the day it’s still about selling what they make, even if it is a guitar with a drywall screw in it.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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5 hours ago, RvrDxn said:

Yeah, I saw that review. I can deal with a sloppy glue up on the inside of a guitar, but that drywall anchor was too much for me. I couldn’t believe that was in there. If Gibson has any self-awareness, they should be hanging their heads in shame.

A bit of glue squeeze out is a time-honored tradition at Gibson.  But while Kalamazoo never feathered the top or back braces so they tucked under the lining like Martin did, if I recall the top braces in the guitar reviewed fell short of even reaching the lining.

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1 hour ago, zombywoof said:

A bit of glue squeeze out is a time-honored tradition at Gibson.  But while Kalamazoo never feathered the top or back braces so they tucked under the lining like Martin did, if I recall the top braces in the guitar reviewed fell short of even reaching the lining.

Hmm, I don’t remember that part. I do recall being surprised the headstock didn’t snap off when they dropped it on the floor.

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2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

Nope, they are to busy counting the cash from the Noel 355 and the Cat Stevens guitars. You think Gibson has a soul or cares about you? They care about Slash, cause Slash makes them money. Their a business. They make stuff people like, but at the end of the day it’s still about selling what they make, even if it is a guitar with a drywall screw in it.

What? Gibson doesn’t care about me? But . . . But . . . I thought we had something? Thought we were different, me and them. Thought that after so long I had finally found the one. Turns out I was kicked to the curb for nothing more than a nickel dry wall fastener. Oh, the agony . . .

Edited by RvrDxn
Fat fingers hit tooo manymletters
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On 8/23/2022 at 11:48 AM, zombywoof said:

I still cannot get past that review of I think it was the G45.  While I normally do not put much stock in the opinions of others this was the review where they sliced the guitar in half revealing some of the shoddiest workmanship imaginable right down to the plastic sheet rock screw holding the end pin in place.  The review gave taking shortcuts to keep price tags down a whole new meaning,

Be curious to see that review ...   where was it ?  Trying to envision a plastic drywall screw holding an end pin in place...

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Thanks RvrDxn -   You're a gentleman and a scholar!!

I watched most  will watch the whole thing again later.  But seemed the reviewer is in the mode where, like a food critic, he gets more hits/$ the more criticisms he can come up with....    Great case - BUT not a hardshell, etc.

He spent more time complaining about the fact the Gibson logo was spray painted on the headstock than the  fact the fingerboard and bridge were ebony..   'braces are scalloped, but end grain is rough' ... 

I think his main issue is making the point Gibson's low end guitars at $1500 should be closer to their high end.  The G-45 should be closer to a J45.    As far as the 'plastic drywall screw'....  it's an anchor/mollie.  Commonly used to make sure an actual screw (or in this case - an endpin)  stays secure in the hole.   Like the glue drops inside  he complained about a few times - these are hidden, cosmetic and do not affect tone, playability etc.  Only make the guitar more affordable.  Amusingly - he noted there were fewer glue drops inside on the back than on the face - and said it was because Gibson knew you couldn't see the ones on the face.  I can really see a supervisor telling a worker -  "Don't be careful gluing the braces on the face, our customers will never know." 

The only real problem is - it's a US made guitar in a small hands on facility - not made in China on an assembly line where the workers get  25 cents an hour. 

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