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Bacon Explosion: The BBQ Sausage Recipe of all Recipes


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Nah' date=' but assault bacon might be.


Bacon... Is there anything it can't do?


Rich that link is not working... but it's because it has the word ridiculous which gets edited by the forum...


so any of the guys not getting into that page can go to the adress box of explorer, firefox, or whatever, and replace the little ****s with c-u-l-o

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Rich that link is not working... but it's because it has the word ridiculous which gets edited by the forum...


so any of the guys not getting into that page can go to the adress box of explorer' date=' firefox, or whatever, and replace the little ****s with c-u-l-o[/quote']


Thanks, man. I replaced it with a TinyURL link. Sometimes this message board filter is ridiculous. :-

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Oh help me - that picture The Mick put up - the girl, the bacon. I keep going back and looking at it.

It is so intensely wrong on so many levels, but I want it so, so badly.

I am disturbed at just how disturbed I am.

Needs more fat, though.

In the bacon only.

She's poifict.



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Hey Bowdiddley - great avatar, coolest name and a good call there too.

Man - I was hoping for a picture of Dutch's Gourmet Cowboy Gravy,

but this old joke tickled me once again.....




And the guy who said.....

I'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing.

.....put this up as a starting point, before wrapping it in bacon.



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