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Shuffling guitars of late


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Couple big shake-ups in my inventory. I sold my 1947 L-5. I don't know if I'll bother to replace it. I've had dozens of archtops and I guess I'm resigned to the fact that if I have to work my fingers off to get any sound out of something, it's not worth it. If I sell my Heritage Super Eagle I may consider something like a Johnny Smith and just use it electrically. I don't see me having an acoustic archtop. These words will come back to haunt me. But I'm saying them anyway.

In October I went to Nashville, met with George Gruhn, and ended up buying one of his Veristar guitars, serial number 20. I fell in love with it on the spot. They shipped it, UPS smashed it, Crushed the top. It went back to the factory and the top was replaced. Spot on flawless job. Then I spent some time with it and fell out of love. It's currently back at Gruhn's on consignment. 

When I was at Gruhn's there was a silver sparkle Strat on the wall. Over the top speedboat Buck Owens silver sparkle. I dragged my wife over to gaze at it. We gazed. I walked away. I thought about it. A lot. I pulled the trigger. A lot of money. Turns out to be a one-off 2009 1960 NOS from the Custom Shop. And I paid dearly for it. Don't care. I love it. I don't have to fight to get Pipeline. Or Perfidia. Or Penetration. Walk Don't Run. Mr. Moto. And others.

Other than that, I would thin the herd some more but the seller's market sucks tremendous large moose gonads at the moment.

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We finally counted them the other day. I have 46, but that’s counting about 5 banjos and a couple mandolins. I’d thin the herd but the market is horrible. There’s a few I’d like to buy but not going to until I can flip a few. 

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I’m up to 35.. I don’t really need any more but there are still some I’d like to get!

I keep saying, “Not til you Sell off about 10”… But, I can’t seem to bring myself to part with them…. Is there something wrong with me?

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8 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

I’m up to 35.. I don’t really need any more but there are still some I’d like to get!

I keep saying, “Not til you Sell off about 10”… But, I can’t seem to bring myself to part with them…. Is there something wrong with me?

No, emphatically, no.  And not that I am at all invested in believing this answer… PD whistles off into the wind…..

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We made it to an even dozen this month, including the banjos, and not including the lizard green Mitchell we still have to get to the niece.  

We are trying to be strong, but dang, something keeps popping up. Plus, I don’t have a 12 string yet, and now a roundneck reso is on the wish list for the slide player, who already has 3 square-necks. I’m thinking we are going to be ordering a 3rd big rack sooner than I expected.  Argh.  No room, no room!!

We Just picked up one of those beginner recording bundles though, so after I break my brain trying to figure it out, I’m looking forward to posting some samples of the L1 if anyone is curious. Just give me a year or so 🙄

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