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Fatty's on planes.


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Heres the thing' date=' the more weight on the plane the more gas it burns. The plane companies should just charge by the pound.[/quote']


Exactly. Weight is a factor more than number of passengers so to charge by weight makes sense. We had a story in the local papers within the last month or so of a small plane carrying some locals that crashed in Montana and a lot of the speculation was about overloading the plane.

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By weight would be an excellent idea, but impractical unless the goverment had a reg mandating it. There's no way you'd get most people to get on a scale in public, even if the actual numbers were only visible to the agent. It would also be a good idea from a safety standpoint, the standard person according to the FAA is 170 pounds for men and 130 for women. Weight and balance calculations for airplanes generally use these numbers for lack of anything better. This means with the increase in average weight (the metric was set by the predecessor to the FAA back in the 50's and it may have been increased to 180/140 a couple years ago) some airplanes are taking off very close to their maximum certified takeoff weight. If you weighed everyone, you'd have a better idea of how close the plane was to max weight but you might also see people being bumped because the plane was overweight!

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I think it's fair to charge an extremely overweight person for 2 seats. However, I'd also like the option to purchase a second seat for myself so I don't have some **** next to me thinking it's acceptable to lean on me while he's sleeping. Also, if the airlines are making rules for passenger's comfort, I'd also like a rule making it mandatory to have your children sedated before boarding a flight.

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Once again' date=' [b']RACISM [/b]rears it's head.


Per Wikipedia:



The term race or racial group usually refers to the categorization of humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics. The most widely used human racial categories are based on salient traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.


Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not the concept of race is biologically warranted; the ways in which political correctness might fuel either the affirmation or the denial of race; and the degree to which perceived differences in ability and achievement, categorized on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i.e., genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.


Yeah, fatty is a derogatory term

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Fat aint no race



derogatory |di'räg??tôre|


showing a critical or disrespectful attitude : she tells me I'm fat and is always making derogatory remarks.


derogatorily |-?tôr?le| |d?'r?g?'t?r?li| |di'r?g?'t?r?li| adverb

ORIGIN early 16th cent. (in the sense [impairing in force or effect] ): from late Latin derogatorius, from derogat- ‘abrogated,’ from the verb derogare (see derogate ).

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derogatory |di'räg??tôre|


showing a critical or disrespectful attitude : she tells me I'm fat and is always making derogatory remarks.


derogatorily |-?tôr?le| |d?'r?g?'t?r?li| |di'r?g?'t?r?li| adverb

ORIGIN early 16th cent. (in the sense [impairing in force or effect] ): from late Latin derogatorius' date=' from derogat- ‘abrogated,’ from the verb derogare (see derogate ).







yes Eye was with you on that I had your back man :)

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It takes a lot of work to get Obese. Not just overweight, chunky, or less than model perfect, but Obese. It takes a lot of food to maintain hugeness, and a lot of time to eat that food. That's a lot of effort and many many bad decisions in a row. It's not like some people are just born to be 300 pounds, they gotta work on it.

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Fat aint no race


...and the degree to which perceived differences in ability and achievement' date=' categorized on the basis of race' date=' are a product of inherited (i.e., genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.[/quote'']


I dunno. Based loosely on the above factors, I think it may be construed that could be.



Look around you over 75% of the population (Americans at least) are overweight. Much of this is due to environmental, social and cultural factors.



...but I also feel that if their big a$s is taking up two seats, then they should buy two seats. :)

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Also' date=' this change is for tall people too - if you have to put your feet in the area of the seat next to you because they won't fit under your own set they'll have to pay for a 2nd seat too.[/quote']


Well my friend once "upgraded" to a seat with more legroom for $40. It gave him a whole 4 inches more of legroom (yep, $10 an inch!). I always get an aisle seat myself for two reasons: 1) I can get up without bothering anyone, and 2) if the person next to me is bothering me for whatever reason, I just kinda lean into the aisle a bit away from him/her. I just don't let people get to me (I usually work on my laptop with Rush cranked in my ears for the entire flight).

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