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Difference with Humbuckers, burstbuckers, tradbuckers, burstbucker pro , burstbucker pro 2


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I have several guitars and many different sounds , but I am always confused when it comes to difference in pickup s 

I buy based on play and sound in the guitar 

2010 LPS vs 2018 LPS

my guitars are 1275 sg , LPstudio 2010,2018,2021 

recently started buying stand alone pick up s to replace so i can see difference , like blusy sounds  57,plus, 58s 

when I play in stores I can see no difference with amps vs pickups  using same guitar 

any one really see difference when using these and have really good explanation for differences 

I know I like Es vs sg and hear difference in legacy vs current 

but always play different ones and know difference in craftmanship or electronics 

can anyone explain 

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I can relate one personal experience.

In 2015 was trying out a Les Paul Standard at my local store (PMT). There were two sound booths. One with a Marshal amp & the other with Orange amp.

I tried every tone combination I could between guitar & both amps. I could not get a 'usable' sound (a sound I was happy to use live). Before quitting, I plugged in a different Less+ LP. I immediately liked the sound. 

On the way out I asked at the desk what pickups were in the guitars. Answer Standard: Burstbuckers. and the Less+: 57 Classics.

This surprised me. The specs for both pickups didnt appear that different. In itself it doesnt prove anything other than a personal preference for one sound over an other. I wanted to like the Standard. It had a fine looking wine red top. I finished up buying a Less+, (though not that one in store).

So I seem to be able to discern some PU differences.

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I have read a lot on this topic over the years. 

There are people out there who are guitar pickup aficionados (credentialed masters and self-appointed experts alike) who can school us chapter and verse on the art and science of alnico numerals, the numbers of windings, wax coatings, and string heights.  And they will use terms like quack, grunt, squawk, punchiness, aggressiveness, creamy mid-range, and sparkling top end. 
They will swear that there is a profound difference between this type of pickup over here and that one over there. 

Me, I just have to trust my ears and my hands. 

It's true that I have changed out some pickups in my day, from pedestrian stock humbuckers to legendary name-brand jobbies, but I can honestly say that the improvement that I could divine from the changing was barely discernable. 
To me anyway. 

Good luck in your quest. 
I hope you find some answers. 




Edited by sparquelito
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Humbuckers that Gibson puts in their guitars are all going to sound like humbuckers (as opposed to single coils or other types).  The main difference between them is the number of wraps of wire around the bobbin.  Most are wax potted, but a few are not (and the unpotted will sound quite different).  In the end you just have to play them and see what tones you like, but there are considerable differences and some will sound brighter and with more treble whereas other will be more mellow sounding.

Edited by Twang Gang
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I’ve owned about 40 Gibsons with HB’s over the years… Years ago I traded a Grocery bag of bunk Weed for a Guitar. I didn’t know much about Electric Guitars but it looked pretty.. Turned out to be a 1959 Gibson ES345 in Sunburst.. It was mint! Those PAF’s were the best sounding Pickups I’ve ever heard… Thinking newer is better I traded it a few years later for a bunch of Recording Equipment & a Bass..

I’ve been chasing that Sound ever since. Hence the 40 Gibson Guitars with HB’s.. They all sounded good. Each sounded different to my ears.. I can’t tell you why… Although none have sounded like the PAF’s in my old 59 ES345….

Currently I have an ES335 with 57’s, LP Std Plus 490R & 498T & an ES Les Paul with MHS Pickups.. They are all beautiful Guitars & sound great.. All sound different to me.

Still none of those Guitars have sounded as good as my old 59………..

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