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Vintage Gibson Case ?


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Hello,  I am hoping someone can identify the era this guitar case is from.  My 1956 Les Paul came in this case but I’m not sure this is period correct.

Would the case be 1960’s or perhaps 1970’s?

Thanks in advance.

Seems my photos exceed the file size limit.

Black case with Gibson stencilled on the lower bout of the case. Crushed purple velvet pile. Leather Handle is attached to 2 fixed buckles on the case.  


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43 minutes ago, merciful-evans said:

Use a picture hosting site (I use Imgur). upload your pix there and use the links they provide to post here. I use the one they describe as DIRECT LINK. You can post it straight here in the text field and it will display properly.

Thanks that was easier than I thought !!!

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Thanks that makes sense as that’s what the Les Paul was described as in the ad. An early 70’s issue. Turned out to be a ‘56 Les Paul.

It’s odd that the case has a leather handle and is attached to the case by two buckles.  The buckle attachments look to be quite old. Would 70’s cases have this buckle attachment?

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The original handle broke off. They were plastic & prone to breaking. I’ve had to fix quite a few through the years. This is how I fix mine with a similar handle to the original. Newer cases have handles that are much thicker where they use to break.


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Here is the story and I’ll add the other pics in subsequent posts.  I was looking to purchase a 1970’s Les Paul and came across one being sold on eBay. I must admit it looked sketchy and there was very little info about it.  The Gibson logo didn’t look right, the serial number was smudged, the guitar had been refinished etc etc.  The only thing  that caught my eye was in the cut away there was a piece of wood insert into it to compensate for the radius.  I thought on 70’s Les Pauls this is covered over with the binding.  I knew 50’s Les Pauls had the wood insert but this was a long shot.

So I ended up buying the guitar.  It shipped from California to Toronto during an unbelievable cold snap.  When I received the guitar I let it acclimatize to the home environment for 12 hours. When I unpacked it and opened the case the entire finish was off the guitar like broken pieces of glass. I’d never seen that before or since. Lots of other damage as well and I was really p’od.

So after looking it over  I contacted the repair shop in Nashville and agreed to send the guitar for an assessment.  So the guitar arrived in Nashville and it was examined by the experts and lo and behold they tell me it’s a genuine 1956 Les Paul with a bunch of crap parts - knobs, tuners, pick guard etc.  Very odd. So I asked them to completely restore it to factory specs and refinish it.  This they did and it is now an amazing quitar.

Quite a story. And I still have it.



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